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How do I make a MFCTI map?

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How do I make a MFCTI map and what do I need to make it? Any editors or such?

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Hi. I assume you mean MFCTI mission, not creating a new island (ie, the 3D terrain file) for one. This is from memory so there might be some errors and oversights.

1. Download a source file (or unpack a mfcti mission to acquire its "source"):


2. Go to ofp multiplayer mission editor and load up the island you wish to use, save your empty mission as my_mfcti.

3. Close editor and go back to desktop. Find where ofp saved your mission by using file search. Defaul is under ..ofp/users/name/mpmissions/my_mfcti.islandname/ but it can be different with Win7 etc.

4. Copy paste all the source files and directories in that mission directory, overwriting that existing mission.sqm file.

5. Open up your mission in ofp mp mission editor. Select markers mode so you can see where all the flag symbols etc are.

6. Box select and drag all town stuff and team spawn locations to valid places and edit the town names and scripting code to match the towns on the island you chose. You will see lines of codes like:

[Town9,"Tyrone","N/A",200] exec "Main\InitTown.sqs"";

Town9 points to the flag pole object name to switch the flag texture on it, "Tyrone" is the name of the town, 200 is the income the team get from holding the town for one minute. Edit as you see fit and delete all the stuff of the towns you wish not to have on the mission by box select and hit delete key.

7. Export to mp missions and play. You can also play via the mp editor to test everything works before exporting to a packed pbo mission.

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