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Radio trigger available when any enemy spotted?

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Hey there,

I am at an invasion mission where Russian soldiers invade Chernogorsk by parachutes.

The playable team is patrolling in the woods around the city.

Now I want to make a radio-trigger for them available, only when one of them have spotted any enemy unit!

Would be great if you have got codes for that =)

thanks in advance.

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If you wanted the radio command to be available when the AI has spotted OPFOR just use the OPFOR Detected by BLUFOR options for activation in a huge circle around wherever you want. Have that trigger change the setRadioMsg to whatever you wanted it to say. In the init.sqf you'd have setRadioMsg "NULL" for the trigger you want them to get.

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So I have to set this up in the script, dont I?

Because when I set it up in the editor, there is either activation by "OPFOR" OR by "Radio Alpha" possible!

And if I this way create an area this would mean that the trigger fires if any OPFOR detected WITHIN this area has been spotted by BLUFOR?

Or isnt the area necessary? Means, OPFOR could be detected all over the map?

I dont get exactly how you would set it up!

Perhaps I didnt make it out clearly: I dont even want the text for the radio channel show up in the action-menu. Means, when I press 0 and 0, there shouldnt be any radio-channel accessible!

Edited by _qoR

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You have two triggers. The first is the Radio Alpha trigger you want to eventually be useable. Set that up as normal. Then in the init.sqf you'd have:

1 setRadioMsg "NULL";

That will "hide" Radio Alpha. It'll be there but players can't see it.

Then you'd have a large trigger around the area you wanted the detection to happen with OPFOR - DETECTED BY - BLUFOR as it's activation. It's onAct would be:

1 setRadioMsg "Whatever Radio Alpha Should Say";

So at game start the Radio Alpha would be hidden until some BLUFOR detected OPFOR in the detection trigger area.

Edited by kylania

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Unfortunately it doesnt work!

When I leave out the OPFOR DETECTED BY BLUFOR trigger, Radio Alpha is hidden!

But when I set up this trigger, it shows up again!

I also tried to let the OPFOR - DETECTED BY - BLUFOR trigger to call a script which creates a new trigger at the position of the first trigger (name: OdB):

_trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos OdB];

_trg setTriggerArea[2000,2000,0, true];

_trg setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA", "PRESENT", true];

_trg setTriggerText "Inform HQ";

_trg setTriggerStatements["(player1 in thislist)", "script = [] execVM 'HQ.sqf''", "this"]; 

But the result is no radio-menu although I've detected an enemy. Is it perhaps about the knowsAbout level which is too little?

When I add "hint "radio script called"" to the OnAct of the first trigger which should fire if BLUFOR detects OPFOR, this message doesnt show up as well!

So most likely BLUFOR units cant really detect OPFOR units, although "ENEMY UNIT AT..." showed up!

Edited by _qoR

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I tried this as well, curiously it didnt work, but now it does 0o

whatever, thanks!

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