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Delta Hawk

80s, 90s, early 2000 US Military

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I take it you want the ability to pick up and drop a container?

If it is like that, i'd suggest taking a look at a few cargo loading scripts already available, like the sling loading ones, albeigh making it simpler.

If anything, I would try and get a named selection point for the location at which you want the cargo to be secured (say, the middle point between all four coupling points (don't know the right name)), where you'd attach the container.

Past that, a simple proximity condition where you're the vehicle in question, and to only detect arma's big container classnames, and perhaps the orientation so you're perpendicular to the container (but i may be making it harder this way).


A quick adaptation based on a old version of (IIRC) BTC's sling loading script (hope they don't mind me doing this :p):


lift = 1;
lifted = 0;
_container = objNull;
container_lifted = objNull;

while {true} do
waitUntil {vehicle player != player && (vehicle player iskindof "dv43_classname");};
if (!(vehicle player == player)) then 
	_dv43 = vehicle player;
	_dv43pos = getpos _dv43;
	_couplingpoint = _dv43 selectionposition "insert_coupling_point_name_here";
	_containers_available = nearestObjects [_dv43, ["static"], 20];
	if (count _containers_available > 1) then {_container = _containers_available select 1;} else {_container = objNull;};
	if ((_container iskindof "static") && (_dv43 distance _couplingpoint < 5) && (driver _dv43 == player)) then
		container_lifted = _container;
		if (lifted == 1) then {_dv43 removeAction containerActionId;};
		_containerpos = getpos _container;
		_containerdir = getdir _container;
		_dv43dir = getdir _dv43;
		if ((lifted == 0) && ("set_orientation_conditions_here") && (lift == 1)) then
			if (_dv43 iskindof "dv43_classname") then 
				if (_container iskindof "Misc_cargo1b_military" || _container iskindof "Misc_cargo1bo_military" || _container iskindof "land_Misc_cargo1e_ep1" || _container iskindof "land_Misc_cargo1eo_ep1") then 
					containerActionId = _dv43 addAction ["Lift container","\addon_name\attachcontainer.sqf"];
					lift = 0;
		if ((_dv43 isKindOf "dv43_classname" && (lift == 0)) && ((_couplingpoint distance _container > 5))) then 
			_dv43 removeAction containerActionId;
			lift = 1;
sleep 0.1;

if(true) exitWith {};


_dv43 = vehicle player;
_dv43 removeAction containerActionId;
if (_dv43 isKindOf "dv43_classname") then
if (container_lifted iskindof "Misc_cargo1b_military" || container_lifted iskindof "Misc_cargo1bo_military" || container_lifted iskindof "land_Misc_cargo1e_ep1" || container_lifted iskindof "land_Misc_cargo1eo_ep1") then
container_lifted attachto [_dv43,[x,y,z]];
lifted = 1;
dropcontainer = 0;
vehicle player vehicleChat "Container lifted";
releaseActionId = _dv43 addAction ["Drop container","addon_name\detachcontainer.sqf"];


lifted = 0;
_dv43 = vehicle player;
_dv43 removeAction releaseActionId;
detach container_lifted;
sleep 0.01;
if (container_lifted iskindof "static") then {
_altfinal = ((getposASL cargo_lifted) select 2) - ((getpos cargo_lifted) select 2);
container_lifted setposASL [getpos cargo_lifted select 0, getpos cargo_lifted select 1, _altfinal];
vehicle player vehicleChat "Container dropped";

Now, there may be a few rough edges on there, the orientation conditions missing and maybe a few newbie mistakes, but it should prove useful, i think.

Edited by Evil_Brownie
grammar, how i hate you...

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beautiful the DV-43 has a texture very detailed can not wait that this mod is released :D

Edited by joker006

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All user control are done via the user action input buttons (i.e. numpad1,2,3,4,5 .etc). Though I would need to refer back to the actual DV-43 manual, basically when the engine is on and the health of the vehicle is good, the driver of the vehicle can use the controls to manipulate the mast and spreader. These actions should be able to be performed at the same time, i.e. rotate and raise the mast at the same time. Once the spreader is position over a cargo container, lights in the inside would light up saying it's ok to lock the spreader to the container. Once locked via user button, you can raise the mast and move with the container. Then you can drop it and while over certain vehicles, once the container is detached, it automatically attaches it's self to that vehicle. The spreader would also have to be dettachable to transport the vehicle via lowboy. The model already has all the points and animations needed. All I need is a script that makes it work.

If anyone wants to attempt to make a script, I can give you a more detail pseudo code description with all the classnames, animations and point names.

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Here's a couple dev shots of my M1025's high poly doors. It's not 100% but nobody will be able to tell what's wrong. I'm going to use photoshop to add the nuts, bolts and rivets. Hopefully later today I'll start projecting onto the lowpoly.



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Holy Jesus dude. That looks outstanding. Keep up the fantastic work.

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Damn, I'm on a roll today. It feels great to get back in the saddle and do this stuff. To be honest when I begin alot of this stuff I'm not sure at all if it'll come out looking good. I'm gonna bake a AO dirt map real quick then I'm moving over the photoshop to add all the rivets, bolts, nuts, decals blah blah blah. Maybe I'll go into mudbox and paint some wear and tear. Hopefully I get done tonight with the doors.



---------- Post added at 23:25 ---------- Previous post was at 23:24 ----------

A million polys down to 1,200. Gotta love projection mapping!

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Omg man that is some of the best stuff i've ever seen!

I want to go to there ;)

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Damn, I'm on a roll today. It feels great to get back in the saddle and do this stuff. To be honest when I begin alot of this stuff I'm not sure at all if it'll come out looking good. I'm gonna bake a AO dirt map real quick then I'm moving over the photoshop to add all the rivets, bolts, nuts, decals blah blah blah. Maybe I'll go into mudbox and paint some wear and tear. Hopefully I get done tonight with the doors.



A million polys down to 1,200. Gotta love projection mapping!

Baking is the best right? Gotta say, that is one damn sexy HMMWV, loving the details such as the normal map accenting the curves (but only just, not making the edge too big) and the plating.

Your texturing method has inspired me to try a few things, but I'm curious. Do you also add a bit of noise, perhaps some bits of cloud rendering and then erase around them or simply go in with a small pixel brush and swath over a few spots?

Edited by NodUnit

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The camo paint looks absolutely perfect. How did you do that?

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Great work, I love the attention to detail.

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That's guys for your comments! :D

Baking is a win lose method as in it takes a lot of time, but produces results that's almost impossible to do in Photoshop. I also make a height map in photoshop for some plating, rivets, bolts .etc and make a normal map from that, I then set that layer to overlay and put it onto of the normal map I baked from the high poly.

Too much work goes into the paint to explain it here. I guess I could make a tutorial or something that shows how I do it if enough people would like that.

Here's a picture of my gun turret. What do you all think of it? I added small details to my doors and finally added the air restriction guage.



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Looking very good, glad to see the appreciation for labels and dials by making them all nice and sharply readable.

The only thing that looks a bit odd to me is on the top, the upper left of the canopy has a patch of long streaky scratches that seem to stand out a bit more than that the rest, maybe done that bit down just a tad.

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The speed guage works as per real life with accurate mph and kmph. The gas guage works too sort of. The guages are only suppose to work when the vehicle is on but I don't know how to script it.

Anybody want to script it? I still would like people to try to script the RTCH. Who ever makes working scripts can get an alpha release.

The scratches are random in a way, but then again it kind of fits since weapons, gear, ammo, twigs and tree branches scrape the paint all the time. In fact, it almost seems fitting for that part since weapons systems like the M2 would be slid over the paint. Most of my references shows the top and turret in an advance state of wear and tear, which I'm assumeing is because of all the gear and weapons that get slid around up there.

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Any idea on when this will be coming out Delta?

Im really looking forward to this mod.

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I do have a release date plan but I keep it private because it changes as my life's situation changes.

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The speed guage works as per real life with accurate mph and kmph. The gas guage works too sort of. The guages are only suppose to work when the vehicle is on but I don't know how to script it.

Anybody want to script it? I still would like people to try to script the RTCH. Who ever makes working scripts can get an alpha release.

The scratches are random in a way, but then again it kind of fits since weapons, gear, ammo, twigs and tree branches scrape the paint all the time. In fact, it almost seems fitting for that part since weapons systems like the M2 would be slid over the paint. Most of my references shows the top and turret in an advance state of wear and tear, which I'm assumeing is because of all the gear and weapons that get slid around up there.

While scripting the gauges is possible I think it's better to use the in engine method as scripting will cause noticeable lag with the gauges, for stuff like the fuel gauge it won't be an issue but seeing as the speedo wont be moving at all unless the engine is on that probably doesn't need to be scripted.

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The scratches are random in a way, but then again it kind of fits since weapons, gear, ammo, twigs and tree branches scrape the paint all the time. In fact, it almost seems fitting for that part since weapons systems like the M2 would be slid over the paint. Most of my references shows the top and turret in an advance state of wear and tear, which I'm assumeing is because of all the gear and weapons that get slid around up there.

Right, but what I mean is that particular patch stands out and looks a bit odd in comparison to the subtle effect going over the rest of the hood. The most visible scratches have a sort of uniformity to them (the mostly horizontal streaks) and then you have the patch off to the side that has many long streaks going in various directions and rather spread out, but very clear to see as well. Not exactly a complaint mind you, it just looks a pinch out of place when all other random scratches are far more subtle or not as packed in an open space.

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Looks like everything's coming along nicely! If you want some good pics of USAF gear, here is a resource site showing good views of USAF battle dress from 1940-2012.


Edited by Laqueesha

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I only plan on making an regular Airman, flight line Airman, maybe a MP and maybe some other common Airman, but for the most part the Navy and Air Force will have few units for now. Later on when I get into special forces I'll do Navy SEALs, AF PJs and CCTs.

I know there's a scripting method that can ease or even eliminate the lag issue, I just don't know how to script. I think it would be worth it because it's the smallest, tiniest functional detail that really creates immersion.

I really need dedicated help in scripting my addons. This is only a small part of what I need scripted.

---------- Post added at 00:10 ---------- Previous post was at 00:09 ----------

Nobody noticed the M871 in the background???

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DeltaHawk- Have you PM'd Stiltman? I know he's busy, but he's a great resource for scripting things such as animated sections on models. For instance, he and ExA have worked on the Husky Mine Detector. If need be, I can reach out to him, but he may respond faster to you, seeing as how you've made tremendous strides here.

Good luck.

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Thanks Raptor 6 Actual! I'll message him soon. I really need people to step up and take on these scripting tasks. There's a lot I need scripted.

I took a break from working on the main focus of my mod to do another less important vehicle, the M870A1. I finished most of it expect the wheels which I think I'll do high poly to low poly since that makes the wheels look 100x better.

The M870A1 is an articulating gooseneck low bed trailer, use to transport just about everything except the M1 Abrams tank (to the best of my knowledge).

This will greatly increase the logistics behind playing ArmA2, such as in Domination Multiplayer missions you can use the M870A1 to retrieve light armored vehicles to gain access to use them, or vehicle recovery or transportation missions.




Realistically though it'll probably just give losers more opportunities to troll multiplayer games but I'm sure die hard real sim players will enjoy this aspect of game play.

Edited by Delta Hawk

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