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Using setVariable / getVariable with triggers

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Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to store variables with triggers; I have a 2D array with triggers and other info whose indexes correspond with another array of locations.

say I have 3 locations... row 1 represents the locations array, row 2 represents the triggers array

[table=width: 500]







[td][trigger east, trigger west, east present?, west present?][/td]

[td][trigger east, trigger west, east present?, west present?][/td]

[td][trigger east, trigger west, east present?, west present?][/td]



here is the code where I initialize the array containing the triggers

for[{_x = 0},{_x < count Spawns},{_x = _x + 1}] do
//[trigger east, trigger west, east present, west present]
_eTrig = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos (Spawns select _x)];
_eTrig setVariable["index", _x];
_eTrig setTriggerArea[15,15,0,false];
_eTrig setTriggerActivation["EAST","PRESENT",true];
_eTrig setTriggerStatements[ "this" , 
	"_x = _this getVariable ""index"";
	hint format[""%1"",_x];                       //PRINTS "any" WHEN TRIGGER IS ACTIVATED!!
	_temp = Spawn_Trigs select _x;
	_temp set [2, true];
	Spawn_Trigs set [_x, _temp];" ,
	"_x = _this getVariable ""index"";
	_temp = Spawn_Trigs select _x;
	_temp set [2, false]; 
	Spawn_Trigs set [_x, _temp];" 

_wTrig = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos (Spawns select _x)];
_wTrig setVariable["index", _x];
_wTrig setTriggerArea[15,15,0,false];
_wTrig setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true];
_wTrig setTriggerStatements[ "this" , 
	"_x = _this getVariable ""index"";
	_temp = Spawn_Trigs select _x; 
	_temp set [3, true]; 
	Spawn_Trigs set [_x, _temp];" , 
	"_x = _this getVariable ""index"";
	_temp = Spawn_Trigs select _x; 
	_temp set [3, false]; 
	Spawn_Trigs set [_x, _temp];" 

Spawn_Trigs set[_x, [_eTrig,_wTrig,false,false]];
hint format["%1",((Spawn_Trigs select _x) select 0) getVariable "index"]; //prints correct index when initializing the triggers
sleep .5;

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It is possible to store variables for triggers.

Try using thisTrigger instead of _this


"_x = thisTrigger getVariable ""index"";

I would however recommend running a script from the onAct field instead of coding everything there :).

Edited by cuel

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I don't think you can use _temp in a trigger as it's a local variable.

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