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Refund 2

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Why did you close my topic? You didn't provide me with any right information.

Replay to Placebo, ok read this and than replay me with a correct information: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2172-WEYZ-7974.

Replay to Max Power, thank you very match for that, but I didn't ask you to protect me from spambots. My email is secure and I'm not worry about that. And please if you doing such a thing, quote a forum rules and a same thing with closing my topic.

I still waiting information!

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If you bought the game through Steam, only Steam can refund you. The message from Steam you quoted is about games purchased on retail (=DVD).

Edited by ProfTournesol

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First off and you better understand this real quick. If we close a thread here, then this means end of discussion. No matter what, no matter why. And you don't create just another thread then.

Why did you close my topic? You didn't provide me with any right information.

Then you better read it again and again until you understand what Placebo told you: For a refund contact the place you bought the game from, in this case Steam! Why people demand a refund from a place they haven't bought the game from is completely out of my mind.

You won't get a refund from Bohemia Interactive if you haven't bought the game from their site, period.

Closed, and if you start a third thread about this I guarantee you that it will be your last one.

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