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Arma 2 CO ACE Javelin sight picture issue

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Recently I started using the Javelin a bit with a group and found that I was getting strange issues with the sight picture, when I just select the CLU unit, the view is perfectly fine but when I select the actual missile and hit "R" to attach the CLU, the sight picture gets very very small (almost half the original size) and it is surrounded by grey (which fills in the rest of the normal sight picture).

I have more than a few mods but I did not install anything that I know of that would alter this, very odd and I am hoping someone has a solution.

Thanks in advance.

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This is the ACE Javelin feature, which actually mimic real FGM-148 locking system. After loaded, it automaticlly choose NFOV(Narrow Field of View), then you should press "N", in TI mod, the Javelin can lock any thermal targets including armors and even soldiers.

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