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I have a couple questions about Script Restrictions.

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First question: Is this a easier to view or look at our scrips.txt file? Right now mine is a huge mess and I really can't tell where one ends and one begins.

Second question: I've looked and read several times but I can't seem to find a defined answer. How exactly does BE report a script number? Like does for instance Script restriction #17 go to a line in my scripts.txt file or does it go to a specific restriction?

Thanks in advance for the help.. I have googled and binged my questions and I can't seem to find defined answers.

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Per $able's post:

#0 is the number of the filter/restriction in createvehicle.txt, usually line number - 1, "MedBox0" is the type of the vehicle/unit being created, 92:4 is the network ID ([client ID]:[object ID]) and [-18594,25833,369] is the spawn position.

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I know that stuff eddieck. I guess i asked it my question wrong. For instance for some reason I always get kicked from the game if I parachute out of the huey and it crashes. I get a script restriction #40 or #38... So I guess what I should of asked is, what does #40 and #38 correspond with in the text that shows what are restrictions? Here is my pastebin. Pastebin for some reason kind of straightened it out a tad but in my notepad its just a dang mess. So like does #40/#38 go to line 40/38 or does it point to a different area?


//new //#+2 ;PoC

1 addAction !"\"addAction\"," !"_action1 = _unit addAction [localize \"str_actions_medical_01" !"s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize \"str_actions_medical_15\",_te" !"raddAction = 'addAction'" !"raddActioncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addAction.sqf')" !"null = _holder addAction [format[(localize \"STR_DAYZ_CODE_1\"),_name], \"\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\object_pickup.sqf\"," !"NORRN_dropAction = player addAction [\"Drop body\", \"\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\drop_body.sqf\",_dragee, 0, false, true];" !"s_player_dropflare = player addAction [format[localize \"str_actions_medical_16\",_text],"

1 addEventHandler !"\"addEventHandler" !"displayAddEventHandler" !"raddEventhandler = 'addEventhandler'" !"raddEventhandlercode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addEventhandler.sqf')" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{[_this,\"zombieKills\"] call local_eventKill}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call fnc_usec_damageVehicle}}];" !"eh2 = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call object_vehicleKilled}}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"GetOut\", {[(_this select 0),"position"] call server_updateObject;}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call fnc_usec_damageHandler;0} ];" !"eh2 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Fired\", {_this call player_fired;}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Killed\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"_id = player addEventHandler [\"Respawn\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"dayz_originalPlayer = _oldUnit;\n_oldUnit addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\",{false}];\n_oldUnit disableAI \"ANIM\";" !"_timeN = time;\n\n_id = _agent addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"eh_player_killed = player addeventhandler [\"FiredNear\",{_this call player_weaponFiredNear;} ];"

1 displayAddEventHandler !"\"displayAddEventHandler\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt\"];\nplayer disableConversation"

5 addGroupIcon !"\"addGroupIcon\","

1 addPublicVariableEventHandler !"\"addPublicVariableEventHandler\"," !"DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"remExField" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecution" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" !"\"drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select"

1 addRating !"\"addRating\","

1 addResources !"\"addResources\","

1 addSwitchableUnit !"\"addSwitchableUnit\"," !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;" !"addSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;"

5 addWaypoint !"\"addWaypoint\","

1 allowDamage !"\"allowDamage\"," !"player allowDamage true;" !"_object allowDamage false;"

1 allowDammage !"\"allowDammage\"," !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this"

1 attachTo !"\"attachTo\"," !"_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];" !"_fl attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect2\"];" !"_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];" !"_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];" !"_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_vehicle,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];"

1 createDialog !"\"createDialog\"," !"createDialog \"RscDisplayGenderSelect\";"

1 createMarker !"\"createMarker\"," !"createMarkerLocal" !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {"

1 createMarkerLocal !"\"createMarkerLocal\"," !"rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal'" !"rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf')"

1 createMenu !"\"createMenu\"," !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_createmenu' || false) then {"

1 createSimpleTask !"\"createSimpleTask\"," !"rcreateSimpleTask = 'createSimpleTask'" !"rcreateSimpleTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createSimpleTask.sqf')"

1 createUnit !"\"createUnit\"," !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,\"NONE\"]"

5 createMine !"\"createMine\","

5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\","

5 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" !"_bag = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder_ItemTent\",_pos,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir _dir;\nplayer reveal _bag;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;"

5 createVehicleLocal !"\"createVehicleLocal\"," !"_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;" !"_fl = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;" !"_lightArea = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_lightSpark = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos (_this select 0);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_source setParticleParams" !"_smoke = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));"

1 disableUserInput !"\"disableUserInput\"," !"disableUserInput false;"

1 editorSetEventHandler !"\"editorSetEventHandler\","

1 enableSimulation !"\"enableSimulation\"," !"renablesimulation = 'enablesimulation'" !"renablesimulationcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'enablesimulation.sqf')" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" !"dayz_originalPlayer enableSimulation true;" !">> \"dayz_anim\" >> \"isUpdated\");\nplayer enableSimulation true;"

1 inGameUISetEventHandler !"\"inGameUISetEventHandler\","

1 onPlayerConnected !"\"onPlayerConnected\"," !"textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf"

1 onPlayerDisconnected !"\"OnPlayerDisconnected\","

1 publicVariable !"\"publicVariable\"," !"publicVariableClient" !"publicVariableServer" !"addPublicVariableEventHandler" !"publicVariable \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariable _playerObjName;" !"publicVariable \"BIS_MPF_logic\";" !"publicVariable \"usecEpi\";" !"publicVariable \"remExFP\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin2\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHitV\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzUpdateVehicle\";" !"usecBandage = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";" !"usecBandage = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";\nplayer setdamage 0;" !"usecBleed = [_unit,_wound,_hit];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";" !"usecBleed = [player,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"usecBleed = [_playerObj,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"dayzRoadFlare = [_projectile,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzRoadFlare\";\n_id = _this spawn player_throwObject;" !"dayzHideBody = _item;\npublicVariable \"dayzHideBody\";\nhideBody _item;\" hideBody _item;" !"usecTransfuse = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecTransfuse\";" !"player removeMagazine \"ItemMorphine\";\n\nusecMorphine = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";" !"usecMorphine = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";\nplayer setVariable [\"USEC_inPain\", false, true];" !"dayzSetFix = [_vehicle,_selection,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFix\";" !"dayzSetFuel spawn local_sefFuel;\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFuel\";" !"usecPainK = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecPainK\";" !"dayzGutBody = _array;\npublicVariable \"dayzGutBody\";" !"dayzDeath = [dayz_characterID,0,_body,_playerID,dayz_playerName];\npublicVariable \"dayzDeath\";" !"publicVariable "dayzPublishObj";\nif (isServer) then {\ndayzPublishObj call server_publishObj;\n};"

1 publicVariableClient !"\"publicVariableClient\"," !"_clientID publicVariableClient \"dayzPlayerLogin\";"

1 publicVariableServer !"\"publicVariableServer\"," !"publicVariableServer \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLoginRecord\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzCharDisco\";\nif (isServer) then {\n\ndayzCharDisco call server_characterSync;"

1 removeAllEventHandlers !"\"removeAllEventHandlers\","

1 sendTask !"\"sendTask\","

1 serverCommand !"\"serverCommand\"," !"serverCommandAvailable"

1 serverCommandAvailable !"\"serverCommandAvailable\","

1 setCurrentTask !"\"setCurrentTask\"," !"rsetCurrentTask = 'setCurrentTask'" !"rsetCurrentTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTask.sqf')" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrays = 'setCurrentTaskArrays'" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrayscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTaskArrays"

5 setDamage !"\"setDamage\"," !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n0.1 fadeSound 0;"

5 setDammage !"\"setDammage\","

5 setDate !"\"setDate\"," !"rsetDate = 'setDate'" !"rsetDatecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setDate.sqf')" !"dayzSetDate"

5 setFog !"\"setFog\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"FOG\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setFog _targetWeatherValue;\n};" !"0 setFog _initialFog;\n\nif (_initialOvercast == -1) then {"

5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\""

5 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];"

1 setMarkerPos !"\"setMarkerPos\"," !"setMarkerPosLocal"

5 setMarkerPosLocal !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal'" !"rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf')"

5 setOverCast !"\"setOverCast\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"OVERCAST\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setOvercast _targetWeatherValue;" !"0 setOvercast _initialOvercast;\n\nif (_initialOvercast >= 0.75) then {"

1 setVariable !"\"setVariable\"," !"_x setVariable[\"lastAttack\",time];" !"player setVariable[\"USEC_lowBlood\"," !"player setVariable [\"temperature\",dayz_temperatur," !"_x setVariable [\"zombied\",objNull,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"looted\",_dateNow,true];" !"_agent setVariable [_name, _value];" !"player setVariable[\"medForceUpdate\"," !"player setVariable [\"bodyName\",dayz_playerName,true];" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"_item setVariable [\"created\",(DateToNumber date),true];" !"_unit setVariable [\"myDest\",_pos];" !"player setVariable [\"messing\",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true];" !"_hitter setVariable[\"headShots\",(_headShots + 1),true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedHit\",[_zed,_selection],true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedDamage\",_damage,true];" !"_killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true];" !"_zombie setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_group setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_legs\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_hands\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [_strH,_damage,true];"

1 setVehicleInit !"\"setVehicleInit\"," !"_v setVehicleInit \"[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction\";" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands;" !"if (local _v) then\n{\n_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];"

1 setWind !"\"setWint\"," !"setWind [_currentWindX, _currentWindZ, true];"

5 addAmmo !"\"addAmmo\","

5 addMPEventHandler !"\"addMPEventHandler\","

5 clearPlayerInit !"\"clearPlayerInit\","

1 clearVehicleInit !"\"clearVehicleInit\"," !"if (isserver) then {deletevehicle _snd;};\nclearVehicleInit _v;" !"clearVehicleInit _v;\ndeletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm;" !"clearvehicleinit _v;\n_crw= crew _v;" !"clearvehicleinit _v;\ndeleteVehicle _v;"

5 commandFSM !"\"commandFSM\","

5 disableTIEquipment !"\"disableTIEquipment\","

5 doFSM !"\"doFSM\","

5 EjectPlayer !"\"EjectPlayer\","

5 enableCamShake !"\"enableCamShake\","

5 enableTeamSwitch !"\"enableTeamSwitch\","

5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\","

5 onCommandModeChanged !"\"onCommandModeChanged\","

5 onMapSingleClick !"\"onMapSingleClick\","

5 onTeamSwitch !"\"onTeamSwitch\","

5 openDSInterface !"\"openDSinterface\"," !"if (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};"

1 processInitCommands !"\"processInitCommands\"," !"processInitCommands; \n};\nif (_v iskindof \"tank\"" !"Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands;"

5 setAmmoCargo !"\"setAmmoCargo\","

1 setFSMVariable !"\"setFSMvariable\"," !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"none\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_maxSpeed\",_maxSpeed];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_forceChange\",true];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"stay];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"track\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_target\",_target];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_watchDog\",_watchDog];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_actionWarn\",_actionWarn];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",_thirst];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",_hunger];"

5 SetFuelCargo !"\"setFuelCargo\","

1 setGroupIconsVisible !"\"setGroupIconsVisible\","

5 setObjectProxy !"\"setObjectProxy\","

1 setpos !"\"setPos\"," !"setPosATL" !"setPosASL" !"" !"setPosASL2" !"ctrlSetPosition" !"sliderSetPosition" !"progressSetPosition" !"camSetPos" !"preloadCamera _setPos" !"BIS_fnc_sceneSetPosFormation" !"_agent = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];\n_agent setpos _Pos;" !"private [\"_test\", \"_test2\"];\n_test = (_this select 0) setPos (position (_this select 0)); if (isnil \"_test\") then {_test = false};" !"[_flare, -90, -10] call object_setpitchbank;\n_flare setPos (getPos _flare);" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" !"_tent setdir _dir;\n_tent setpos _location;\nplayer reveal _tent;" !"_logic = _this select 0;\n_logic setpos [1000,10,0];\n\n\nwaituntil {!isnil \"BIS_MPF_InitDone\"}; !"_Crater setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((0 - _i)/13)];" !"_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));"

1 setPosATL !"\"setPosATL\"," !"player setPosATL _mylastPos;" !"player setPosATL dayz_spawnPos;" !"player setPosATL _setPos;" !"_item setPosATL _ipos;" !"player setPosATL [-2148,6655,0];" !"_agent setPosATL _position;" !"_bolt setPosATL _endPos;"

1 setposASL !"\"setPosASL\"," !"setPosASL2" !"if (_isOnDeck) then {\n_unit setPosAsl [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), (LHA_height+1)];\n};"

5 setPosASL2 !"\"setPosASL2\","

5 setRepairCargo !"\"setRepairCargo\","

5 setUnconscious !"\"setUnconscious\","

5 setVehicleAmmo !"\"setVehicleAmmo\","

5 setVehicleArmor !"\"setVehicleArmor\","

5 setVehicleLock !"\"setVehicleLock\","

5 setVehiclePosition !"\"setVehiclePosition\","

5 setViewDistance !"\"setViewDistance\","

5 setWeaponReloadingTime !"\"setWeaponReloadingTime\","

5 setWeaponState !"\"setWeaponState\","

5 skipTime !"\"skipTime\"," !"rskiptime = 'skiptime'" !"rskiptimecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'skiptime.sqf')"

5 teamSwitch !"\"teamSwitch\","

5 waypointVisible !"\"waypointVisible\","

1 putWeaponPool !"\"putWeaponPool\","

1 pickWeaponPool !"\"pickWeaponPool\","

1 fillWeaponsFromPool !"\"fillWeaponsFromPool\","

1 visiblePosition !"\"visiblePosition\","

1 setTerrainGrid !"\"setTerrainGrid\","

1 WorldToScreen !"\"WorldToScreen\"," !"posWorldToScreen"

1 WorldToModel !"\"WorldToModel\"," !"_relPos = _building worldToModel (getPosATL _unit1);" !"_pondPos = (_x worldToModel _playerPos) select 2;"

1 posWorldToScreen !"\"posWorldToScreen\","

1 ScreenToWorld !"\"ScreenToWorld\","

5 loadFile !"\"loadFile\","

1 selectNoPlayer !"\"selectNoPlayer\"," !"selectNoPlayer;"

5 createLocation !"\"createLocation\","

5 openMap !"\"openMap\","

1 hideObject !"\"hideObject\"" !"rhideObject = 'hideObject'" !"rhideObjectcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'hideObject.sqf')"

1 JIPexec !"\"JIPexec\"," !"rJIPexeccode" !"rJIPexec = 'JIPexec'" !"rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPexec.sqf\";\n\nprivate[\"_remExField\",\"_caller\",\"_target\"];" !"[nil, _targetClient,\"loc\", rJIPEXEC, BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray select _i] call RE;"

1 JIPrequest !"\"JIPrequest\"," !"rJIPrequestcode" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPrequest.sqf\";\n_caller = _this select 0;"

5 setCaptive !"\"setCaptive\"," !"rsetCaptive = 'setCaptive'" !"rsetCaptivecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCaptive.sqf')" !"sleep 1;\n_unit setCaptive true;\n_unit setVariable [\"NORRN_unconscious\", true, true];" !"if (local _unit) then {_unit setCaptive false};"

1 clearMagazineCargo !"\"clearMagazineCargo\"," !"clearMagazineCargoGlobal" !"rclearMagazineCargo = 'clearMagazineCargo'" !"rclearMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearMagazineCargo.sqf"

1 clearMagazineCargoGlobal !"\"clearMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;"

1 clearWeaponCargo !"\"clearWeaponCargo\"," !"clearWeaponCargoGlobal" !"rclearWeaponCargo = 'clearWeaponCargo'" !"rclearWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearWeaponCargo.sqf')"

1 clearWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"clearWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;"

5 onDoubleClick !"\"onDoubleClick\","

5 addWeapon !"\"addWeapon\"," !"addWeaponPool" !"addWeaponCargo" !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"player addWeapon \"Loot\";" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";" !"raddWeapon = 'addWeapon'" !"raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf')" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} forEach _wpns;\n};" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addWeapon configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addWeapon _item;}"

5 addWeaponPool !"\"addWeaponPool\","

5 addWeaponCargo !"\"addWeaponCargo\"," !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo'" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')"

5 addWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"addWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addweaponcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _countr)];" !"if (_bcpkWpn != \"\") then {\ndayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_bcpkWpn,1];\n};\n};" !"if (_iItem != \"\") then {\n_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];\n};"

5 addMagazine !"\"addMagazine\"," !"addMagazineCargo" !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"addMagazinePool" !"addMagazineTurret" !"player addMagazine 'crowbar_swing';" !"raddMagazine = 'addMagazine'" !"raddMagazinecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazine.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nif (_val != -1) then {\nplayer addMagazine [_item,_val];\n} else {\nplayer addMagazine _item;\n};" !"if(!isNil \"_array\") then {\n_agent addMagazine _loot;\n};" !"sleep 8;\n{player addMagazine _x} forEach _inventory;\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"{\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n} forEach _create;" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach _mags;" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addMagazine configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addMagazine _item;};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottle\";\n}; !"if (_item == \"ItemWaterbottle\") then {\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\n};" !"player playActionNow \"stop\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemBandage\";" !"if (local _item) then {\nfor \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\n_item addMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\n};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\nplayer addMagazine \"FoodSteakCooked\";\nsleep 1;\n};"

5 addMagazinePool !"\"addMagazinePool\","

5 addMagazineTurret !"\"addMagazineTurret\","

5 addMagazineCargo !"\"addMagazineCargo\"," !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"raddMagazineCargo = 'addMagazineCargo'" !"raddMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazineCargo.sqf')"

5 addMagazineCargoGlobal !"addMagazineCargo" !"\"addMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !"holder addmagazinecargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"_firePlace addMagazineCargoGlobal [\"PartWoodPile\",_qty];" !"dayz_myBackpack addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackmagQtys select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackMagQty select _countr)];"

5 addBackpack !"\"addBackpack\"," !"addBackpackCargo" !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" !"player addBackpack _backpackType;" !"_newUnit addBackpack _newBackpackType;" !"player addBackpack _bcpk;"

5 addBackpackCargo !"\"addBackpackCargo\"," !"addBackpackCargoGlobal"

5 addBackpackCargoGlobal !"\"addBackpackCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addbackpackcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];"

// test //#+3

//1 "if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" //happens on death //#+4

1 limitSpeed !"\"limitSpeed\","

1 setOwner !"\"setOwner\","

//might be too spammy for now //#+5

//1 call !"\"call\"," //#+6

//1 spawn !"\"spawn\"," //#+7

//1 with !"\"with\"," //#+8

1 deleteVehicle !"\"deleteVehicle\"," !"dayz_flyMonitor = dayz_flyMonitor - [_x];\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\ndayz_bodyMonitor set [_cursor,\"DEL\"];" !"sleep 5;\n};\n{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _items;" !"sleep 1;\n};\ndeleteVehicle _source;\ndeleteVehicle _point;" !"if (_nearByPlayer) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};" !"_object = nearestObject [_position,_type];\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"_oldUnit disableAI \"MOVE\";\n} else {\ndeleteVehicle _oldUnit;\n};" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _nearByObj;\n_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n deleteVehicle _obj;" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";\n\nsleep 0.1;\ndeleteVehicle _old;" !"if (local _unit) then {\ndeleteVehicle _unit;" !"};\ndeleteVehicle _lightArea;\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"waitUntil{!(alive _flare)};\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"if (!isNull _tent) then {\nif (local _tent) then {deleteVehicle _tent};" !"hideBody _item;\nsleep 10;\ndeleteVehicle _item;" !"sleep 5;\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\nr_action = false;\ncall fnc_usec_medic_removeActions;" !"if (_isOk) then {\n deleteVehicle _holder;" !"_flare = _this select 3;\ndeleteVehicle _flare;" !"dayz_hasFire = objNull;\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\n\n_weapon = _classname createVehicle _location;" !"if (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _zombies;" !"deleteVehicle _agent;\n} else {\ndayz_bodyMonitor set" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_delQtyZ = _delQtyZ + 1;" !"if (!(isNull _sfx)) then {\ndeleteVehicle _sfx;\n};" !"deleteVehicle _body;\n_delQtyP = _delQtyP + 1;\n};" !"_dwUSOFC=_dwUSOFC+1;\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_dwUFPC=_dwUFPC+1;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n};\n} forEach allMissionObjects \"ReammoBox\"" !"BIS_functions_mainscope]]; _mygrp = group (_this select 0); deleteVehicle (_this select 0); deleteGroup _mygrp;};};" !"if (_isOk) then {\ndeleteVehicle _holder;\nif (_classname in [\"MeleeHatchet\",\"MeleeCrowbar\"]) then {" !"if (_fade) then {_int=_int - 0.02 - rain/10;};\nsleep 3;\n};\n\ndeletevehicle _fl;" !"clearVehicleInit _v;\ndeletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm;" !"deleteVehicle _smoke;\ndeleteVehicle _fire;\ndeleteVehicle _shards;\ndeleteVehicle _dirt;"

1 compile !"\"compile\"," !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\compile" !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z\addons\dayz_code" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules\alice\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules_e\alice2\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\gita\data\scripts" !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf" !"_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingText.sqf';" !"_recompile" !"\"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];\"" !"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];" !"call compile format[\"player%1 = player;\",_playerUID];" !"'] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts" !"= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\function" !"'_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'" !"BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExServer.sqf\");" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile preprocessFile \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands" !"_code = call compile format[\"r%1code\",_targetScript];" !"compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers \"ca\characters_e\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_acr\functions" !"compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\missions_acr\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_pmc\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\missions_ew\functions" !"call (compile \"deactivateKey (_keyString + (str _i))\");" !"if (isText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\")) then \n{_slotsCode = getText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\"); _slotsVar = call compile _slotsCode;}" !"_dummy = [_this, 'CA_VO_Init'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf';" !"['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this, \"CA_VO_ToggleAll\"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers \"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf\";" !"['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this, \"CA_VO_ToggleAdvanced\"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers \"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf\";" !"private [\"_amm\"];\n_amm=_this select 4;\n_this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> \"CfgAmmo\" >> _amm >> \"muzzleEffect\"));" !"['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0]; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\MiniMap.sqf';"

1 exec !"\"exec\"," !"execVM" !"execFSM" !"JIPexec" !"_localExec" !"Init script executed at"

1 execVM !"\"execVM\"," !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\init_medical.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\load\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\deadState.sqf\"" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";"

1 execFSM !"\"execFSM\"," !"execFSM \"\z\addons\dayz_code\system" !"execFSM '\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system" !"execfsm \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\idleSpecialAnim.fsm\"" !"execFSM \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\\reactFire.fsm\"" !"rexecfsm = 'execfsm'" !"rexecfsmcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'execfsm.sqf')"

//1 setDir !"\"setDir\"," //!"_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));" //#+9

1 setVectorUp !"\"setVectorUp\"," !"_bolt setVectorUp _vUp;"

1 SetVectorDir !"\"SetVectorDir\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];"

1 setVectorDirAndUp !"\"setVectorDirAndUp\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];"

1 setVelocity !"\"setVelocity\"," !"_character setVelocity [0,0,100];" !"_car setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_object setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_vehicle setvelocity [0,0,1];" !"if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}" !"(_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0]);"

1 setVelocityTransformation !"\"setVelocityTransformation\","

1 selectPlayer !"\"selectPlayer\"," !"selectPlayer _newUnit;" !"selectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;"

1 isServer !"\"isServer\"," !"if ((_persistent) && (!_error) && (isServer)) then" !"if (isServer) then {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(server)\";} else {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"©\";};" !"{ BIS_functions_mainscope = _this select 0; if (isServer) then {_this execVM 'ca\modules\functions\main.sqf'};}" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\JIPwaitFor.sqf\";\n\nif (!isServer) then\n{\n\nwaitUntil {!isNil {player}};" !"if ((!isServer) && (isNull player) ) then\n{\nwaitUntil {!isNull player};\nwaitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then\n{\n waitUntil {player == player};\n waitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if(isServer) then {\ndayz_players = [];\ndead_bodyCleanup = [];\n}; !"BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT,_caller, local _caller]; \n\nif (isServer) then\n{" !"if (!isServer) then {textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client FUNCTIONS init.sqf ...\"];};" !"if (!isServer) then {\n \"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"if (isServer) then {\n waitUntil{dayz_preloadFinished};\n};"

1 isDedicated !"\"isDedicated\"," !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\n0 fadeSound 0;\n0 cutText [(localize" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\"dayzSetDate\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1)};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n_config = configFile >> \"CfgLoot\";" !"if(isDedicated) then {\ndayz_disco = [];\n};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\nif (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};\n} else {\n[_agent] call zombie_findOwner;"

1 removeAllWeapons !"\"removeAllWeapons\"," !"rremoveAllWeapons = 'removeAllWeapons'" !"rremoveAllWeaponscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'removeAllWeapons.sqf')" !"{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _newUnit;\nremoveAllWeapons _newUnit;" !"removeallweapons _v;\n\nif (local _v) then {_expl=\"HelicopterExploSmall\" createvehicle (getpos _v);};"

1 addMenu !"\"addMenu\"," !"addMenuItem"

1 addMenuItem !"\"addMenuItem\","

1 createTeam !"\"createTeam\","

5 addVehicle !"\"addVehicle\","

5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\","

1 allowGetIn !"\"allowGetIn\","

5 drawArrow !"\"drawArrow\","

5 drawEllipse !"\"drawEllipse\","

5 drawIcon !"\"drawIcon\","

5 drawLine !"\"drawLine\","

5 drawLink !"\"drawLink\","

5 drawLocation !"\"drawLocation\","

5 drawRectangle !"\"drawRectangle\","

5 setWaypointPosition !"\"setWaypointPosition\","

5 setWPPos !"\"setWPPos\","

5 setWaypointScript !"\"setWaypointScript\","

1 setGroupIconParams !"\"setGroupIconParams\","

1 setGroupIcon !"\"setGroupIcon\","

1 show3DIcons !"\"show3DIcons\","

1 setFriend !"\"setFriend\","

1 createCenter !"\"createCenter\"," !"BIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;"

1 missionNamespace !"\"missionNamespace\"," !"_handle = [_display] call (missionnamespace getvariable _x);"

1 uiNamespace !"\"uiNamespace\"," !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting';" !"_display = uinamespace getvariable \"BIS_InfoText\";" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_waiting', _this select 0];" !with (uinamespace) do {\n BIS_loadingScreen = _this select 0;" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMapSmall',_this select 0];"

1 removeBackpack !"\"removeBackPack\"," !"_classname = _array select 0;\nremoveBackpack player;"

1 removeAllItems !"\"removeAllItems\","

1 setAperture !"\"setAperture\","

1 "camSetPos" !"\"camSetPos\","

5 "copyFromClipboard" !"\"copyFromClipboard\","

5 "copyToClipboard" !"\"copyToClipboard\","

5 "deleteCollection" !"\"deleteCollection\","

1 "callVar" !"\"callVar\"," !"rcallVar = 'callVar'" !"rcallVarcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommandsCustom + 'callVar.sqf')" !"_libraryCustom = \n[\n\"callVar\"\n];"

1 "remExField" !"\"remExField\"," !"\"remExField\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer};" !"if (isNil \"remExField\") then {remExField = [];};" !"private[\"_remExField\",\"_caller\",\"_target\"];\n\n_caller = _this select 0;"

1 "remExFP" !"\"remExFP\"," !"\"remExFP\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer};" !"if (isNil \"remExFP\") then {remExFP = [];};" !"if ((_this select 0 == \"persistent\") || (_this select 0 == \"remExFP\")) then {_persistent = true;} else {_persistent = false;};"

1 "remExWrite.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\remExWrite.sqf\";" !"RE = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExWrite.sqf\");"

1 "remExServer.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\remExServer.sqf\";" !"BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExServer.sqf\");"

1 "call RE" !"if (_local) then {\n_unit say [_sound, _dis];\n} else {\n[nil,_unit,rSAY,[_sound, _dis]] call RE;\n};" !"_dir = [_unit,player] call BIS_Fnc_dirTo;\n_unit setDir _dir;\n[objNull, _unit, rPlayMove,_move] call RE;" !"if(_currentWpn != \"\") then {_newUnit selectWeapon _currentWpn;};\n[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,_currentAnim] call RE;" !"if (_currentAnim != \"\") then {\n[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,_currentAnim] call RE;\n};" !"[nil, _targetClient,\"loc\", rJIPEXEC, BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray select _i] call RE;" !"BIS_MPF_clientJIPlogic = player;\n\nnic = [bIS_MPF_clientJIPlogic,nil,rJIPREQUEST] call RE;" !"[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,\"\"] call RE;\nplayer playActionNow \"stop\";" !"[nil,_trap,rSAY,[\"trap_bear_0\",60]] call RE;" !"waituntil {!isnil \"BIS_MPF_InitDone\"};\n_spawn = [nil, nil, \"per\", rEXECVM,\"ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf\"] call RE;"

1 "spawn RE"

1 "toArray" !"\"toArray\"," !"BIS_fnc_invCodeToArray" !"ca\modules\functions\inventory\fn_invCodeToArray.sqf" !"_anim = animationState player;\n_anim4 = toArray _anim;\n_anim4 resize 4;" !"_type = surfaceType _pos;\n_typeA = toArray _type;" !"if([\"Wheel\",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {\n_part = \"PartWheel\";\n_cmpt = \"Wheel\";\n_array = toArray _x;" !"{_casesensitive = _this select 2;};\n\n_findarray = toArray _find;\n_stringarray = toArray _string;" !"_text = _this;\n_textArrayUnicode = [];\n{_textArrayUnicode = _textArrayUnicode + [toarray _x]} foreach _text;"

//1 "titleText" !"\"titleText\"," !"rtitleText = 'titleText'" !"rtitleTextcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'titleText.sqf')" !"if (_isDead) then {\nTitleText[\"Pulse is extremely weak\",\"PLAIN DOWN\",3];" !"if (_isCardiac) then {\nTitleText[\"Pulse is weak\",\"PLAIN DOWN\",3];\n} else {\nTitleText[\"Pulse is strong\",\"PLAIN DOWN\",3];" //#+10

//1 "cutText" //#+11

1 "createTrigger" !"\"createTrigger\"," !"_t=createTrigger[\"EmptyDetector\",(_player modelToWorld[0,0,0])];"

//little tries //#+12

1 "player action"

1 "vehicle player setPos"

1 "vehicle player setPosASL"

5 "(vehicle player) addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];"

5 "player addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];"

5 "attachObject player"

1 "(vehicle player) setPos"

1 "(vehicle player) setPosASL"

//isn't welcome ingame //#+13

5 "CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1;"

1 "_tp = \"removeallweapons player;"

5 "player addweapon 'Truckhorn2';"

5 "player selectweapon 'Truckhorn2';"

5 "player setVehicleInit _svr;"

5 "_object = createVehicle ['%1', [%2, %3, %4], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];"

5 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];"

5 "hint format [\"A %1 has been added\", gun]"

5 "vehicle player setpos _pos;"

5 "marker2 setMarkerPosLocal (getPos veh)"

1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy =" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";"

5 "marker2 = createMarkerLocal [marker2,getPos veh];"

5 "marker2 = \"VehMarker\" + (str i);"

1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";"


5 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";"

5 "_v addweapon \"A\"+\"A1\"+\"2_PM\"+\"C\"; _v addmagazine \"20R\"+\"nd"

5 "zombieshield"

5 "playershield"

5 "spawn{player addAction ["

// not much of use //#+14

5 "666.sqf"

1 "wuat\\"

1 " ESP "

5 _markerMirador

5 Bo_Mk82

1 htelepos

1 Teleport

1 Trigger !"createTrigger" !"call BIS_fnc_inTrigger" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_sceneCreateSceneTrigger' || false) then {"

5 aa12

5 azp85

5 bomblauncher

5 teled

5 U-NO-

5 gau

5 "God mode"

5 GodMode

5 hacks

5 Infammo

5 "Infinite Ammo"

5 InfiniteAmmo

5 Killplayer

5 m1a1


5 OwnageMenu

// names useless //#+15

5 Darky

5 Vojtec

5 MrMedic

//5 Loki //too short, might cause another useless ban //#+16

//5 Alex //triggers at locALEXec, useless anyway //#+17

5 Alexenderp$ck

5 Gerk

5 Troopman

5 Troopmon

5 Alexenderpackk

Edited by Zarx

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I know that stuff eddieck. I guess i asked it my question wrong. For instance for some reason I always get kicked from the game if I parachute out of the huey and it crashes. I get a script restriction #40 or #38... So I guess what I should of asked is, what does #40 and #38 correspond with in the text that shows what are restrictions? Here is my pastebin. Pastebin for some reason kind of straightened it out a tad but in my notepad its just a dang mess. So like does #40/#38 go to line 40/38 or does it point to a different area?

#40 and #38 would be triggered by lines 39 and 37 respectively. The restriction number is the line number - 1.

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Heres the pastebin for my remoteexec: http://pastebin.com/ZaRpqCE6

1 "" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" !"spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" !"spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" !"spawn BIS_Effects_Burn"

5 "draw"

5 "hint"

5 "create"

5 "add"

5 "remove"

5 "delete"

5 "set"

5 "play"

5 "clear"

5 "disable" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';"

5 "copy"

5 "switch"

5 "text"

5 "init"

5 "hide"

5 "group"

5 "icon"

5 "marker"

5 "server"

5 "compile"

5 "loadFile"

5 "say"

5 "call"

5 "move" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';"

5 "chat"

5 "fade"

5 "action"

5 "exec"

5 "mission"

5 "kb"

5 "side"

5 "show"

5 "task"

5 "allow" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';"

5 "enable" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';"

5 "spawn" !"spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" !"spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" !"spawn BIS_Effects_Burn"

5 "for"

1 "this" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];" !"_v setVehicleInit \"[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction\";"

//all below detected already by above

//5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];"

5 "beeeh"

5 "BIS_Effects" //this is temporary solution against pvar abuse, sorry no remote effects transfer, innocent will be kicked when it happens but better safe than sorry

//5 "removeAllWeapons"

//5 "removeAllItems"

//5 "hideObject"

//5 "deleteCollection"

//5 "getPlayerUID"

//5 "setPos"

//5 "setDir"

//5 "setVector"

//5 "deleteVehicle"

//5 "createMine"

//5 "setDamage"

//5 "setDammage"

//5 "setHit"

//5 "GroupIcon"

//5 "setMarker"

//5 "addWaypoint"

//5 "createMarker"

//5 "clearMagazine"

//5 "clearWeapon"

//5 "addAmmo"

//5 "ejectPlayer"

//5 "setUnconscious"

//5 "disableUserInput"

//5 "copyFromClipboard"

//5 "copyToClipboard"

//5 "serverCommand"

//5 "playMusic"

//5 "playSound"

//5 "createSoundSource"

//5 "moveIn"

//5 "vehicleinit"

//5 "processinit"

//5 "addMPEventHandler"

//5 "addAction"

//5 "addEventHandler"

//5 "playMove"

//5 "playAction"

//5 "switchMove"

//5 "titleText"

//5 "cutText"

//5 "createLocation"

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Zarx, get a text editor that displays line numbers (I use notepad ++).

The script restriction then maps to the line number, **but** you also need to factor out lines that are also commented out "//"

So if we have

//Line One

Line Two

Line Three

Line Four

Line Five

And you got a 'Script Restriction # 3' the line that caused the restriction would be 'Line Four' - the reason for this is 'Line One' is disabled with comments ('//')

Other then that I can't help much with how it works, as its not working for me (may well be my lack of knowledge), but changes I make to the file don't appear to play out as expected. I have another thread going about this though, so I won't hijack yours :)

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