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Benny where can we adjust the skill of the resistance, they are very sixth sense at the moment and it's immensely frustrating.

You should change the current CC building to this epic construction

[["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_ruins_F"]];
Edited by Baskerville

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Benny, been playing the latest BE (Arma 3) this weekend...here's a few glitches:

1. The reward system is completely bugged. A tank costs $3k to buy yet when I blow an enemy tank it rewards me with $6k. Same for every other vehicle, the reward is completely outrageous.

2. When I die I can spawn into my ai units (great idea!) except when I spawn into them I spawn with no ammo.

3. As commander, the last upgrade (the one that allows you to upgrade towns) it says its always maxed out and never works. I assume this is to have the ability to have AI spawn when enemy tries to capture the town?

This last part is not a glitch but a concern...

You're current system for how players get cash is not working very well as a gamemode. I often play matches (With decent players) and the match is turning into a shit show of attack helis. The biggest problem facing BENNY EDITION is how cash is rewarded to a player. Currently, you can capture towns all day and only make anywhere from $150-$300 per capture, this translates into LITTLE incentive to capture towns.

2nd problem is that the minute income is extremely low. As a commander, absorbing 70% (max) of the team income, and having captured 15 (out of 21) towns my income was around $600/min, this is way too low. Please raise the amount of cash a team gets from each town by at least 3X. The commander should be the one who hands cash to players, not players to the commander (due to the current system). Of course this will place much more importance to the commander, you must reinstate the voting system for the commander. A noob commander can be a nightmare for a team right now.

3rd problem, when capturing towns the reward for a town capture needs to dramatically increase as well. Small town capture = $2000, medium town capture = $4000, and large town capture = $6000 give players the INCENTIVE to want to capture towns.

4th, the reward system for killing vehicles needs to be 1/10 the value of that vehicle, not 50%...this is way to high...I think getting $300 for every tank, $400 for every trans heli, and $1200 for every attack heli sounds about right (10% of the value of the vehicle)....If the reward for killing the enemy too high (like it currently is) it translates into a heli pilot being able to kill 3-4 vehicles, get shot down, and buy another heli with little issue. I've seen it every single match on multiple servers and it really kills the game.

5th, please try to turn the game mode away from base destruction. It should be more of a side mission and not the primary goal. The primary goal needs to be the capturing of towns and/or military bases. A clear and simple objective needs to be in place, first team to capture X amount of towns wins. Create different parameters so you can modify how many towns are available to capture and how many must be captured to win, this way you can adjust to the amount of players on a server. Arma 3 has gorgeous towns and there is little fighting going on between players, which is sad to see. Every match I've played turns into a 4-7hour match mostly because one team can't find the others base. Its very easy to hide a base if you're a 1/2 decent commander. Almost every match this weekend had to be restarted because players on both sides were extremely frustrated.

Benny I'm a long time supporter and I know if you consider my suggestions the game mode will be MUCH more enjoyable.

1. Not my version.

2. You take what your AI have.

3. Works fine here.

Town occupation will bring more cash (you get 25% without occupation and 100% with it).

I don't like the idea of increasing the bounty that much. Maybe a little bit but not that much.

See #1.

Base hunting is part of the game and is more harder now. As you only have 2 FOB starting from 0.96, your course of action is kind of limited.

Again, i'm still tweaking the mission so everything is not "ready" yet.

Benny where can we adjust the skill of the resistance, they are very sixth sense at the moment and it's immensely frustrating.

You should change the current CC building to this epic construction

I'll add a skill override in the config later on for units along with BL1P skill system.

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Base hunting is part of the game and is more harder now. As you only have 2 FOB starting from 0.96, your course of action is kind of limited.

Again, i'm still tweaking the mission so everything is not "ready" yet.

I am not suggesting base hunting be eliminated simply that it shouldn't be a primary objective. The primary objective should be simpler, like the first team to take X amount of towns wins the match.

This simple idea is HUGE in terms of game play. Try it out and I promise you'll see what i'm talking about.

Also, when I spawn into my AI I always have ZERO ammo...It has to be a glitch because if my AI did not have ammo they would report "Low Ammo" and they never do.

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Base buildings take quite a beating before they fall anyway, I feel that they are way too tough but I'm sure you'll make it parameter one day. I had a play with the building health values and ended up in a mess by putting them to low.

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2Benny. Maybe we should make the price increase bot depending on group size of a player ?

the cost of the unit = cost * (1 + (count-1)/5)


the cost of the unit - the final price of the unit

cost - price unit default

count - number of units in the squad

Then the cost of such units will :

first - 100,00

second - 120,00

3 - 140,00

4 - 160,00

5 - 180,00

6 - 200,00

7 - 220,00

8 - 240,00

9 - 260,00

10 - 280,00

11 - 300,00

12 - 320,00

or 2520 12 bots. Now it is the same number of bots to $ 100 will be 1200.

If instead of 5 use 2, 12 bots will cost $ 4500.

20 bots when coeff. 2 = 11 500

20 bots when coeff. 5 = 5 800

instead of 2000

And this is to remove the limit on the number of bots.

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And this is to remove the limit on the number of bots.

I like a bot limit, especially when its a parameter. Sometimes us admins just want very limited amount of AI to each player or sometimes we want a large amount. Too many AI per player always results in lag on the server.

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I am not suggesting base hunting be eliminated simply that it shouldn't be a primary objective. The primary objective should be simpler, like the first team to take X amount of towns wins the match.

This simple idea is HUGE in terms of game play. Try it out and I promise you'll see what i'm talking about.

Also, when I spawn into my AI I always have ZERO ammo...It has to be a glitch because if my AI did not have ammo they would report "Low Ammo" and they never do.

I'll add more Gamemodes later on (Only supremacy is available atm). I've planned on adding score/annihilation so i can always add one more.

Base buildings take quite a beating before they fall anyway, I feel that they are way too tough but I'm sure you'll make it parameter one day. I had a play with the building health values and ended up in a mess by putting them to low.

I'll tweak those values a bit.

2Benny. Maybe we should make the price increase bot depending on group size of a player ?

the cost of the unit = cost * (1 + (count-1)/5)


the cost of the unit - the final price of the unit

cost - price unit default

count - number of units in the squad

Then the cost of such units will :

first - 100,00

second - 120,00

3 - 140,00

4 - 160,00

5 - 180,00

6 - 200,00

7 - 220,00

8 - 240,00

9 - 260,00

10 - 280,00

11 - 300,00

12 - 320,00

or 2520 12 bots. Now it is the same number of bots to $ 100 will be 1200.

If instead of 5 use 2, 12 bots will cost $ 4500.

20 bots when coeff. 2 = 11 500

20 bots when coeff. 5 = 5 800

instead of 2000

And this is to remove the limit on the number of bots.

I don't think that it's such a good idea as stated above.

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@ Benny

Will you be implementing a Cost for re-spawning with the same loadout along with the ability to re-spawn with same loadout ?

Will you be adding roaming Resistance Armour and or infantry groups ?

Will you be adding Headless Client compatibility and or Client side AI spawning ? ( the use of client side AI spawning worked very well in MSO )

How are you doing on the revive module ? I have a working revive now in place in the edit I am doing and you are welcome to use this obviously.

I am using an updated FAR_revive which was slightly broken but I have fixed it and altered it to work inside BECTI with the help of Hellstorm77 and Fluit.

It now uses a GUI button for Suicide and does a check if player is medic or not and if player has firstaidkit or medickit.

None medics can only revive if they have a FirstaidKit and they only get a 50/50 chance of success.

Medics get a medical revive if they are carrying a medkit which is a 100% chance of revive but if they only have a firstaidkit they get a 50/50 chance.

No medkit and no firstaidkit does not give the option to revive to both medic and none medics alike.

If you would like it I can pack the module for you.

It still needs some testing with its possible param settings.

My work around for making players who disconnect during bleedout is a bit messy but I am sure you could make a more elegant solution to that problem.

I did this :-

Init_Client.sqf first 5 lines.

//--- bl1p reset player to counter the effects of diconnect while in revive bleedout.
player setcaptive false; 
player enableSimulation true; 
player switchMove "";
//--- bl1p end

All my work is messy but im sure you could make it Benny Good :p

I also have a working Fillhouse with AI system that spawns in and out with the BECTI resistance spawn on towns.

I got this working with the help of the author of this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19832

He helped alot getting the Fillhouse AI to join the BECTI groups on creation along with making the FIllhouse create a group size based on the value of the town.

The current Fillhouse AI spawn in houses upto a radius of 95mts from flagpole, I increased the towns detection range to 100mts to alow the AI in houses to recapture at that range. They are set to donotmove so they hold positions at windows doors etc.

The fillhouse AI isnt tied into a param at the moment but would not be difficult to do.

Once again you would be welcome to use this.

Possible down side to this is that it adds anywhere upto 40+ AI per town based on the town value, which added to the BECTI resistance may cause server performance issues.

I have obtained permission from the author of that script set and am allowed to use alter it where needed. As are you, I asked for you :)

Fluit and myself created a function for the AI random skills If you would like that ? (Fluit mainly :) )

PS. wow at your todo.txt its looking good :)

PPS. I also have a working Class system for players gear and a Working restrictions system on Class based weapons. This also has a working Class system for Pilots, Copilots, Drivers, Gunners, Commanders of the high end vehicles.

Extra bit as the wall of text isnt big enuf yet. I don't plan on ever releasing this edit of your work but people may take it from the MPcache hope thats ok ? Obviously you can have the files if you wish !

Edited by BL1P

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Base buildings take quite a beating before they fall anyway, I feel that they are way too tough but I'm sure you'll make it parameter one day. I had a play with the building health values and ended up in a mess by putting them to low.

well, imo barracks, airfactory, heavy factory, ammo and repair depo are weak compared to light factory and control center.

PPS. I also have a working Class system for players gear and a Working restrictions system on Class based weapons. This also has a working Class system for Pilots, Copilots, Drivers, Gunners, Commanders of the high end vehicles.

by class system you mean what? i don't like the idea that slot based restriction to weapons, cars, helis, planes etc? Like when i join server i get only rifleman position then im doomed to run with 5.6mm weapon? the thing i like about cti is the freedom, where to build base, what loadout i want, etc down to when i attack enemy. cti is about freedom. if you do class based system then it should be something along the lines "engineer = repair stuff" "medic= revive, offer spawn", "pilot= hmm maybe airlift? can't think something else atm :)"

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by class system you mean what? i don't like the idea that slot based restriction to weapons, cars, helis, planes etc? Like when i join server i get only rifleman position then im doomed to run with 5.6mm weapon? the thing i like about cti is the freedom, where to build base, what loadout i want, etc down to when i attack enemy. cti is about freedom. if you do class based system then it should be something along the lines "engineer = repair stuff" "medic= revive, offer spawn", "pilot= hmm maybe airlift? can't think something else atm :)"

Yer I doubt Benny would add the Class system as its not very friendly.

But my edition will have it cause I don't give a f##k :)

Atm I have my classes with weapon restrictions IE. sniper only for sniper weapons AT on for titan etcetc

And vehicle restrictions as MBT for crewman and Attack choppers for pilots.

all can use quad upto apc

all can use transport choppers

just as an example of how it is for me atm :)

And its just a personal version for me and some m8s. who dislike 3rd and lonewolf and stuff like that :)

Benny is the GOD.

Edited by BL1P

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Why would you need revive with the new "respawn as one of your units" mechanic?

If you get taken out of a fight, you shoulda brought more guys...

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Why would you need revive with the new "respawn as one of your units" mechanic?

If you get taken out of a fight, you shoulda brought more guys...

Some people may have respawn at AI turned off

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Setting the air weapon upgrades to enabled rather than enabled with upgrade currently breaks the upgrade menu a bit.

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is possible to limit this magic radar? i'm thinking of limit radar range to max visual distance (ie max visual distance is 4k radar is showing stuff what is 4k away)

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I think it might be a good idea to implement a surrender vote at some point, make it a parameter for those who don't want it but a lot of games especially on Altis tend to become quite stagnated due to one building or something else stopping the game from ending and proceeding with a fresh game.

There should also be a vote out commander mechanic that requires substantially less percentage of the vote to quickly stop commanders who let power go to their heads.

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I think it might be a good idea to implement a surrender vote at some point, make it a parameter for those who don't want it but a lot of games especially on Altis tend to become quite stagnated due to one building or something else stopping the game from ending and proceeding with a fresh game.

There should also be a vote out commander mechanic that requires substantially less percentage of the vote to quickly stop commanders who let power go to their heads.

The surrender vote is not a bad idea, it would be easier then having everyone on a server try and vote a restart. With a surrender vote require it so that only 1/2 + 1 of a team vote YES rather then trying to get all the players on the server to vote a restart.

The stagnation that BE suffers many times could easily be fixed with the idea I previously mentioned.

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Yeah I think it would be really beneficial because as you said it is far easier to navigate through one of Benny's menus rather than trying to get people on the server to #vote admin or #vote restart and then some servers don't even allow that sort of thing at all. And to draw out a game is to waste peoples precious time, they become frustrated, irritated and then rage quit leaving you with half the server population you would have otherwise had if a fresh game had been promptly started. I am aware that such a mechanic could be abused for trolling purposes or just because a few select people didn't agree with how the game started, I guess it could really sink the whole idea if you couldn't come up with a solution to people like that. Possibly tie it in with a points difference in the teams e.g Blufor has 940 points and is clearly dominating whereas Opfor has struggled all game and only has 430 points then at that point the surrender mechanic could be unlocked and people would be able to decide if they want to fight on ect.

I'm extremely excited to see how Benny implements this resources system that has been mentioned in the past relating to fuel, manpower ect.

What's the plan on starting to release it as a standard download Benny?

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Benny has a system where you could turn of notifications on votes in A2 Warfare

using that system again would alow you to ignore trolls who spam vote com or vote surnder (surnder being bl1pish for surrender.)

Edited by BL1P

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@Benny some more suggestions :)

Have the towns show the value of the town in relation to the occupation town value, on the map. so if a town is worth 50 per turn at the current level of occupation have the flag marker show text 50 etcetc.

Make BUFOR blue, OPFOR red and INDEPENDANT Green .... more logical.

Have town flags show a textured BECTI red or blue flag when taken. Have them show BECTI Green flag when resistance.

Get someone to make the flags for you plenty of guys here who would I guess.

Civilians in towns ? or is that too much without a civilian module (massive penalty if civilian killed cash or prison. Will stop people who shell towns with no thought.) ?

Worker TK penalty not based on cash. IE 2 worker TKs = prison.

Also Player\AI TKs = prison... 2 is too much.

Warning if base defense AI are killed. but no auto manning if killed.

Notification if the town is cleared (IE if the resistance get deleted because (time active is > than time. if i remember right ?) then a notification to the players who are taking the town only.

Atm unless Com is AI I don't think players get the hold message ?? could be wrong or its like that if AI teams is off ?

Level Upgrade on Command Center lets you know if the enemy upgrade a factory.

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@ Benny

Will you be implementing a Cost for re-spawning with the same loadout along with the ability to re-spawn with same loadout ?

Will you be adding roaming Resistance Armour and or infantry groups ?

Will you be adding Headless Client compatibility and or Client side AI spawning ? ( the use of client side AI spawning worked very well in MSO )

How are you doing on the revive module ? I have a working revive now in place in the edit I am doing and you are welcome to use this obviously.

I am using an updated FAR_revive which was slightly broken but I have fixed it and altered it to work inside BECTI with the help of Hellstorm77 and Fluit.

It now uses a GUI button for Suicide and does a check if player is medic or not and if player has firstaidkit or medickit.

None medics can only revive if they have a FirstaidKit and they only get a 50/50 chance of success.

Medics get a medical revive if they are carrying a medkit which is a 100% chance of revive but if they only have a firstaidkit they get a 50/50 chance.

No medkit and no firstaidkit does not give the option to revive to both medic and none medics alike.

If you would like it I can pack the module for you.

It still needs some testing with its possible param settings.

My work around for making players who disconnect during bleedout is a bit messy but I am sure you could make a more elegant solution to that problem.

I did this :-

Init_Client.sqf first 5 lines.

//--- bl1p reset player to counter the effects of diconnect while in revive bleedout.
player setcaptive false; 
player enableSimulation true; 
player switchMove "";
//--- bl1p end

All my work is messy but im sure you could make it Benny Good :p

I also have a working Fillhouse with AI system that spawns in and out with the BECTI resistance spawn on towns.

I got this working with the help of the author of this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19832

He helped alot getting the Fillhouse AI to join the BECTI groups on creation along with making the FIllhouse create a group size based on the value of the town.

The current Fillhouse AI spawn in houses upto a radius of 95mts from flagpole, I increased the towns detection range to 100mts to alow the AI in houses to recapture at that range. They are set to donotmove so they hold positions at windows doors etc.

The fillhouse AI isnt tied into a param at the moment but would not be difficult to do.

Once again you would be welcome to use this.

Possible down side to this is that it adds anywhere upto 40+ AI per town based on the town value, which added to the BECTI resistance may cause server performance issues.

I have obtained permission from the author of that script set and am allowed to use alter it where needed. As are you, I asked for you :)

Fluit and myself created a function for the AI random skills If you would like that ? (Fluit mainly :) )

PS. wow at your todo.txt its looking good :)

PPS. I also have a working Class system for players gear and a Working restrictions system on Class based weapons. This also has a working Class system for Pilots, Copilots, Drivers, Gunners, Commanders of the high end vehicles.

Extra bit as the wall of text isnt big enuf yet. I don't plan on ever releasing this edit of your work but people may take it from the MPcache hope thats ok ? Obviously you can have the files if you wish !

I may add a respawn-with-same-loadout button for a cost later on. Roaming resistance/occupation param is planned (I have to make a node system first). I'm not too fond of HC licensing system which is why I may or may not add it.

I still got to include a revive system. A sample is always welcome.

Your bleedout workaround shall be done on the server side (onPlayerDisconnected).

I'll see about the AI spawner as I'm planning on tweaking mine a bit regarding reinforcements later on.

As you've sent me the AI Skill snippet, I'm planning on adding it after some tweaks regarding the AI config files.

Regarding the class system, I still go to create my "skill tree" UI. Also feel free to publish it.

Setting the air weapon upgrades to enabled rather than enabled with upgrade currently breaks the upgrade menu a bit.

I've fixed that one, thanks for the report.

is possible to limit this magic radar? i'm thinking of limit radar range to max visual distance (ie max visual distance is 4k radar is showing stuff what is 4k away)

I can limit the missiles range but i can't touch the radar (config work).

I think it might be a good idea to implement a surrender vote at some point, make it a parameter for those who don't want it but a lot of games especially on Altis tend to become quite stagnated due to one building or something else stopping the game from ending and proceeding with a fresh game.

There should also be a vote out commander mechanic that requires substantially less percentage of the vote to quickly stop commanders who let power go to their heads.

I'm planning on adding the famous/infamous sell button which can basically do the same (only for the commander thought).

Yeah I think it would be really beneficial because as you said it is far easier to navigate through one of Benny's menus rather than trying to get people on the server to #vote admin or #vote restart and then some servers don't even allow that sort of thing at all. And to draw out a game is to waste peoples precious time, they become frustrated, irritated and then rage quit leaving you with half the server population you would have otherwise had if a fresh game had been promptly started. I am aware that such a mechanic could be abused for trolling purposes or just because a few select people didn't agree with how the game started, I guess it could really sink the whole idea if you couldn't come up with a solution to people like that. Possibly tie it in with a points difference in the teams e.g Blufor has 940 points and is clearly dominating whereas Opfor has struggled all game and only has 430 points then at that point the surrender mechanic could be unlocked and people would be able to decide if they want to fight on ect.

I'm extremely excited to see how Benny implements this resources system that has been mentioned in the past relating to fuel, manpower ect.

What's the plan on starting to release it as a standard download Benny?

I'm still tweaking some stuff between some GTA's rounds :)

@Benny some more suggestions :)

Have the towns show the value of the town in relation to the occupation town value, on the map. so if a town is worth 50 per turn at the current level of occupation have the flag marker show text 50 etcetc.

Make BUFOR blue, OPFOR red and INDEPENDANT Green .... more logical.

Have town flags show a textured BECTI red or blue flag when taken. Have them show BECTI Green flag when resistance.

Get someone to make the flags for you plenty of guys here who would I guess.

Civilians in towns ? or is that too much without a civilian module (massive penalty if civilian killed cash or prison. Will stop people who shell towns with no thought.) ?

Worker TK penalty not based on cash. IE 2 worker TKs = prison.

Also Player\AI TKs = prison... 2 is too much.

Warning if base defense AI are killed. but no auto manning if killed.

Notification if the town is cleared (IE if the resistance get deleted because (time active is > than time. if i remember right ?) then a notification to the players who are taking the town only.

Atm unless Com is AI I don't think players get the hold message ?? could be wrong or its like that if AI teams is off ?

Level Upgrade on Command Center lets you know if the enemy upgrade a factory.

I guess I can add a text to the marker.

NATO Style coloration will be added (2 variables to change).

Flags got released? I thought they were none.

To get civ in towns it'd be best to create agents with custom FSM (Civ behaviour).

I may add a message about a town being cleared but it's kinda tricky, wouldn't it be best to have the message when the town goes in an inactive mode? (aka removal).

Hold messages can be given by commander afaik.

You're certain about the Upgrade message being shown for enemies? I just checked the condition and it should only be shown for the side which requested it ([["CLIENT", _side]...)

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1 : I'm not too fond of HC licensing system which is why I may or may not add it.

2 : You're certain about the Upgrade message being shown for enemies? I just checked the condition and it should only be shown for the side which requested it ([["CLIENT", _side]...)

Firstly thanks for the reply's !!

1. Would making the AI create on the client rather than on the Server or HC system be a better solution for server performance ? or a Param at least ?

With a system to detect player disconnected and place the control of the AI onto a close player or if not back onto the server ?

2. I was suggesting that if you upgrade control to lvl3 for example, you can then get a message if the opposite team upgrades a factory ( an espionage upgrade lets say ).

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Firstly thanks for the reply's !!

1. Would making the AI create on the client rather than on the Server or HC system be a better solution for server performance ? or a Param at least ?

With a system to detect player disconnected and place the control of the AI onto a close player or if not back onto the server ?

2. I was suggesting that if you upgrade control to lvl3 for example, you can then get a message if the opposite team upgrades a factory ( an espionage upgrade lets say ).

1. Yes, assuming that AI are more optimized client-side than server-side (which I somewhat doubt seeing how stuff works)

2. Ah I thought you were talking about a bug :)

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1. Yes, assuming that AI are more optimized client-side than server-side (which I somewhat doubt seeing how stuff works)

Dunno about optimized but i know that in the mission MSO they created most of the AI client side (as a param) and it increased server performance by 25-50% and sometimes more.

Allowing the server to deal primarily with the players etc.

I know you cant run all the AI in CTI on a client side because of AI team leaders but if all resistance and player owned AI where ran client side it would be a good thing I think ?

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Dunno about optimized but i know that in the mission MSO they created most of the AI client side (as a param) and it increased server performance by 25-50% and sometimes more.

Allowing the server to deal primarily with the players etc.

I know you cant run all the AI in CTI on a client side because of AI team leaders but if all resistance and player owned AI where ran client side it would be a good thing I think ?

Well I can always create a delegation system as a param with client FPS heartbeat (Each X secs the clients send their FPS average from that interval to the server).

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