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ECP/WW4 - Weather

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Okay, i am using ECP 1.085e and the WW4-mod (2.5 with patch 1). There is a snow effect, which you can activate by placing a unit: Game Logic > WW4 Logics > Enable snow

My first question is, how can i make it snow during a mission? For example, a simple west-present trigger would be enough, but i cannot figure out how to do it.

And question number two, is it possible to control the standard weather settings with simple triggers as well? Also for changing the forecast and stuff during the mission. I do not wish to use any addons for it (since it's MP).

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Ah, how could i miss those commands?! Thank you very much. :)

I tried grouping the game logic (which is just placed somewhere, and suddenly it is snowing everywhere) to a trigger, but with no result. I suppose it would be possible to maybe spawn the game logic unit midgame, but i have no idea how. Anyhow, thanks for the info on the weather related commands.

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Spawning from script/trigger to have the snow to start :

snowstart = "ww4_SnowyLogic" createvehicle getpos player

After that game logic has spawned, if you want to stop the snow falling you can delete it from script/trigger with a

deletevehicle snowstart

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Thank you, worked like a charm! And also a huge thank you for creating the ww4-pack, it adds exactly what i want in OFP. Before i used a lot of small mods, or FFUR, but now the only mods i need are ECP and WW4. Well, of course you at some points wish to play in different environments, so i keep AfghanEveron+Afghanpack and Tonal Redux ready of course, but WW4 is always loaded on every start. My hat is of for you! :cool:

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