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Talk to AI?

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Hey there,

I want to add a selection to an AI so I can "talk" to this unit. I dont need to have sound or something, just a function to have e.g. "blablabla".

Would be great if the unit returns something, but I guess thats a bit more of work?!

This selection should only be able to choose one time!

And how to fire a trigger when the selection has been chosen?

thanks in advance ;)

so I found the word "action" in my mind and put it in google. But "this addAction ["Hello"]" doesnt really work. I thought it would be that easy.

Edited by _qoR

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There's a sticky in this forum that covers the conversation system.

For the simple action thing you wanted you could do this:

init of the AI:

this addAction ["Hello","hello.sqf"];


_talker = _this select 0;
_bother = _this select 1;
_action = _this select 2;

_talker removeAction _action;
_talker globalChat format["Hello there %1, why are you bothering me?  Go shoot a rabbit!", name _bother];

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Ah you really need that sqf :D

Is there a way that the person I want to talk to turns to the player when talking to him?

Should be possible via "DoWatch" didnt it?

And now I've got a sound file! Is there an easy way to combine it with lip-synchronization?

I read the "AMS Wegpunkt Tutorial" which says, that via "TALK" waypoint, the unit turns to player and speaks with libsynchro. But it doesnt work the way I do it.

I am standing in front of the unit - nothing happens, I talk to the unit (with the code from above) - nothing! What fire the trigger that the unit turns to player and talks to him using my created sound? It works with only AI units, but not with me as player 0o

Does somebody know a competent online speech synthesizer like http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php?

But even better?

So what I finally want to do is that the player approaches to a Colonel, selects "Talk to Colonel" and the Colonel turns to player and speaks to him.

Edited by _qoR

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This demo mission has lots of examples of "talking" to the player including lip synched voice + subtitles.

I would like to point out that the beginning speech isn't chopped up random bits from Battle Los Angeles, that's the entire dialog of that scene taken right from the movie. :) Go Hollywood script writers, never change!

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I've got the RFT addon only - unfortunately! Would be glad if you had a demo mission for Takistan!!!

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At home I have a version of that. It should work in ArmA2Free though I think. :) I'll update it tonight.

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I find that doWatch is kind of unreliable, especially if, for example, the person who is supposed to be watching has their back turned (I'm assuming because they do not 'know' about the person they are supposed to watch).

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I'll give that a try, seems like a better way to do it versus relying on the AI's senses.

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Any updates?

This guy still doesnt look or talk to me. Would be easier if I knew a code for a trigger which fires when I activate an action! But I dont!

Or perhaps I could add something to the .sqf file which I can refer to in the trigger!

I tried with "_playSound "Colonel.ogg", but I guess thats absolutely against all the scripting rules (which I dont know)!

HELP! xD what about the demo mission? Would be great if all the thing I want are within that mission!

Edited by _qoR

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Sorry about not getting that demo up. Got carried away playing Battletech last night and passed out as soon as I got home. I'll do something today (or this afternoon if the boss leaves early! ;) )

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Anybody know of a way to download a file from Google Translator?

I want to use Chinese and I know the correct character/grammar for the sentence but would like to download it, change the format to .ogg and place it into the mission, otherwise, I've got to ask a Chinese friend to do some voice recordings for me....

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Kylania, what about the demo you wanted to up? ;)

I also would appreciate to see written solutions. It really bothers me not to get an easy speak-and-text sound on action!

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siply: I am searching for a code which checks if a specific action (addAction) has been done!

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