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Time for an updated Beta release...?

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The E3 interviews really whetted my appetite for an updated CCGM beta release.

I think it was about a month between the first and second beta versions... And it's been a month since the second Beta version... So...

Howsaboutit, BI?


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The last two activities of any BI-representatives in the CCGM Feedback Tracker were at 2012-05-25 and 2012-05-18. There is no status change of any feedback since. There is no reaction of BI whatsoever. That's why I am afraid the Beta is kinda over. At least noone seems to care about any of our feedbacks any more - I stopped writing them.

I also doubt there will be an update.

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They are to busy raking in the loot and partying from the latest ArmAII-C-O financial explosion. ;)

CCGM production has been relegated to the care of the cleaning lady.

I am thinking of making a mod for CCGM. It will have enemy zombie carriers and I am going to call it CarrierZ. ;)

Edited by Dajunka

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Yup - about time for a new version. I'm kind of getting fed up with 9 islands :(

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They are to busy raking in the loot and partying from the latest ArmAII-C-O financial explosion. ;)

CCGM production has been relegated to the care of the cleaning lady.

I actually believe that there is a separate development team working solely on Carrier Command: Gaea Mission.

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I actually believe that there is a separate development team working solely on Carrier Command: Gaea Mission.

No,no. I heard it from my wife's sisters husbands brother in-law, that the whole CC team have now been reassigned to making zombie faces for DayZ. And in their absence they have instructed the cleaning lady and her Son, (who once owned a ZX spectrum) that they can have a mess about with the CCGM code while they are away. No really........it's true.


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Heck I'd be happy with a stable version for starters!

Mine keeps crashing... that's even more frustrating than Mantas buzzing around doing nothing while getting hammered by AA guns...

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Heck I'd be happy with a stable version for starters!

Mine keeps crashing... that's even more frustrating than Mantas buzzing around doing nothing while getting hammered by AA guns...

Looking at the stuff they are throwing around at computer shows and giving up for review, we actually got the alpha version. :)

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Yeah, it's really sucks there is no official resposne or whatsoever from BIS. Not even a sticky with a response telling us what's going on with CC:GM or a BIS response within a topic. It's like BIS employees working on CC:GM are forbidden to talk with us. A single message from BIS could make things much more clearer for everybody.

Although, I have enjoyed playing the current state of CC:GM released to us.

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Did you try their hompage (comment fields) or social media or to send a mail?

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I must say I'm kind of baffeled why there is so little information about the project the whole time.

They didn't even put any basic beta state info in the forums, especially when there was a new beta release (version 2). I did get the mail several days after it was released though.

It's kind of ironic that they originally initated a public beta project out there, where you were semingly encourage to contribute, and then they were turning 100% silent to the community.

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I find the lack of new information or an updated beta really dissapointing...after so many good suggestions by the community its a shame we dont hear anything...

on a second note : i played this beta-release quite some time now and i am absolutely not sure if i want this game anymore...i find the lack of tactical options (especially in commanding my assets,mantas not able to take of while the carrier is moving,no long range com-pod,instanced islands...) more and more annoying, seems to me this game way to dumbed down in regards to the original (thanks to the console-port?)...

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They are only a few months from release and are probably working very hard. But they do have dedicated PR employees, not sure why they aren't talking.

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Heh, I went to that page and noticed the line:

''Korneel has not made any friends yet.''

Well, it's no wonder, LOL.

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If they hadn't announced a release date yet one would wonder if they even work on this game anymore XD

But maybe it is due to the fact that they have a release date and they're either already finished or do the final polish by an internal testing team, we don't see anything new anymore now.

Sad sad... still can't play properly :/

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I bet you BI watches over these forums and tries to fix the bugs that we post, even if they don't reply or "confirm" that they are looking. I am just being patient, once they are ready, they will release an update.

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I bet you BI watches over these forums and tries to fix the bugs that we post, even if they don't reply or "confirm" that they are looking. I am just being patient, once they are ready, they will release an update.

Nope, sorry.

They are all busy building a wooden helicopter in DayZ.

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Arma is unrelated to CC. Completely separate teams.

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Arma is unrelated to CC. Completely separate teams.

Doesn't stop them building a wooden helicopter in DayZ. :D

Or maybe they are not interested in our feedback any more, because none of us own a x-box

Edited by Dajunka

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Doesn't stop them building a wooden helicopter in DayZ. :D

Or maybe they are not interested in our feedback any more, because none of us own a x-box

The team is extremely busy finishing the game towards the planned release in September. It is as simple as this.

And yes,you are really correct it is necessary to focus on the Xbox version at present time the most. But we certainly want to focus on PC P&C program some more as soon as we can!

Thank you for your support and feedback so far.

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Looking at the stuff they are throwing around at computer shows and giving up for review, we actually got the alpha version. :)

Not so much an alpha as a limited beta, it would be good to have full access I guess, although at least this way the release date is something to look forward to.

I noticed that there was hardly any change in the tracker until beta 2 came out, then a load of changes came in at once. I am guessing that will happen if we get beta 3.....


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Urr, excuse me, but we PC owners come first. We are a more classy type of user. Let the X-box chavs eat cake. :p

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I am getting really sad, i played it and its nice so far but the limitation ebcause of our "console" friends is getting the better of me. Right now and thanks to the Console->PC Import its more like an Arcadeversion of Carrier Command.

I would loved a real simualtion. Like the scale i am used to from BI.

Okay i need to say its still a beta and it would be nice when after the release the Console and the PC version would differ greatly over the time, the consolish controlles really getting on my nerves. The only hope i have are mods later on that brings in the end the best out of this consolegame...but i fear that this will limit the modders alltogether.

Several things that i miss and they can be implemented for consolers too.

- Time fast forward. Its not fun sitting more then an hour to get your supplies back after a devastating defeat and reequip your units.

- Why do i have the Hook Module(GREAT THING!) but can only use it manually? Everything i can do manually i should be able to order to my units remotely.

- For what are the research centers on the island? Do they get a purpose? Or is it just a Beta limitation?

- Far more option for the creation of the islands. I kinda remember it is limited because of the beta its okay, but atleast i want somekind of a preview how my setting will change the game. A Map of all islands maybe the option to choose what island is neutral, enemy or friendly. Maybe even the ability to position those islands. :P

On a sitenote, DONT disappoint your PC-User community, PC's are always superior against consoles in means of comfortable and complexity in a game.

And every Developer that tried to make a RTS console friendly ended up destroying the expierience for the PC-User because you are forced NOT to use the benefits of a PC. Best example - Stormrise.

So please do us and yourself a favor. Console-Carrier Command = this + release. PC-Carrier Command = this + release+modding freedom. And i bet you are a bit angry about the limitations of console.

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