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Character Model.cfg issue

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I'm at a loss, whenever I have my character (modified ArmA1 pilot sample model for my unit) use the model.cfg* in buldozer it freaks out and a lot of points converge in space (And when I don't have "class gryphon_pilot : ArmaMan {};" in the model.cfg (Or a model.cfg at all) it works fine). I've experienced this before in some of my other character models. (Namely the USCM one's I've been tinkering around with) Is this normal for buldozer?

*model.cfg provided by BIS (ArmA 1 and 2) or Binkowski via sample models.


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Yeah I have seen that a lot with our units too, however in game they are just fine and no problems reported in the rpt. Some of our models look also real bad in Buldozer, others are just perfectly fine.

So as long as your model works in A2 I wouldn't worry about it.

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Yeah I have seen that a lot with our units too, however in game they are just fine and no problems reported in the rpt. Some of our models look also real bad in Buldozer, others are just perfectly fine.

So as long as your model works in A2 I wouldn't worry about it.


To get rid of this effect in Buldozer, click the little OFP/RES icon, then click "Disable Model Config".

That will get rid of that effect in Buldozer, and in game as W0lle said you won't have any problems.

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Ok, thanks for the info, good to know its just Buldozer. :)

It works just fine in game. Weird, I wonder why O2 is messed up.

Edited by b00ce

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Yes, As Bink mentioned... 'Disable Model Config' should always be ON when dealing with characters. OFF, when you're mucking about with User Anims for structures, vehicles etc.

But, one thing you should ALWAYS do when mucking about with characters in O2 is intermittently apply a .rtm to the LoD's so you can visually confirm that the points/verts selections are being moved by the appropriate transforms in the .rtm.

- Sy.

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How do I do that? :confused:

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In a given LoD... say 1.0... have the Windows>Animations window open... right-click in this window and select 'From Matrices'... a Browse to file dialog will open... navigate to any of the ArmA1 .rtm's... note must be ArmA1 .rtm's... or any non-binarized .rtm. The ones in A2/OA are binarized so can't be used... Then just scrub through the loaded frames in the Animations window... this will deform the mesh in the O2 viewport... You'll quickly 'see' if any points/verts in your mesh have inappropriate 'selection' definitions... and/or are poorly 'weighted'...


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Thanks for the help. :) Looks awesome.

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But, one thing you should ALWAYS do when mucking about with characters in O2 is intermittently apply a .rtm to the LoD's so you can visually confirm that the points/verts selections are being moved by the appropriate transforms in the .rtm.

This. I cannot stress enough how helpful it can be to use an .rtm to check weighting or selections :)

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