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Small problem with texturing the Huey

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I am not sure if this is the best forum for this thread but as there is no forum specifically dealing with textures, and modelling seems to be it's closest relative so...

So the problem I am currently having involves textures, but not the actual texturing thereof. I am currently working on several re-skins of the UH-1H and discovered that the rotor blades seem to be mapped to the uh1d_in_co.paa file however I cannot seem to have any changes I make to the blades show up in game, everything else I've done on that file shows up as it should.

In the picture below the tail rotor should be black overall and have a red white red stripe where the yellow is now, also the engine cowling which is located on the same texture sheet is appearing the proper color to match the rest of the aircraft.


I know that I will also have to edit the uh1d_rotorblur_ca.paa to change how the rotors look when turning but that shouldn't affect how they look while stationary.

If anyone has any ideas on (Or preferably just knows) how to fix this I would greatly appreciate it.



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Probably the rotors aren't in the reskinnable selection. To quickly find out, place the helicopter in the editor and in the init line write this:

this setObjectTexture [0,""]

This will remove the texture and you can see which parts aren't defined as being retexturable. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do about.

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Thanks for your quick answer, it does seem that the rotors are unable to be reskined.

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Looking at the config, it looks like there are 3 hidden seletions in the array:

hiddenselections[] = {"Camo1", "Camo2", "Camo_mlod"};

So if the hidden selections in that array don't affect the rotors, then the rotors can't be reskinned.

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try adding 'mala vrtule staticka' (for the tail rotor) & 'velka vrtule staticka' (for the main rotor) to the hiddenSelections in your new config class for this model. then try the 'setObjectTexture'...


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try adding 'mala vrtule staticka' (for the tail rotor) & 'velka vrtule staticka' (for the main rotor) to the hiddenSelections in your new config class for this model. then try the 'setObjectTexture'...


Thanks for that, the only problem is it works great when the engines are off but looks quite strange when the rotors are turning, http://i703.photobucket.com/albums/ww38/Wingmate12/arma2oa2012-09-2212-14-01-88_zpsbe17b5ef.png and I am not sure what I would add for the rotor blur texture either.



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Hmm.. looks like the rotor selection isn't hiding like it should. I feel like I knew at some point...

At any rate I guess you would have to script the rotors hiding. I'm not sure of you can change the texture of a proxy object or not... The blurred rotor models are proxies.

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mmm... perhaps also try adding 'mala vrtule blur' & 'velka vrtule blur'...


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If that works I think it would make the proxies visible all the time, so I guess he would have to then have a scripted user animation based on some animation controller (rpm?) to handle adding / removing textures from the rotor blade objects.

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