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ctrlSetText / ctrlText not working

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I'm making a dialog, and have a button of type 16; I have the button all set up, and initialized to say "Join Squad". I then want the button to say "Leave Squad" when pressed. Here's my code:

hint format["clicked: %1",_idc];
_text = ctrlText _idc;
hint format["says: %1",_text];
ctrlSetText [_idc, "Leave Squad"];

the hints show me that i have the correct idc being sent, but the second hint prints out "says: ", so ctrlText isn't working. Also, the text on the button never changes.

To be sure I had the right idc, i put in: ctrlShow [_idc, false]; which successfully hid the button.... any ideas why the text won't work for me?

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Use _control ctrlSetText _text;

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