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Whats up with the micro-squad-AI / AI Fireteam breaking off..

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I remember a while ago there was a sort-of-new feature where if you had a squad, in wedge formation... and ordered 2 (typically a team leader) to advance, he would take his subordinate fireteam with him....

I think it broke regular formation travel and/or started to interfere with player control of squaddies and as such was removed.. but perhaps its just been discretely toned down and is still implemented so ive not noticed it...

This is not a complaint or criticism - i was just curious as to whether this was still implemented? I cant even remember now why i was wondering about it.. But incase i do remember i thought i'd post this since i'd written it out :)

if its still implemented:

what formations does it work with?

whats the features more 'official' name?

I also have a few unrelated questions regarding micro AI squad control such as...

if you tell an AI to 'watch that position' or direction for that matter.. how can you revert them back to their default behaviour? Scan horizon?

Is this the same with vehicles.. So if you have a wedge formation of squaddies in APC's travelling along with no specific orders to watch anywhere (they appear to watch whatever flank they're on) - then you specifiy one to watch X... how does this affect the others? (and again, repeating the 2nd part of the same question but now in vehicles - how do you get them to revert back to watching their default direction depending on what flank they're on)

Perhaps i shouldnt be asking this as it might spoil the illusion of what limited intelligence the AI already possess :D, but i figure its better to know more about what they're doing than less.

I hope i haven't rambled too much and someone out there gets my question(s)!


Edited by Stilton

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You can indeed order AI fireteams to move out. Just assign whoever you want to whatever colour. Typically I assign (if I'm with 8 AI) 3 as Team Red, and set them to follow me, and will set them to line formation when I'm crossing open ground. Then I'd set the other 4 to Team Blue, and can set them to hold position, or watch a particular direction while myself and Red move out.

When you recall your entire section, it shouldn't have any problem with formations. They might just take a while to get into the formation as they need to figure out your next direction of travel. I haven't tried it out with vehicles yet, but I hope that offers some sort of an explanation.

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