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Enemy carrier units

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I'm sure it's been mentioned, but the enemy carrier doesn't deploy air or sea units when confronted in the strategy game and I discovered why just now :)

I was moving to take an island (vattland) and I saw numbered mantas sort of zooming around in circles in the centre of the island over water. I took my carrier in closer and saw walruses there too, and all this while the enemy carrier was attacking a separate island two islands away - I think it leaves them behind for some reason (it had taken the island from me a short time earlier). This is near the start of a new game, and I think it was the 2nd of my islands it had attacked. Hope this helps chaps, keep up the good work :D

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I'm sure it's been mentioned, but the enemy carrier doesn't deploy air or sea units when confronted in the strategy game and I discovered why just now :)

I was moving to take an island (vattland) and I saw numbered mantas sort of zooming around in circles in the centre of the island over water. I took my carrier in closer and saw walruses there too, and all this while the enemy carrier was attacking a separate island two islands away - I think it leaves them behind for some reason (it had taken the island from me a short time earlier). This is near the start of a new game, and I think it was the 2nd of my islands it had attacked. Hope this helps chaps, keep up the good work :D

This looks like the enemy carrier is cheating, it should not be allowed to go and attack another island and leave its units behind, they should all self destruct when they are out of telemetry range, as does the players units, so DEVS lets even things up by correcting this please.

Make the enemy mantas and walruses take an island in the same fashion as the player does, ie attacking island units to overrun the island or hacking the command centre just as the player does, or using a hammerhead missile and then setting up its own command centre, which should take a lot longer before it becomes an enemy island.

Edited by solrac42

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