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no ACR dlc Shortcut

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ok i just paid for the acr dlc ,i download it but it not active in my arma and it does not give me a shortcut exe in there to start it up can somebody help please

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Erm...sorry for the dumb question...did you installed it? After that, just start your normal A2CO and it should be active by default.

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It doesn't work if you load up with a mod. You need to start vanilla and then activate the mod(s) you want through the expansions menu in game.

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can not get to it can you post the vanille short cut please and i try it that way thanks

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can not get to it can you post the vanille short cut please and i try it that way thanks

Perhaps try running it with a Mod Launcher?

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For some reason, it doesn't load itself up like the other DLCs do. You need to load ACR as an addon.

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I noticed that it doesnt load up itself if I use custom profiles path parameter. If I start main arma2oa.exe and let it create its own profiles folder in My Documents then ACR loads up itself.

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This conversation seems to be going down the appropriate avenue so I'll post here...

Launching ArmaII with a mod launcher (e.g.:http://sierrasoftworks.com/arma2ml) results in the DLC not being loaded. Just for reference, here is my start string for Arma2ML....

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\ArmA2ML.exe" -oa -y -option=noSplash -option=noFilePatching -option=showScriptErrors -mod=@ACE -mod=@CBA -mod=@mcc -mod=@RQ -mod=@MCN

All the necessary mods are loaded by that line except for ACR. So, I add -mod=ACR and it loads, but the main screen icon for ACR is now the same as the one for BAF. By all appearances, ACR is loaded as the maps and units are all available. I have an annoying ArmA ding (you all know the cowbell sound) about every 5 seconds in the main UI, however, and that tells me something is not quite right

Why is it that BAF and PMC load just fine with AO even with a launcher but ACR does not? Is there a fix?


Just as a follow up, using a command line instead of a launcher, all looks well so its simply a matter of the launcher not being compatible. Anyhow, I used...

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -showScriptErrors -mod=@CBA;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A2;@mcc_sandbox;@RQ-11_Raven

And BAF, PMC where there but ACR was not. So I added ACR to the string....

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -showScriptErrors -mod=ACR;@CBA;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A2;@mcc_sandbox;@RQ-11_Raven

.... and all works as expected and the correct icon is displayed. Adding ACE and the rest should be a piece of cake.... but a lot of typing.

Edited by lawndartleo
more to say....

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