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Arma 2 Wheel Damage issue

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Hello everyone. I'm still stuck for wheel damage. My model's engine, fuel and hull takes damage but just wheels not taking damage. All of selections defined in memory, lods and hit points but still it's not working. I defined every wheels pravy predni tlumic, levy predni tlumic, levy predni tlumic, ... like these. But I don't know why it's not working. Also I can see this problem in other mods too. Most of mod's models wheels not taking damage too. So I wonder selection names changed or what's wrong? Can anybody send me Arma 2 or Arma 2 OA SAMPLE wheeled vehicle model or maybe sample config too? Or can anybody help me about that?

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yeah I saw and I tried to do this. But still wheel damages not working. I need a sample model for understand this. If we have, it would be perfect.

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right i would also need unbinarised BIS Skoda and model.cfg of Skoda too

cause without example to copy-paste i also have problems, best example would be with "pravy zadni" "levy predni" (Czech names, which still left on most of my models)

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