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Manual trim

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Hy guys , i read the forum , but i dony find the right post for that , i fly in expert , there is no auto trim , but i want have trim button on my joystick like manual trim (like black shark) , so i trim myself the Heli, where is this option in options menu ? I really dont find it .


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Hy guys , i read the forum , but i dony find the right post for that , i fly in expert , there is no auto trim , but i want have trim button on my joystick like manual trim (like black shark) , so i trim myself the Heli, where is this option in options menu ? I really dont find it .


To setup your joystick controls, like buttons go to Options -> Controls.

In there scroll down the list until you find a series of commands named "Manual Trim" they will have [] after and in the brackets lists the particular trim axis e.g. left right etc. I just mapped the cyclic ones to my hat and the pedals to two button on either side of the hat.

If your joystick is a complex one like mine (Saitek X-52pro) not all buttons and hats are standard joystick buttons and they (the extra buttons) have to be programmed using the software that came with the joystick.

If you wanted to change or check the auto trim setting it can be found in GameOptions -> Difficulty -> Edit (bottom right).

Hope this helps


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No , my is a logiteck attack 3 , not complex joy , i just want to set the trim to (for example ) my button number 9 in the joystick...i will see the option thanks , hope to got it :)

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