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Delta Force US Army?

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I was wondering where everyone is getting the Arma2:OA Delta force guys, and able to reskin them. Does anyone have the slightest idea where I can find these guys?People say "Oh, maybe they made them..." yeah, people made them but not these guys. I have seen reskins of at least 6 different types but none are accurate really, specially the Multi-camo. Anyways, I was just needing some help with this, Any help is appreciated.

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try hiddenselections. Try PMing massi, or really anyone who re-skinned them.

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What do you mean "Hiddenselections"? what is that? lol I will message him, but alot of people are greedy and wont share their secrets.

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people are greedy and wont share their secrets.

lol hiddenselections aren't really a secret. That said, they can be confusing to a newcomer, or someone such as myself who has less use for them. The people reskinning the Delta models won't actually have the models in MLOD format. I hadf a very quick search and this was one of the things that came up, it seems to explain hiddenselections pretty well,


Allows you to assign a texture to a hidden selection which will be visible once the simulation is started (instead of being hidden). The ordering matches that of the hiddenSelections[] array. (So, the first hidden selection will take the first texture listed in the hiddenSelectionsTexture[] array, and so on. HiddenSelections elements without a corresponding entry in the hiddenSelectionsTextures array will remain hidden.).

hiddenSelections[] = {"swap_bdu", "hide_teamcolor"};

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {__CurrentDir__\data\civ_suit_black_co};

In the example above, the hiddenSelectionsTextures applies the first listed texture to the first selection in the hiddenSelections array, i.e., the “swap_bdu†selection is textured with the “civ_suit_black_co.paa†texture. “hide_teamcolor†remains hidden since there is only one texture listed in hiddenSelectionsTextures.

Where this parameter is powerful is the ability to now add another person class with a different colored suit, using the same p3d model, e.g.,

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {__CurrentDir__\data\civ_suit_greystripes_co};

When I get the chance I might have a look at them for myself to see how they work.

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Interesting...Thanks Stalker you always prevail! lol. So that explains almost all of it, but how do you create textures for something if you don't have the UV Layouts for the model? What I mean is the default camo on the Delta guys is ACU, but I want to make a Multi-Cam.How do I know where to texture if I don't have a Layout to really go off of? Thanks again for your help guys, specially you Stalker.

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I imagine you could unpack and look at the texture the model uses currently, it should provide you with a good idea of the layout of the thing.

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Im looking at a few different ones. But, looks like he obtained some kind of model because he has four different .p3d files. I can access his textures and pictures but they are .paa files.

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It won't be that they have obtained any models, it's probably a hex-edited retexture, AFAIK you need the (binarized) models to do it although BIS prefer people using the hiddenselections seeing as thats what they are there for.

Basically, if you aren't changing the model itself these days you don't need access to the model in O2.

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