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Editing an RVmat with a text editor (Issue)

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I changed an rvmat's texture to a texture I made (yellow colour) and applied it to my car, but when I load bulldozer, the yellow colour doesn't show on the car.

 raP          ambient             diffuse             forcedDiffuse                 emmisive                specular ·¶¶>·¶¶>·¶¶>   specularPower î   PixelShaderID Super  VertexShaderID Super  Stage1 I   Stage2 û   Stage3 «   Stage4 U   Stage5 ÿ   Stage6 ±   Stage7 \      texture bc_vehicles\civilian\cars\camero\textures\skin_nohq.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform ***  û   aside            up            dir            pos             û    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)  uvSource tex  uvTransform P  «   aside            up            dir            pos             «    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)  uvSource tex  uvTransform ú  U   aside            up            dir            pos             U    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)  uvSource tex  uvTransform ¤  ÿ   aside            up            dir            pos             ÿ    texture bc_vehicles\civilian\cars\camero\textures\yellow.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform V  ±   aside            up            dir            pos             ±    texture #(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(1.4,1.54)  uvSource tex  uvTransform   \   aside            up            dir            pos             \    texture ca\data\env_land_co.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform ¹   Filter Anizotropic    aside            up            dir            pos                   

Do rvmats not show in buldozer or am I doing something wrong?

Edited by eagledude4

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I have notepad++, but it wont let me copy the code from notepad++. I didnt make the rvmat. I just changed the textures associated with it.

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To me that looks like a binarized rvmat - note the "raP" in the beginning. Try to unbinarize it with Mikeros derapify tool (command line) or his Eliteness GUI.

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So I ran unrap on the rvmat, but when I edit it, I still see rap in the beginning of the code.

Edited by eagledude4

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Besides using Mikero's Eliteness, this is what I do when I want to study some specific rvmat:

I open the window where my rvmat target is located... usually at ca folder inside p: drive

Then I open the window where is located unrap.exe also available from Mikero's tools at dev heaven site

Then I drag the rvmat file from one window and I drop it into the other window on top of unrap.exe file and it creates a file with the same name than original rvmat but it puts a .cpp extension... then I can read that info using notepad++ ;)


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