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Glow in the dark textures?

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Hi all,

If I wanted to create glow in the dark textures how would I do that without lighting up the whole face? Does it require one of those fancy supershader settings?

I'm trying to achieve an effect like this: http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/168430/168430,1280174856,1/stock-photo-seamless-glowing-veins-and-pulsing-energy-art-58228177.jpg where the green will glow at night. Obviously, I don't want the black bits to glow. Any advice would be helpful!



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Setting the emissive RGBA values to a non-zero number should make it glow whatever the diffuse colour is per pixel.

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This is a bit quick and nasty... but should get you heading down the right'ish sorta track... glowy eggish... maybe.


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