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=242= CPT. Helios

242 Night Stalkers - US Army Mechanized Infantry

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242nd Night Stalkers

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The 242nd night stalkers is a fresh North America based unit founded upon the ideals of mutual respect, teamwork, and fun. The unit was founded in an attempt to replicate the fascinating tactics of a modern Stryker Combat Team, and uses proper military ranks in order to facilitate the best possible organization for the unit. We do not replicate a real military unit for a number of reasons: we are not soldiers, as simulators we hold a great deal of respect for the men and women who perform these tasks and missions in reality, and it is dubious enough to replicate their ranks as it is. However, due to the clear and demonstrated organizational efficiency of these systems, they are replicated in the 242nd.

[Our objective]

As a new simulation unit, we pride ourselves on teamwork and respect. We construct missions and our organize ourselves in a way to provide the optimal balance between realism and fun for all those involved. Our structure is based around a standard Stryker company, and our missions are built to represent this. While we are still a small unit, barely getting off the ground, the founders bring a lot of spirit to the table, and those who join us first to bring us our initial momentum will be those among us who lay the groundwork for something great.

While most other units will fill their matches with hordes of expensive jets, tanks, and spammy missions. We pride ourselves on our position of minimalism. Our trade is of the Stryker Combat Team. As such, our employment of heavy assets beyond our ICVs and MGS is very limited. This provides us with challenge, flexibility, and far more fulfilling missions beyond the "easy-mode" asset domination so loved by other units.

[Our Attitude about ranks]

As stated before, we are simulators first, not soldiers. There are no 17-year-olds who are to be addressed as "sir", we're not fighting an actual war. We're a bunch of gamers who come together to have fun, in a structured, organized and partially planned environment. However, running a clan and a unit requires tremendous manpower effort from a short few among us who are not only experienced, but motivated to complete the tasks needed to keep the ship sailing. These leaders are not power-hungry maniacs who demand respect that was never eared. They are the people who hold the responsibility to the unit to provide a fun, organized environment. In short, a glorified event planner.

I will reiterate our ranks are not to provide away for power-hungry milsim nerds to vent their frustration, or exert some kind of absurd, backwards authority over their peers. Our NCOs and Officers do indeed fulfill the wide and challenging array administrative tasks necessary to keep any clan, community, or organization running, but within the realm of truth; we are a bunch of weekly nerds crowded around our computer screens and monitors here to play a video game about military operations, period.

To us, aside from the notation of responsibility, ranks also represent a progression in skill. New members need to know who to look to, who's experienced, who's been around the block a few times. When planning a mission, it's important to know who is experienced, and knows what to do, and who is still climbing the learning curve. This progression in skill and dedication is represented as a rank in the unit. It's a sign of recognition from your peers regarding your skill in the game. It allows mission planners, mission makers, and operation leaders to know who to place where. Those who hold rank are the leaders, the organizers, the givers of knowledge, our most experienced, and who hold the 242nd together. They keep the unit true to it's intention. Anything further than that, to us, is a travesty of militaries around the world, and against the foundation of the 242nd.

[Our Recruiting philosophy]

First and foremost, we do not recruit players because of their skill, or their acquired knowledge of the game or the military. You can be the greatest strategist/shot/driver in the world and your attitude towards your fellow Night Stalkers will be your undoing within this unit. Simply put, we recruit players by their merits: their ability to co-operate, their ability to learn, their dedication and motivation to be among us and contribute to the unit. You can be fresh off the table, game freshly installed, and eager as ever to play; we will teach you from A-B-C to GG.

[Contact the 242nd]

Get in contact with myself on xfire at providence932

Or our website here at www.242nightstalkers.com

Our charter and information can be found in the public information repository here. http://242nightstalkers.com/index.php?/forum/11-public-information-repository/

May you find solace wherever you end up (As long as it's with us).

Website: www.242nightstalkers.com

Xfires: Providence932, pfunkallstars

Teamspeak 3:

-CPT. Helios, 242nd Night Stalkers.

Edited by helios932

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The 242nd will be hosting public series of missions followed by a scheduled event on one of our customized 'sandbox' maps this Saturday starting at 2:00PM Eastern Time and concluding at 7:00PM Eastern time. Please RSVP on our website on the thread in the public discussion forum if you are planning on attending. Please use the same thread to cancel your RSVP.

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The 242nd Will be hosting TWO events. Both events will follow the format described below and will take place at the following times.

Thursday (4/19/12) at 6:00PM EST (GMT -5) through 11:00PM EST (GMT -5)

Saturday (4/21/12) at 2:00PM EST (GMT -5) through 7:00PM EST (GMT -5)

1. [=242=] Misc 242 "Filler" missions for small teams

2. [=242=] Custom Insurgency time-attack Features 9 man infantry squads in a mechanized fashion to clear as much as possible within a strict time limit. Scores will be posted for teams to compete for how many caches can be destroyed and territory cleared.

3. [=242=]CO@12 Crossfire!

4. [=242=]CO@12 First Response

5. [=242=]Custom CFORCE. Features realistic loadouts, a high challenge environment for large teams of players who must compete against large groups of AI using minimal assets in order to accomplish their objectives. Features limited team lives, limited equipment, and gritty, randomized combat against enemies who might just have a few tricks up their sleeves. Heavy teamwork requirement!

Both of these events will be running the 242 addon pack which only requires ACE and ACRE. The install guide for these addons can be found here.

To get started, use this contact information, and RSVP in the appropriate threads in the Public Discussion forums depending on which events you can RSVP to.

Website: www.242nightstalkers.com

Xfires: Providence932, pfunkallstars

Teamspeak 3:

Edited by helios932

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The 242 has activated a new vanilla insurgency server paired and a new custom insurgency map which is still in beta. Please provide any feedback at our website or on the thread below.

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