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Cold War Rearmed² : Demo 4

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Oh my, public beta! What will be available in this beta? :P

That was a good video. I actually am more familiar with Resistance than I am with Cold War Crisis so is that video essentially a prologue or does it show off elements that occur during the timeframe of that campaign?

Edited by W0lle
added spoiler tags to not ruin everything ;)

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What do you dream of? Well, php & sqf :yay:

What will be available in this? New bugs ! Of course, among other!

Edited by W0lle

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That was one of the best films I've seen for a BIS game. Impressed!

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Public bêta in 2 days! Hell of a good news!

However Wolle, I will never have finished all the templates you asked for...

Is it a problem?

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Nope, no problem at all Wiki. As I told you: It's done when it's done. :)

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Holy f*ck!!!

This is... wow just wow. I've never seen any video like that with Arma engine yet.

Whoever this guy is who made this: Hats off to you, you're a true artist - a class of it's own. Excellent mix of different scenes and the briefing of soldiers in the background - brings back memories from the old days.

Can't wait to see more of your videos, and of course of what comes next!

Awesome! Just awesome!

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Thank you for this video :)

but I hope that this is not Fool's Day joke


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I abolutely love that video, i hope it'll give the newcomers a little taste of what it was.

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The original OFP campaign available on monday ?

I hope that. :o

Thanks for all your work ! :)

And please no april fool :D

Edited by Le_CuLtO

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The original OFP campaign available on monday ?

I hope that. :o

Thanks for all your work ! :)

Where did you get such intelligence?

otherwise execution

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Hello, all you Cold Warmongers,

and thank you for so astonishing feedback, which is capable of making man speechless.

I'm very glad you have liked it and I hope it delivered at least a bit of that excitement I have while working with this great mod and all the talented guys working in the shadows. They deserve the greatest thanks.

Best regards,


P.S. I must apologize for letting James spy on you in such way, AlekseiGuba. But we thought it would be best not to ask your permission to sneak around your mansion, as you probably would have just shot him on sight (and us) anyway. I hope Angelina is doing fine, though.

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Oh damn, I totally forgott what kind of day the first of April is......

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Okay I think it's safe to talk about it now without spoiler tags. :)

So what's in for you?

- All content from Demo 4 plus everything that was missing: Bradley, BRDM, OH-58, Russian Boat, Civilian cars and more

- Bugfixes and little improvements since Demo 4

- CWC and Resistance campaign, both in beta status. They can be played but most probably they will have issues

- All missions from good old OFP (minus some PvP Missions we haven't done yet)

- Many fancy new bugs of course

OMG it's an April Fool's joke!

One would think so right. But wouldn't it be a bit of overkill for a small team as ours too spend time on such an epic trailer which would be better spent on Mod content such as intros and cutscenes?

SaOk just told me that the Resistance campaign he's working on is ready for public release though.

You'll find out I guess. :)

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If this is true, words scarcely describe the eagerness that spills from my heart.

I'm going to have to find some tincture that allows me to sleep less ;)

Utmost respect to you and the rest of the team.

I can't wait to help out by testing the mofo.

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- CWC and Resistance campaign, both in beta status. They can be played but most probably they will have issues

- All missions from good old OFP (minus some PvP Missions we haven't done yet)

I don't do drugs, so I say this with glee; inject it into my veins, baby! Gawd, I'm hyped. Resistance was such a phenomenal campaign. Silly question, but Red Hammer was not considered because Codemasters made it and it was NOT in any of BI's re-releases, correct? I was just curious about that is all.

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Okay I think it's safe to talk about it now without spoiler tags. :)

So what's in for you?

- All content from Demo 4 plus everything that was missing: Bradley, BRDM, OH-58, Russian Boat, Civilian cars and more

- Bugfixes and little improvements since Demo 4

- CWC and Resistance campaign, both in beta status. They can be played but most probably they will have issues

- All missions from good old OFP (minus some PvP Missions we haven't done yet)

- Many fancy new bugs of course

OMG it's an April Fool's joke!

One would think so right. But wouldn't it be a bit of overkill for a small team as ours too spend time on such an epic trailer which would be better spent on Mod content such as intros and cutscenes?

SaOk just told me that the Resistance campaign he's working on is ready for public release though.

You'll find out I guess. :)

One little question:

I know that using other Mods together with the campaign may break stuff, I´m fully aware of that. But I will most likely try to play with ACE. The only really Major Bug (Yes, there is really only one) I found when playing CWR² with ACE is that the M60 Tanks can sustain a lot of AP hits before beeing destroyed. I guess the armor or penetration values are off or something like that. Did you fix that? If not, could you please have a look at it? :)

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Correct, Red Hammer is Codemasters property and thus not included in CWR². It is available but (so far) only in German language.


I'm afraid it still will be the same. With not even half a dozen people working on this Mod now there is simple zero time to deal with any problems caused by ACE2 (or any other Mod). It's hard enough to get the job done without fixing problems caused by external Mods.

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One little question:

I know that using other Mods together with the campaign may break stuff, I´m fully aware of that. But I will most likely try to play with ACE. The only really Major Bug (Yes, there is really only one) I found when playing CWR² with ACE is that the M60 Tanks can sustain a lot of AP hits before beeing destroyed. I guess the armor or penetration values are off or something like that. Did you fix that? If not, could you please have a look at it? :)

Same problem with T-72. I tried to fix it on my own by playing with configs (of course only for personall use to find a solution), what is interesting is that adding proper hitpoints values fixed the problem in case of M60, however T-72 seems to be a different problem, perhaps it is issue with inheriting values of different model, if you use ACE2 perhaps T-72 inherits armor values from their T-72B/BA or T-90, and CWR2 AP ammo values are not capable to compensate this.

So or you play without other mods, or you modify configs but lost compatibility with other players in multiplayer.

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that video game me shivers in a good sence.

Instantly it was clear who is James and later Angelina, that's sex! :) and that oldfart Guba...

2nd "best of the year" video, this one to the heart, another one, the - we were soldiers like, to the effects.

If it'll be aprills fools joke, well, death by hanging... not even slow/painfull death.

P.S. Remember, if you will see the flash, it will be already too late ;)

and a bit of sadness, my mythical and immaginary James Gastowski was him

Edited by Gedis

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Correct, Red Hammer is Codemasters property and thus not included in CWR². It is available but (so far) only in German language.

Oh? Red Hammer has been brought to CWR²? Is this something you guys are doing internally or has been publicly released, despite being in German?

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