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Free look with POV-Stick

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I am using the POV-Stick on my joystick to look around in my other sims but I can't find any control input for that in TOH. There is only head movement on the horizontal plane not looking up and down for example. Obviously I will not use the mouse for that, how am I supposed to operate a joystick and a mouse :D So, is there a way to map the function of the mouse to the POV-Stick or are there snap-views or something?

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Hi, you can map your POVs to head rotation and movement. If you have a joystick with a Scheme available in the game, it should even be mapped by default. Try to look in the All category of the controls (by default mapped to Numpad keys). You can also choose to make freelook interaction the default in Game Options.

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Hi, you can map your POVs to head rotation and movement. If you have a joystick with a Scheme available in the game, it should even be mapped by default. Try to look in the All category of the controls (by default mapped to Numpad keys). You can also choose to make freelook interaction the default in Game Options.

Ah didn't see the dropdown for other control settings. Works like a charm now, thanks for the quick answer.:)

It is a bit wierd since I have the T.16000 and Saitek throttle but it doesn't show them in the controllers with a scheme area. But I did it manually now and it works.

For other POV-Stick users: Got to All category and look for the aim up, down, left, right commands. If you activate freelock by default, you can then use your POV-Stick to smoothly look around.

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