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Help find ' Arma 2 sniper in Iraq'

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Hello All.

I am desperate to find the game Arma 2 'Sniper in Iraq' but apart from seeing it in youtube I cannot find anything else about it. I really wish to have this game, if you can help me trace a copy down I'd be very grateful indeed as I'm severely disabled and playing good games helps me pass the time.



I am very sorry, but I don't thnik this is the right place to post this topic, could a moderator please move it to the correct position, being a pensioner is not funny as you find it hard keeping up with all these modern ways of communicating.

Edited by zl2bmh
wrong topic

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Welcome to the forum :)

As far as I know, there isn't a product by that name.

If you are looking for a mission, you might try searching in the user missions subforum.

If you are looking for a mod, such as an iraq-like island, try the Addons & Mods: Complete forum.

If you are looking for something different and have tried those two places, PM me. Thank you :)


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