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How to create & get AI to go to certain points based on triggers?

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Is there anyway I can make AI go to different points based on certain triggers?

Say I have an AI solder.... If "trigger #1" goes of I want him to go to "Marker A". If "trigger #2" goes off I want him to go to "Marker B". And then Back to "Marker A" if "trigger #1" goes off again... and so on.

I have tried to using the CreateWaypoint command but could not get it to work....

I also tried creating a bunch of "Hold" waypoints and linking them all of them to the various "Triggers" except the one where I wanted them to go hoping that when a specific trigger went off he would go to the one waypoint that wasn't linked but instead he only went to the next consecutive waypoint... (i.e. I created WP#0(Hold), WP#1(Hold), WP#2(Hold), WP#3(Hold) and linked a trigger(switch) to WP#0, 1 & 2... He starts at WP#0 of course. I was hoping that when the trigger went off he would skip to waypoint #3) I would then do this with a number of triggers to the different waypoints so I could get him to go to a specific waypoint everytime a specific trigger went off.... I can't get it to work... Any suggestions?

I tried searching for existing posts to no avail...



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Very basic way.

Trigger#1 set to activated by whatever way you want it and in the On Activation you could use

Soilder1 domove getmarkerpos "MarkerName";

Likewise with Trigger#2 just use a different marker for the unit to move to when the trigger gets activated.

Just name the markers what you want and away you go.

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More complicated way!

This little demo I did for you will show you how to execute scripts from your triggers.

A good start is to play around with Koni's suggestion and then look at this if you need it to be more complex.... which I think you do!

Hope it helps you in some way.... and starts you on your scripting journey into oblivion!

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That did it! exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks to you both...


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