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What Linux Server flavor do you currently use?

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  1. 1. What Linux flavor are you using?

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Sorry if this duplicates, but it will give better end results just so we can see who is all affected by the libc++ changes in the new server.

Some flavors do not support the new libraries and I wanted to see just how many distro deployments this is going to actually affect.

Edited by pchaxor

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Using Debian Testing due to net-admin installing Linux. I would have gone for FreeBSD like ^ as well. Never tried depenguinator. Anyone familiar with it?

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Voted 'other', I use Funtoo. FreeBSD is great, though it should really be counted as Fedora 10 if you use linux_base - otherwise it's whatever distro you installed.

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So it appears there is a good mix. No real majority using one particular flavor.

Now of these which support glibc 2.7 without chroot or recompile?

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usually I use Centos 64 but w/o correct library for 1.62. Dont start.

I've installed FC17 32bit. 1.62 start fine but after 5 minutes crash with several messages. :(

So wine over Centos is my actual server.

Edited by peppe
more complete infos

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I have switched to Debian 6.0.5 64bit and it seems to be running really good with the alpha. I was using CentOS 32bit until the requirements changed.

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I have switched to Debian 6.0.5 64bit and it seems to be running really good with the alpha. I was using CentOS 32bit until the requirements changed.

Hello ... going try Debian ;)

Which package for Intel?

Edited by peppe

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Not sure what your asking. I used the debian-6.0.5-amd64-DVD-1.iso DVD and installed bare minimums then built from that.

The package you use heavily relies on what intel proc you have .. 32bit use .i386; 64bit use amd64. If your not sure try 64bit first.

I suggest the net install CD's if you have a good inet connection.

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Debian 32 bit 6.0.5 installed, but problems with libs when I run arma server:

./server: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dir

I see that libs are present in /usr/lib and in /usr/lib64 but not in lib32 ... I correct that

Now a new request GLIBXX_3.4.15 not found ....

Edited by peppe

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Debian 32 bit 6.0.5 installed, but problems with libs when I run arma server:

./server: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dir

I see that libs are present in /usr/lib and in /usr/lib64 but not in lib32 ... I correct that

Now a new request GLIBXX_3.4.15 not found ....

Exactly which Debian branch did you install?

Try doing a full patch and see if that fixes the problem...

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Hello Jay,

what happening after had installed the last distro is uncomprensible! ... Yes I'm novice of debian but I have a problem I cant understand.

I install all files for arma, run ./install to clean dll and move lowecase .... the script ./arma2oaserver start|stop|etc work normally ... plz, can you explain me why if I run ./server it return:

File or directory do not exist? server is there! I try set it to 777 ... noway.

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the problem was I run a 32bit application on a 64bit arch.

Installed ia32-libs.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

bah ... server run but after minutes crash:

*** glibc detected *** ./server: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks_ 0x2a360c28

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the problem was I run a 32bit application on a 64bit arch.

Installed ia32-libs.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

bah ... server run but after minutes crash:

*** glibc detected *** ./server: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks_ 0x2a360c28

Welcome to the unstable Linux alpha... It's happening to all of us.

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