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Mission Editor works bad!

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Hallo, when this game is WW2 how can i make some soldiers rush without just go prone, you know in WW2 many people just rushed the enemy and i hate when they just do it the classic ArmA way where there just go prone and not do what commanders say.

Also i tried to make a mission where you are in car gunner where the car needs to transport to a city but it will not drive because the gunner is called commander so i need to normally make him drive to the city.

Anyone know how to fix it?


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Hi Andreas,

For the first:

this setUnitPos "Middle";
in the Units INIT-Line set the soldiers to the kneeled position, "UP" let them stand.

They won´t run+gun, but it looks more a rush. Also you should play with the skill-slider for your Units.

For your second:

this moveInDriver _yourcarname;
in the frivers INIT moves him into the driver position.He will still follow his waypoints.

Glad to hear you are Interested in the Editor. If you need any Infos about Editor commands and tricks have a look at Mr-Murray´s great Editor Guide. Also in German.

It´s for ArmA1, but the Editor is the same and all the commands still work.

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How does your lack of skill and knowledge have anything to do with the editor being good or bad?

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I have tried the this moveindriver but the gunner is named as commander so he controls where he drives so i won't drive unless i tell him :(.

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Just so I understand...

You want to be the gunner in a car/tank and want the AI to drive that car/tank to a city (presumably so you can shoot at stuff along the way)? Is this correct?

Anyway as Baraka said, Mr Murray's editing guide is an excellent place to start - it is a great resource. The arma editor is extremely powerful and is here in its full form in IF - you are going to have to take some time to learn how to use it.

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Yep but it won't drive because he is commander.

Also if I set a soldier to careless so he ignore the enemy and set him to run he just walk.

In many WW2 movie and games the soldiers are good at rushing an those things.

You know if I make a Machine Gunner at the top of an mountain and then the Russians rush it instead of just shooting at it.

Thanks Baraka the command so they don't prone is really good for e.g covers and these things. :).

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Does this work for you for the driver/gunner thing?

Without some heavy scripting you are not going to get the AI to 'charge' the enemy which I think is what you are trying to do. The AI is much more interested in self preservation and will not blindly run at the enemy - except when you are trying to be stealthy of course ;-)

Edited by Jedra

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You won´t see soldiers rushing an Hill or something and ignore the supressing fire. That´s no opinion for the AI.

You can try to make an trigger which disables the russion AI in some parts with something like:

disableAI "FSM" forEach units group russiangroup

When they reach the destination alive you can place another trigger with:

enableAI "FSM" forEach units group russiangroup

This is c+p from the very usefull BIKI and not tested!

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The editor is not bad, but the AI is. I have another thread about this describing a situation of my own. The AI is pretty weak right now.

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I agree the Mr GRS. The AI is terrible (but i love the game). In my german campaign i was doing a mission where i was trying to get close to the enemy before opening fire. I had my units on hold fire order, but yet they still opened fire when they felt like it.

Another example is, my team was under fire by small arms, i wanted to get us into a more defensive positon so was clickinng move order, but my AI just stood there shooting. I tried to get to the position myself and click return to formatioin, but the AI still stood there shooting.

Maybe its a feature maybe its a bug lol....who knows

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