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Endangered Languages Project

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I found this while browsing the news and thought it was pretty awesome. Google isn't evil.

About the Endangered Languages Project

Humanity today is facing a massive extinction: languages are disappearing at an unprecedented pace. And when that happens, a unique vision of the world is lost. With every language that dies we lose an enormous cultural heritage; the understanding of how humans relate to the world around us; scientific, medical and botanical knowledge; and most importantly, we lose the expression of communities’ humor, love and life. In short, we lose the testimony of centuries of life.

Languages are entities that are alive and in constant flux, and their extinction is not new; however, the pace at which languages are disappearing today has no precedent and is alarming. About half of the world’s approximate 7,000 languages are at risk of disappearing in the next 100 years. But today we have tools and technology at our fingertips that could become a game changer.

With the Endangered Languages Project, Google puts its technology at the service of the organizations and individuals working to confront the language endangerment by documenting, preserving and teaching them. Through this website, users can not only access the most up to date and comprehensive information on endangered languages as well as samples being provided by partners, but also play an active role in putting their languages online by submitting information or samples in the form of text, audio or video files. In addition, users will be able to share best practices and case studies through a knowledge sharing section and through joining relevant Google Groups.

Google oversaw the development and launch of this project, but the long term goal is for it to be led by true experts in the field of language preservation. As such, oversight of the project will soon transition to First Peoples' Cultural Council and The Institute for Language Information and Technology (The Linguist List) at Eastern Michigan University in coordination with the Advisory Committee.

If you have feedback about the Endangered Languages Project website, please complete this form.

This website was designed and developed with the help of Vizzuality.

Endangered Languages Project Website

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Only 2 "languages" in Belgium, while in fact almost every dialect here is endangered.:(

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Dialects do not count as "language" unfortunately. Even if they can have quite an extended vocabulary in use.

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I welcome the extinction of languages.

I think it's of greater benefit to the whole planet if only a few "main" languages.

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I welcome the extinction of languages.

I think it's of greater benefit to the whole planet if only a few "main" languages.

I think you're confusing bilinguality with own identity/cultural heritage.

---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

Dialects do not count as "language" unfortunately. Even if they can have quite an extended vocabulary in use.

Strange thing is languages are formed from dialects, not the other way round. And since languages are formed and influenced from languages, we should regard them as languages too.

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I welcome the extinction of languages.

I think it's of greater benefit to the whole planet if only a few "main" languages.

Didn't you read any of it?

With every language that dies we lose an enormous cultural heritage; the understanding of how humans relate to the world around us; scientific, medical and botanical knowledge; and most importantly, we lose the expression of communities’ humor, love and life. In short, we lose the testimony of centuries of life.

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Language programs in the Canadian north have had a positive effect on the self-esteem of youth living in remote areas and made a huge impact on reducing the number of suicides and crime

simply because it game young people up there something to do.

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I welcome the extinction of languages.

I think it's of greater benefit to the whole planet if only a few "main" languages.

Lol, yours for example ?

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