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Hi folks,

I am not able to create any artillery hit with the module.

Trying everything I know from ArmA2, but nothing works.

Would s.o. so kind and post an example mission pls?

Seems like I am just too stupid...:confused:

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Yeah, I'm too stupid as well. The simple support module works, but I can't figure out how to make the artillery module work with on map mortars as a support or radio request.

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Yeah, I'm too stupid as well. The simple support module works, but I can't figure out how to make the artillery module work with on map mortars as a support or radio request.

Same here. Think it necessiates bits of scripting to get anything work well in the games current state. I work around in my own little missions, by adding onmap mortar groups, with the groups leader beeing sort of a FO, beeing a playable unit. During missions need to team switch over to the FO in order to get the available 2 fire missions happen where I like. Wished for a higher initial HE ammo load, as the 7-8 rounds available a gun, just allow 2 x 3 shot missions. :( While it might be for "balancing" purposes, I´d rather wish for "ammo sets" that allow 1 minute lasting salvoes at highest ROF. Other options would be nice too.

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I absolutely dont get it...

simple terms like

boom = "ARTY_Sh_122_HE" createVehicle [(pos select 0)+10, (pos select 1)+10, 10];

doestn work, neither in function nor in trigger...

A hint or help by maybe a dev would be appreciated.

I alsready depboed the campaign and tried to get it from there ... but nothing ....

Edited by Nephris

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//if (!isServer) exitWith {};

while {bombard1} do {
_loc = getMarkerPos "arty";
		_dir = random 360;
		_dist = random 300;
		_posX = (_loc select 0) + sin (_dir) * _dist;
		_posY = (_loc select 1) + cos (_dir) * _dist;
	_spawnPos = [_posX, _posY, 150];
bomb = "lib_sh_82_he" createVehicle _spawnPos;
sleep 10 + (random 9.8);

^^ will shoot german mortar ammo in a 300m radius onto a marker named arty (that you gotta place yourself), aslong as bombard1=true

Uncomment first line for dedicated server usage, else there´ll be one grenade spawning for each connected player.

Execute strike with

bla1 = execVM "arty.sqf";

from within a trigger, addAction, or others.

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So far I've had no luck using the artillery module in this game. So I can't use actual artillery fire like in arma2.

To expand on Mr.Burns code: If you are spawning artillery shells, I suggest you create them a bit up in the air, and use setVelocity to give them speed, this way you will also get the whining sound before the shell hits. Here is an example:

while { true } do {
_pos = getMarkerPos "ARTY_TARGET"; //Your marker where artillery should strike
_pos set [2, 50]; //This sets the target position 50m from the ground

_shell = createVehicle ["LIB_SH_82_HE", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //Create the shell
_shell setVelocity [(-5 + (random 10)), (-5 + (random 10)), -20]; //Give it speed downwards (-20), plus a random speed sideways for a small spread (max 5 in each direction, x and y).

sleep (10 + (random 20)); //Wait before the next shell

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