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"Take On" Franchise

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Take On Trucking (semi business sim/driving sim)

Actually, as a small side project, I am working on exactly that (in Arma 2).

Aiming at a small sized economy sim that also allows competition via MP. But it's all in it's baby shoes right now. Once it's decent and presentable, I might get around announcing it with more details. :)

The main point for me doing this is to give people a reason to drive over all the nice terrains made by BI and the community, focusing on enjoying the scenery while cursing at the non-present brakes (just a somewhat controlled deceleration). :rolleyes:

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Take On Moderating. :rolleyes:

Once the reviews were in, that game would never sell a single copy.

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Take On: Walker.

No matter how you play the game you will always lose. :D

(That's a complement by the way! :))

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