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Hud Dorph

The ServerBrowser is killing the game

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We need a fix for the serverbrowser urgently. The fact that the changes from gamespy

that only can show x-number of servers are killing the game. As a server operator i can

not live with my server only showing in the server list every 4-6 time i refresh the list.

It certainly showed the last players on my server the door. Might as well shut down servers

as no-one is joining any more.

Several players have contacted me to ask if i have shut down my server as they could not find it.

As it is now what are the creteria for the server to show on the list ?

Is it random?

is it by alphabetic ?

or ??

I know that (think it was Suma) said something about the serverbrowser needs to be made better,

but what does this mean, is it that it should only show servers with the best latency?

And is a better serverbrowser something we first will see in A3?

As it is now - it sucks big time (sry using bad words).

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True fans of arma2 use programs like Addon Sync to find servers. They have no issues finding any of the servers

I haven't even looked at the browser list in years.

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True fans of arma2 use programs like Addon Sync to find servers. They have no issues finding any of the servers

I haven't even looked at the browser list in years.

Wrong - Yomas addon tools was stopped in dev in 2009 so true true fans use six :p

Byt yes both yoma addon tools and six update and other server browsers have excactly the same issues,

guess its cuz the get their data from gamespy.


seems solution comming - latest beta..

[96798] Changed: When there any too many servers (>500) available matching the current filter, server browser shows close servers only.

Edited by [HUD]Dorph

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The OP is right, the server browsers for this game are horrible. The six updater is the best one by far in my opinion, but it has a horrible UI, designed by a programmer so no surprise there. I am convinced if it was easier to install mods and join servers this game would thrive so much more, there is a lot of lost potential here.

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The OP is right, the server browsers for this game are horrible. The six updater is the best one by far in my opinion, but it has a horrible UI, designed by a programmer so no surprise there. I am convinced if it was easier to install mods and join servers this game would thrive so much more, there is a lot of lost potential here.

If you don't need any mods from a custom repository, try the new tool from SIX: http://play.withsix.com :)

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