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Help with add action

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Hello guys, I'd just like to say what a noobish question I am about to ask but I have to because I am completely stuck so... when I use the addaction command, I am adding a disarm action so the ai can sneak up to that character and use this to disarm him, now, what I'd like to do is when writing the script, make it so that I can add multiple people's addaction to work with this one instead of having to make one for every person.... sounds kinda complicated, but I just need a variable that the target of the addaction is a part of or an array so I can have it like for example

removeallweapons _target

or something like that, I know I can't really explain it and I have been looking for the past couple days for this answer as well. I wouldn't mind a noobs guide to scripting as well if you guys can refer to me one but please can someone just help me with this? I know the target of an addaction must get added onto an array or something but I just need to find that array!

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Nevermind I found it atlast, just add this first to your sqf that will be executed:

_host = _this select 0;

_caller = _this select 1;

_id = _this select 2;

where _host is the target, _caller is the person perforiming the action, and _ID, is the ID of the waypoint

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