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Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

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Hi guys,

ive just starting trying to learn how to make custom maps in arma 2. Ive started going through the procedures that are set out on the wiki

however ive hit a problem. when i try to connect buldozer to visitor 3 a whole bunch of error messages come up and the game closes itself

i was wondering if it had anything to do with the game version im running (the latest build - for DayZ)

could someone offer a solution or any suggestions on how to overcome this problem or tell me how to delete the current build and go back to

1.5 or something, i have a steam version of arma 2 and i dont want to have to delete that, but i can uninstall arma 2 OA, BAF, and PMC fine

as i have the disks

Help would be very much appreciated, i cant wait to give you guys some maps :bounce3:

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We need much more information, what terrain are you loading... does it have data path configured, textures? elevations? I seem to get buldozer crash if I just create brand new terrain and immediately start buldozer without importing terrain or setup any other paths etc.

And also of course, what errors do you get, find buldozer.RPT and put it on pastebin or something, or here if its short list.

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We need much more information, what terrain are you loading... does it have data path configured, textures? elevations? I seem to get buldozer crash if I just create brand new terrain and immediately start buldozer without importing terrain or setup any other paths etc.

And also of course, what errors do you get, find buldozer.RPT and put it on pastebin or something, or here if its short list.

here are the error messages:

first one - "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MpTable.shadow'

second - "Shaders not valid (mismatch of exe and data?)"

i doesnt matter what i do, i cant load the buldozer :(

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Difficult to say, that second error of course sounds really bad. Never seen such errors myself so I don't know what to recommend, maybe re-install the tools or something for starters, dunno.

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Difficult to say, that second error of course sounds really bad. Never seen such errors myself so I don't know what to recommend, maybe re-install the tools or something for starters, dunno.

thanks for the help anyway, i think im just going to reinstall Arma 2 RFTs and then see what i can do, im sure its something to do with the new graphical updates that came with 1.61 and 1.62.

Ill keep this thread up-to-date with how im getting on so other users know what to do if they too encounter the same problem.

just as something off-topic, it sucks that i have to pre-order the game to get the alpha, i was going to get it for my birthday :( but anyway its still going to be worth it :)


ok i uninstalled the game and then tried again, same error mesages appear, really need help ;(

Edited by BullyBoii

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Moving to the editing sections as the specialists are more likely lurking around over there...

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You're in the right place now for these sort of questions!......


first one - "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MpTable.shadow'

second - "Shaders not valid (mismatch of exe and data?)"

"mismatch of exe and data" - means exactly what it says - the tools and the data don't match.....

My guess is you've been following some outdated information or tutorial..... this is a classic error from a while ago, before good'ol Mikero produced his invaluable Arma2P tool.....

No need to mess with your game install - if you have a full working Combined Ops (Arma2 + OA) or whatever install and it plays fine then leave that alone - it's OK.... The problem is with the virtual development "P:\ drive" and it's contents...

I'd start that all over with a clean install of the latest 2.5.1 tools, plus run Arma2P.2.5.1a utility - that should get you a nice clean up-to-date and fully functioning "development drive", and it's all pretty straightforward from there on in.....

I suggest you GO HERE.

Use the "Armaholic" link and grab both the tutorial and the Afghan Valley source files while you're there.....

Start right at the beginning of the tutorial, and follow through the whole first section "Absolute beginners" part..... it'll talk you through a clean tools install... - any questions - ask in that thread....

That should at least get you set up correctly......

After that, you could follow thru with the rest of the tutorial.... I'd certainly recommend it anyway - it's all good basic info... but getting a clean and working tools install is your first and most important priority - everything else relies on that...

Good luck!

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