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MP PvP Mission: Sumrakent topgun

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there is a MP mission, not tested in MP in ToH - because of crash of ToH server (it worked in Arma2OA).

Description (what should work):

-PvP style deathmatch with light armed choppers

-with or without AI

-time limit possible to set up

-up to 6 pilots (human or AI -AI not recomended)

-random respawn(chopper & pilot)

-two service points to rearm/refuel

-try to simulate NDB navaid

-language localisation ENG,CZ,GER

-when human pilot crashlanded and alive an opfor team is spawned in the vicinity to hunt him so the other human guys have to help (set friendly temporarily)

after rescue and boarding the new chopper the PvP fight goes on.

No go:

-score system

It is not much a civilian mission but made just to have fun. It would be great to found some guys patient enough to test it in real MP and give a feedback.

Just unrar and copy pbo file to MPMISSIONS in ToH folder.Link http://http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62128874/3hubisV1_05TOH.South_Asia_H.rar

Edited by Polymorph
new version of the mission

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A few script errors keep poping up , you should run it with enable script errors to correct them .

you need to enable persistent = 1; in your description file to enable the mission to run when everyone leaves.

Sometimes there is no respawn of the helocopters ..

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thank you for your reply. It is great you tried it. I will have look at it. Could you describe the situation when the chopper does not respawn? I'v got really one problem with it because the respavn criteria is 'can/cannot move' for the chopper and when the rotor blades are crushed with rest of the chopper intact I am affraid the programm thinks the chopper can move. Than the disabled one will not be deleted and therefore no respawn. If it is this I have to think about how to avoid it. Another point is when you crashland with chopper disabled and you still alive: the new chopper respawns at your last respawn point and you have to get there on your own being chased by enemy infantry).

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If you disable AI on the server it seems you do not get a chopper on respawn . For the damage to the chopper look in in the wiki for the part about HitPointDamage. it deals with the damage to the chopper systems.

Most of the script errors seem to be spawn releated.

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thanks I am on it. Most of script errors was due to comments in the scripts - I marked them with //at start and it seems not to work. Your problem with chopper respawn I could not reconstruct yet-have you experienced it with multiple players, on dedi server or while playing alone?

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I have updated the mission (see link in the first post): the scripts are running without error massages now.

Finaly I could test the mission with my friend online and in LAN. I think all respawns are working well (person and chopper) with or without AI.

Only error you will recieve is at the start wenn no AIs are there because the script try to equip tho nonexistent AI Pilot.

My advice: disable -showScriptErrors and be happy.

Oh yeas the NDB NAVAID try is not working properly in MP.

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Nice mission - looks like it could be good fun with a bunch of people. Just one thing though - maybe somehow make the helicopters invunerable when on the ground after re-spawn. I just played and for the last few minutes could not take off because my helicopter was destroyed on the ground. In Arma this wouldn't be so bad as the take off sequence doesn't take so long!

Anyway, I liked this and have put it on my server!

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Thank you for feedback. You are right those ground kills by respawn are annoying. I think to respawn the chopper with running engine will do the job better then a bullet proof chopper on the ground. I remember there was a command _somethinhgsomething engineOn true in arma2. I have tested it in ToH now and it seems to work. I am just testing it in the mission - it seems to work when playing alone. I think I will post an update at he weekend. Thanks a lot for the idea and download.

Many happy landings.

Edited by Polymorph

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Hi fellow pilots,

I have made the respawn helicopters to appear with engines running - to get faster in the air after respawn. The new version of the mission see below. I left the old version in the 1st post so far as I am really not sure what is better - to start the engines manually after respawn or have them running. Now you can choose. Well some info texts which is to see during the mission was set to global so every player can se those now. No other changes between v1.05 and 1.06.

Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62128874/3hubisV1_06TOH.South_Asia_H.rar

Have a blast.

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