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Model Merge

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Is it possible to fix issues with a prev model and merge the new p3d with the original Model? as to not loose any LODs & naming or having to rewrite all the naming. (Model was fixed in Max).

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I think your question is to vague , what you mean by fixing ?

you fixed some vertices that where part of a named selection and you want to now delete the old vert > insert the new verts but keep the selections /faces intact ?

I am not technical bu only merge i saw was inRTM this maybe your friend in this case perhaps but without knowing what you are doing explanation is hards to tell .

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I had some very thin faces in a few areas on my harrier mod, in the process of improving the model for a future release, i use max exclusively except for the selection naming in my lods, however when moving from Max to O2 and back O2 renames the objects to "objXXXXX verses what i named them . i was wondering if anyone( probably will regret this) has a work around or do i just need to manually rename the selections back again in O2 when i have improved my design.

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if your saying the export from 02 names them objxxx then i dont know, however i am sure export from max has an option to export as the object groups or has named selections/ bones or something, im sorry to be vague i only used Max for the trial period then moved onto Blender.

i`m sure PUFU or someone could elaborate as they sre Max users .

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copy , i will just rename them by hand until i figure it out, just thought i could get a good fast answer here ,i appreciate the look tho..

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no worries,

i think one skill that is missing is 02 scripts , sometimes i say i will investigate one day :).

there are very powerful commands there to getvertices and faces and selections, so a nice script using those combinations may have done here quicker job :).

If you look root tool folder there are o2 scripts maybe you can investigate if you are in anyway technical with scripts .

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i actually need to stop procrastinating and learn SA's Arma tool box

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There's not much to learn. It's pretty straight forward. I find it extremely user friendly.

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