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Generate random enemies around towns - looking for a script

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Tired of manually placing OPFOR units on the map - was wondering if there was a script anyone can think of which will dynamically generate enemy soldiers as the player characters move around the map?

Would be nice to have this capability as my missions get laggy due to the amount of enemies I place trying to populate the whole map. Surely someone has created a script that will do this? I'm creating a mission where the player is a guerrilla, so the entire map (Lingor in this case, but would use on any map) needs to have an enemy presence. Was thinking something like 1 squad + 1 technical at least per town, but can obviously change this.

Any ideas?



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DAC 2 might also be an option when you want to have more control about what kind of enemies will be created in which part of the map.

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Don't you mean DAC 3.0? (which BTW is the best fraking AI script ever for Arma)

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Looks like DAC requires a separate addon - I'm really looking for a script more than anything, preferably one that will interface cleanly with ACE?

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DAC is included in ACE. And it can also be used as a script, or addon.

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Ah, fantastic! Any idea where I can find some tutorials on how to use it?

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I believe there was something like 30 demo missions and a pretty detailed manual coming with it.

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Right, I'll give it a shot once I can track down the demo missions etc. Thanks all!

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Right, I'll give it a shot once I can track down the demo missions etc. Thanks all!

My advice is to read the manual all the way through.. it's a lot to go over but with the demo missions you'll be able to figure it out. The DAC thread here has some good info as well and there is a custom DAC configs thread somewhere too :)

Also.. while ACE comes with DAC I personally tend to use the script version as it is much easier to change the default configs.. but that's just me :p

Edited by SavageCDN

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