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ArmaII: OA / DayZ: Mod: Server administration help.

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I just bought a server from Multigamer.no, and I'm woundering if anyone can help me setting up a tool that makes me administrate the server properly?

I've tryed for 3 days now, but I can't get anything working. The only thing I can do from Multigamer's site is starting/stopping/restarting the server, and edit the config files.


JVMyhre - Admin @ Norway 21

Edited by JVMyhre

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Do you have FTP access to your server? Then upload needed addons, edit configs and have fun :)

If not, your hoster need to add the proper addons to your server :(

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I don't know if I have FTP access, but I've sendt you a PM Overlord.

I've read about all sorts of RCon things, but I can't get anything to work.

Do I have to install something for Battleye to get access even though I'm not hosting from my own PC?

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