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[IT] BDR: Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido

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Hello folks!

I'm here to present you a well known Italian Arma2 Community: the Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido.

The Italian name would be something like "Rapid Deployment Brigade".

We obiously speak mainly Italian, but most of us are comfortable with english too.

The team is focused on hard tight coop mission: these days we are playing a campaign staged by one of our members (Flipper) centered around a SPECOPS team infiltrated deep into REDFOR territory to get rid of their menace. These missions are quite hard and need real concentration as Flipper, with his Airsoft experience, loves realism a lot... realism as in: huge possibility of dying!


Regarding our schedule, we play almost every day depending on presence, missions start at 21:30 CEST (CEST is UTC+2 during Daylight Saving Time, and UTC+1 rest of the year).

A few solid points throughout the week:

Monday is dedicated to training if there is any to be carried out, or pre-campaign training

Wednesday is campaign day

There are a bunch of videos on youtube, but I have to admit we have to foster that a bit, pump out some new and updated content.

Dos and don'ts

So who's going to look for us?

I'll put the cards down open: not the uber realism type, the one that puts on his camo suit to play at the computer.

If you want to appeal anyone by his rank, do the salute at flag-raising or lowering, or anything like that... you're not for us.

If you want the limelight, if you want your stats to reflect your awesomeness at the end of the mission... you're not for us.

If you want to command, if you want to order, if you think you're that good... you're not for us (probably, there can be a small 1% that's actually right in that).

If you love getting results when you heavily commit, then you're right for us!

If you love feeling the tense moments before bullets start flying, then you're right for us!

If you love hanging out with teammates in the forests of Chernarus, then you're right for us!

If you want to feel part of a team, learning how a FireTeam covers, protects, assaults, then you're right for us!


Here is the full listing of our rules

1. The BDR Clan is composed of indivduals who share the common passion for the same game. Everyone is welcome into the BDR without any discrimination of sex, race, age.

2. The main purpose of the BDR Clan is to simulate militay scenarios. Therefore the organization, the moments of play, the chain of command are all inspired to the military reality. This can't and doesn't exclude the fact that ultimate and definitive objective is ENJOYMENT and getting toghether.

3. To ask to become part of the BDR Clan, you have to create a new thread in the Recruiting section of the forum. The new thread doesn't automatically imply you've been accepted in the clan, it is merely to give a public and anknowledgeable temporal indication of when you presented your enrollment inquiry, that you have explicitely accepted these rules, and you expressed interest in becoming part of the Clan.

4. for obvious reasons of security and transparency, no member of any other Arma2 related organization/clan can be part of our clan too. Any enrollment inquiry in multiple groups is ground for immediate rejection.

5. Anyone, either registered, prospective member or just friend, will always be free to join the Teamspeak server and the playing servers to partecipate to missions, and to furtherly foster friendships and relations between all the players. Members wanna-bes are those that are most suggested to take active part in the community to help already present members get to know them.

6. Usually a maximum of 20 days may pass between the enrollment inquiry and the official response from the high command. This official response may be in the form of acceptance, denial or lengthening of the trial period.

7. New members will have the rank of Private or Corporal. The rank has effect only during gameplay, it shall not be used to prevail against other members outside of the game. Such behaviours will be immediately and heavily sanctioned. The player will rank up depending on partecipation, commitment and collaboration to the activities of the clan. Team leaders may propose promotions and the High Command may promote players who showed astounding abilities either game related or socially related. For further information see the rank rules.

8. The acceptance of the enrollment inquiry will be evaluated by the Training Command, with the final decision pertaining the High Command.

9. When the prospective player is accepted, his tag will become part of the Clan XML and he will therefore have to put the XML link in his player profile.

This is an honour as well as a duty: from this point on the player will wear the Clan Tag durning multiplayer mission, effectively representing the Clan itself.

The player must also conform his nickname to a predefined scheme in the form


Different schemes won't be accepted.

10. The presence of the player in the XML effectively means the affiliation with the clan with all the rights and duties it brings. Players in the XML will have access to the internal forum which is reserved to active members.

11. Presence of the player in the XML is to be considered TEMPORARY at all times and condition. Players may be removed without any notice whatsoever, and his/her access to the private forum will be revoked instantly. Such decision may be spurred by unethical behaviours, unsanctioned actions (either in a human sense or in a BDR sense) or anything that ruins the name of the clan, or the social relations between its members.

12. In respect to the active members of the clan, and to better organize the various activities, clan members that can't guarantee a presence for long periods will be removed from the XML and consequently from the private forum. Those who can't partecipate for a period of time shall give the High Command appropriate communication the Licences section. The licence period can not exceed 4 months. During the licence period, the player is considered Reserve, his rank and tag will be preserved.

Clan members who will not be seen partecipating for a period of 1 month without prior communication of absence, will be considered Reserve ex-officio. If they won't provide details regarding their ability to partecipate in a further month, they will be expelled from the Clan.

Such members will heretofore cease to be members, but this action doesn't prevent them to apply again for membership. In such case the request will be considered anew and evaluated just like the first time.

13. Clan members MUST abide to the following rules

- Visit the forum often to get updated news about clan activities

- Visit the Passwords section often to be notified of servers' password changes


- Post discussion pertaining strategy or anything deeply linked with the clan activities ONLY in the private forum

- Use the game chat as less as possibile, especially during multi-clan events (like ATC, RollingThunder, etc)

- Think twice about where to post their next topic and avoid offtopics, especially in official threads

- Grudges and complaints are to be brought to the attention of a senior member or directly to the High Command

- Always behave themselves remembering the Tag they're wearing no matter what server they are playing in

- Learn how to use voice communications best, long-winded people are short lived

- Listen first then... eventually... speak

- Always listen for High Command, Senior Officers or Team Leaders indications and commands

14. Those who have high responsibility roles in the chain of command of the Clan will share a direct IRL (phone/mobile) contact with the High Command.

It will be used only in case of emergency. No spam or selling anything ;)

15. Team leaders will be selected amongst not just those excelling in skill, but who have a particular clarity in communicating, knowledge of the procedures,consistent partecipation to the various activities of the clan. Without previous notice the High Command may vary the composition of the teams and each member responsibilities -including Team Leaders- to better suite the need of the moment.

16. Each member is the clan business card! Everywhere he/she is, each member shall be a correct and balanced individual, always respectfull of other people. The best advertising is always a good member! Members are further required to partecipate in every activity with their Clan Tag, both inside the clan premises (servers, forum) or outside: any other server, forum, or anything where the member represents his Arma2 character, he is obliged to wear the Clan Tag.

17. Clan members that distinguish themselves for particular collaborations in the clan activities, may receive special commendations (medals) they may use in their Signature in the forum, and will also show in their profile on the site. Such awards will be decided by the High Command.

18. The High Command may decide to allow some members to preserve their membership status (and XML) even if they cease to be active on grounds of great contributions. In such cases these members will be defined Onorary Members.

19. These regulations are to be considered forever temporary and subject to modifications. It is anyway considered accepted by the prospective member at the time he/she files the enrollment inquiry. Modifications may happen at any time without notice.

Roles availability

The clan is mostly an infantry squadron.

Rotorcraft pilots are often used to ensure safe transport to active squads, but then pilots often also join the squads after their duty is accomplished.

This is because in our vision it's really difficult to stage a leveled playing field that allows both aircrews and groundcrews to enjoy their time.

So our focus is on infantry roles, spanning simple riflemen, medics (their never enough right?), demolition specialists, ATs, marksmen and snipers (seldomly used in their specifi role).

This is different when we take part in multi-clan events like ATC and RT: here pilots are pilots, infantry are infantry and tanks are tanks so no exchanging or switching places.

Servers and addons

We have a dedicated machine hosting a number of OA servers, 2 are usually public servers.

The TeamSpeak server is hosted elsewhere by a professional service (we have 80+ people during intl events and no problems).

If you want to join us here is a link to our TS -> click here pwd: scudo

We also need you to download a precompiled package of addons (about 6GB of material), it's easily done with AddonSync and repository link available on the site.


Interested in challenging us?

There is a section on the public forum just for that, you're welcome!


Edited by erupter

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So what does 2013 bring for the BDR Team?

Santa came in with his hands full!

A new site, with lots of functionalities, badass graphics and ever more coolness!


A new forum with matching graphics accents and Tapatalk enabled so you can follow you Team's gossips everywhere you are ;)


Lots of new courses are being activated, ACRE and ACE are paramount so new members must have a clear understanding of how to play.

And... well how could I forget?

Arma Tactical Combat!

One of the most famous European (not that we don't like other guys, it's just that playing with 8h+ TZ diff is not that comfy) campaign, with 80 players each time in two factions of 40 each.

From infantry, through tanks, to helis: whatever you like, you can find it in the ATC 5 campaign!


Edited by erupter

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