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Is Arma 3 authentic?

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they already abandoned the idea as I recall because of the dangers of leakage.

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It's fine, guys. We only fly drones over countries without healthcare systems.

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Unfortunately, increased human rights enforcement and charity efforts are ruining that. That and the diamond supply. Now who will be exploited for cheap labour?

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Unfortunately, increased human rights enforcement and charity efforts are ruining that. That and the diamond supply. Now who will be exploited for cheap labour?

Prison inmates of course, you don't even have to pay em!

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Prison inmates of course, you don't even have to pay em!

Are you from the U.S? We already do this.

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or china. get the inmates to mine gold in WOW and the prison guards get the money

legends :D

disclaimer: i am not a fan, nor will i ever be of WOW. simply this idea was ingenious.

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May I first mention that these different stealth vehicles cost WAY too much money and that be why our military does not use them on every corner of a street :)

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May I first mention that these different stealth vehicles cost WAY too much money and that be why our military does not use them on every corner of a street :)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles continue as the most dynamic growth sector of the world aerospace industry this decade, according to Teal Group, an aerospace and defense market analysis firm based in Fairfax, Va.

Teal Group's 2012 market study estimates that UAV spending will almost double over the next decade from current worldwide UAV expenditures of $6.6 billion annually to $11.4 billion, totaling just over $89 billion in the next ten years.

"The UAV market will continue to be strong despite cuts in defense spending," said Philip Finnegan, Teal Group's director of corporate analysis and an author of the study. "UAVs have proved their value in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and will continue to be a high priority for militaries in the United States and worldwide."


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Arma 3 looks set to be a retarded blend of unlikely scenarios that don't mix well together.

1) We can see so far that apparently, Opfor is stronger and more advanced than blufor on the ground with it's rail gun tanks and super soldiers. But blufor is still stronger in the air with its f35s compared to opfor's L-159.

2) Both sides are using merkava's, not mentioning the fact that they suck and would never be used in real life.

3) The fn2000, WTF? The fn2000 sucks as a rifle as it is, how could it replace any better ones. Before you say this is the arma-verse, let me tell you, seeing as there are other "real life" rifles in the arma-verse, there's no way even an arma-verse human would pick an f2000 over the other choices. Unless of course they eventually found out that they actually happen to grow on trees.

I get the feeling that BIS is following the general trend of all other game's developers. No actually knowledge of anything they are doing, they just throw in what they believe everybody will find 'cool'. Without actually trying to find out what people like of course.

It's like BF3, everybody was getting hyped up, DICE promised tons of features. But once the game came out, it turned out to be completely shit. I mean, a humvee has more armour than a tank in that game lmao!!

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1) We can see so far that apparently, Opfor is stronger and more advanced than blufor on the ground with it's rail gun tanks and super soldiers. But blufor is still stronger in the air with its f35s compared to opfor's L-159.

The L-159 is not the F-35's opponent. You can rest assured there is another aircraft in the Iranian disposal :bounce3:

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Arma 3 looks set to be a retarded blend of unlikely scenarios that don't mix well together.

1) We can see so far that apparently, Opfor is stronger and more advanced than blufor on the ground with it's rail gun tanks and super soldiers. But blufor is still stronger in the air with its f35s compared to opfor's L-159.

2) Both sides are using merkava's, not mentioning the fact that they suck and would never be used in real life.

3) The fn2000, WTF? The fn2000 sucks as a rifle as it is, how could it replace any better ones. Before you say this is the arma-verse, let me tell you, seeing as there are other "real life" rifles in the arma-verse, there's no way even an arma-verse human would pick an f2000 over the other choices. Unless of course they eventually found out that they actually happen to grow on trees.

I get the feeling that BIS is following the general trend of all other game's developers. No actually knowledge of anything they are doing, they just throw in what they believe everybody will find 'cool'. Without actually trying to find out what people like of course.

It's like BF3, everybody was getting hyped up, DICE promised tons of features. But once the game came out, it turned out to be completely shit. I mean, a humvee has more armour than a tank in that game lmao!!

1Just because we only have seen the L-159 doesnt mean its the only jet opfor got.

2 I think Ive heard people on the forum talking about that maybe the Merkava aint the main blufor tank(just a rumor though)

3 well here I cant say much more, perhaps things have happend to force the blufor using f2000, I dont know, also what do you mean that the F2000 sucks?

Bf3 and ArmA3 isnt the same game and, just because they have a few misplaced weapons doesnt mean the game will suck.

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The Merkava and the FN2000 suck? Sure. :D

Rest of the post is just as much BS. Post history indicates he is just a troll.


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Arma 3 looks set to be a retarded blend of unlikely scenarios that don't mix well together.

1) We can see so far that apparently, Opfor is stronger and more advanced than blufor on the ground with it's rail gun tanks and super soldiers. But blufor is still stronger in the air with its f35s compared to opfor's L-159.

2) Both sides are using merkava's, not mentioning the fact that they suck and would never be used in real life.

3) The fn2000, WTF? The fn2000 sucks as a rifle as it is, how could it replace any better ones. Before you say this is the arma-verse, let me tell you, seeing as there are other "real life" rifles in the arma-verse, there's no way even an arma-verse human would pick an f2000 over the other choices. Unless of course they eventually found out that they actually happen to grow on trees.

1) your making your point with 2 pictures and not the whole game, im sure the Opfor dont have just the L-159. who knows, maybe the opfor plane isnt ready yet to be shown publicly

2) never be used in real life? well tell that to the Lebanese.

3) F2000 sucks...maybe..never used it or heard any credible reports, but if the L85A1 can be fixed...im sure 20 years down the line the f2000 can be fixed

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the initial Mi-28 design also had an expanded cargo area


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Prototype had

btw F2000 sucks since when? alot countries has it as SF weapon , so it can't be that BAD ;)

Edited by RobertHammer

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While the Mi-28 is not intended for use as a transport, it does have a small passenger compartment capable of carrying three people. The planned purpose of this is to enable the rescue of downed helicopter crews.

if it was planned to have a cargo area i dont know but it does have a small one.

also dont start your shite here again.

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What is up with people ripping on Arma 3 when it seems they know literally nothing about it other than the 20 or so teaser pics they've seen? It seems to me that if you think that BIS has already shown everything they are going to develop and the game is ready to go, with the main, and only weapons in the game are the Merkava, the F-2000, the F-35 and the L-159. Then I am guessing that you also think that Arma 3 teaser trailer where actual humans (not computer generated soldiers) laser designate a tank and an airstrike tries to take it out is also in-game footage.

The least you could do before you go on a rant is get up to speed on all the new information and then also maybe think for at least 2 seconds. Because after that, hopefully you would see that BI has only showed us a little taste of what will be in-game. If you can't see and understand that IMO you would be better off not wasting our time with your pointless posts.

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Prototype had

Never ever - not a single of its variants, because according to the technical directive of Ministers Council of Soviet Union(dated by December 16, 1976) the main idea of the 'Next Strike Helicopter' programme, which resulted into Mi-28 and V-80(Ka-50), was to develop a PURE and SPECIALIZED strike helo without any troop carrying capability.

UPD: The decision about such a programme was made because it has been very quickly discovered that 'flying BMP/IFV' concept failed and in the same time the Mi-24, which entered in service just a few years ago, couldn't be as good as pure attack helicopter(particulary - YAH-64, known today as AH-64 Apache) due to its troops bay, which badly affected its flight and combat characteristics.

BTW, initial variants of Mi-28 that were dropped in favor of the final variant as we know it today.



Edited by FeoFUN

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Is it just me or is this whole thing about the authenticity and realism and looks and setting a really inflammatory topic? :V I bet the forum can´t go for a week without at least one post popping up complaining about various things that have nil bearing on gameplay whatsoever. Games fail if they´re designed with only realism, authenticity and accuracy in mind. Case in point: IL2:Cliffs of Dover. That´s a game designed by rivet counters, for rivet counters, and as far as games go it is one of the worst examples of software I have had the misfortune of installing on my computer (after having paid big bucks for it, no less. My fault.)

Arma 3 is about having fun, not 100 % realistically represented, accurate gear. If you want that, read a military history book or something.

Nobody seems to get the point that the gear depicted in the game is utterly replaceable. An attack helicopter is an attack helicopter. A tank is a tank. A rifle is a rifle. What matters is the gameplay and game design. Yet nobody seems to bother with reviewing that fact, and the fact that the other "killed games" that get thrown around (Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six) haven´t deteriorated from their previous grandeur because the amount of rivets on the vests of the soldiers was wrong or because a particular gun they used wasn´t actually in service in the world.

They deteriorated because of MASSIVE GAMEPLAY/GAMEDESIGN AND GAME CONCEPT CHANGES. All your complaining about the silly helicopter is so hollow with regards to the issue it´s painful to even adress it constantly. If we don´t, however, there might be pressure coming in from all the wrong directions and actually affect changes.

Again, good example for that is IL2:Cliffs of Dover. Try the unpatched release version and you´ll know what I mean.

/rant end

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Well, that just stated everything I'd say, if I knew how to express myself. Bravo.

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Is it Authentic ?


it is merely the wrong interpretation of what bis feel is the perfect follow on between what the community desire vs there own interpretation of what would give them the greatest excuse to create a squeal from it :0 ,

In other words Arma4 will be in either Turkey or Iran and the next best thing or easiest nationality to follow on from is Greece :).

In a more serious note yes its authentic because its original and first and on PC :)

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I'll just quote Max Power from the future weapons - omg topic that got locked:

Yeah, and everyone has heard it all before. And it is just a game. You may return to your hardcore community to say that the developers showed up to your thread and suggested that perhaps you ought to save up to buy VBS2.

It's clear this is going in circles with nothing new popping up. This thread has just about (read: a long time ago) run its course.

Please PM me if you wish me to open the thread because you have something significant to add.

A word of caution: Please do not take this spiralling argument into the sticky topic. Endlessly recycling the same tired points will not be tolerated there. This is one of those §2 situations. Thank you.

Let's take Max Power's word of caution. FeoFUN, drop it. Let it go. Move on. If you don't like the direction, leave.

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I'll just quote Max Power from the future weapons - omg topic that got locked:

Let's take Max Power's word of caution. FeoFUN, drop it. Let it go. Move on. If you don't like the direction, leave.

We're talking about Mi-28 history - what's your problem with that? Keep walking and don't be a paranoid.

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