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Escape Chernarus (Mission Release)

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Thanks for your map, its awesome. We LOVE it!

I have also tweaked it a little to make it a bit harder. I started scripting Arma 2 yesterday, so I'm completely noob at it and was wondering if you could help me with this one problem I have. I've raised minimun and maximum enemy counts etc, added new weapons to ammo boxes, lowered item counts in ammo boxes (So there is not 40 magazines to ak's etc)and in civilian vehicles, added more vehicles to civilians and to enemies. But sometimes the vehicles spawned / patrol groups don't shoot back. Infact, they don't attack at all. Could the problem be in the infantrytypes? I have added almost all Ru/Rus/MVD and some takistani infantrytypes(the ones that fit to chernarus landscape). Something to do with the side=east/west those types have? Almost everything else we have tweaked is just something like minenemyskill and maxunitsingroup so I don't think that would cause the AI to behave like that. Is there a way to force enemies spawned to certain side?

Would love to have more infantry types in this mission, imagine patrolling guards with few ghillie suit snipers armed with KSVK's... And with more weapon types the enemies have, the less likely we are getting more ammo to the weapons we use = Harder mission overall.

The mission also needs 1 or 2 tasks more.


Edited by RaZzi

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I love your mission and by now have spend 25+ hours on it roughly, But I'm getting pretty bored of the Chernarus map and was wondering if you could port the map over to Takistan?

That's a work I started a while ago, but I'm sorry I cannot tell when it will be out. RL does not allow it for the moment.

---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 ----------


Thanks for your map, its awesome. We LOVE it!

I have also tweaked it a little to make it a bit harder. I started scripting Arma 2 yesterday, so I'm completely noob at it and was wondering if you could help me with this one problem I have. I've raised minimun and maximum enemy counts etc, added new weapons to ammo boxes, lowered item counts in ammo boxes (So there is not 40 magazines to ak's etc)and in civilian vehicles, added more vehicles to civilians and to enemies. But sometimes the vehicles spawned / patrol groups don't shoot back. Infact, they don't attack at all. Could the problem be in the infantrytypes? I have added almost all Ru/Rus/MVD and some takistani infantrytypes(the ones that fit to chernarus landscape). Something to do with the side=east/west those types have? Almost everything else we have tweaked is just something like minenemyskill and maxunitsingroup so I don't think that would cause the AI to behave like that. Is there a way to force enemies spawned to certain side?

Would love to have more infantry types in this mission, imagine patrolling guards with few ghillie suit snipers armed with KSVK's... And with more weapon types the enemies have, the less likely we are getting more ammo to the weapons we use = Harder mission overall.

The mission also needs 1 or 2 tasks more.



I'm glad you like it!

There are two things I can imagine as a problem:

1. You have in any way mixed units that belongs to same group but different sides.

2. In beginning of mission all player units are set as "Captive", which means that no enemy will engage them. When players escape, the captive state is set to off. Have you changed anything so that the "Captive" status remains on?

I assume that you primarily have made changes in the file UnitClasses.sqf, and in that case the first alternative above is the most probable.

One more thing. Remember that if you increase the number of enemies on the map you might need to decrease the spawn distance. If too many enemy groups are created they will stop spawn. You can set the debug variable "_showGroupDiagnostics" in InitServer.sqf to true to see group counts.

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Hello and thanks for feedback!

I've had no luck with this so far. I fixed the last issue by correcting the infantry types I had added. I had added CDF infantries to infantrytypes wich of course was a bit stupid and messed up the AI. But new problems arise! Now AI messes up when I create some "static" enemies in mission editor. I have created bases to NW airfield and Polana Factory to have more tasks to do (static ones because I can't script those awesome random location bases you have made!) but when I create enemies to Opfor the AI stops shooting back. Starting position guards work fine and so does the search chopper but other than those, they just simply patrol and don't act as hostiles. Deleting those created enemies makes the mission work again. Created enemies have been on Opfor and Russian/Insurgent types.

Love the "enhancing" effect so far. More enemies with different weapons really makes this one a challenge. You just can't loot one body now and be done with it, you have to conserve ammo and ambush patrols to get more. Would love to have random gear script for spawned enemies to add m4a1/m14/m16 etc. to the mix.

If you wanna take closer look to help me out or just to test it, I upped it to my dropbox account: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/102123234/co08_Escape_BlobRaZziv2.Chernarus.rar

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Sorry if I've asked this before but is there a i44 version of this?

It would be awesome to play as an aviator who has been captured by local militia or partisans, only to be hunted down by the local army!

How amazing would it be to get hold of an motorbike (R75?) or sidecar (for your mate) and flee enemy trucks (Opel Blitz), jeeps (KugelWagon's?) and APC (Sd.Kfz. 251?), not to mention road blocks, etc.

Edited by domokun

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Out of curiosity, in an effort to make it even more difficult (Cause why the heck not?), would it be possible to make an option to have the players spawn in different prison camps?

If so, how would one go about doing that? I only know the basics of map building, so once we get into all the scripts and what not, it's a little over my head.

Great map though, spent way too much time cursing that damn helicopter:)

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Out of curiosity, in an effort to make it even more difficult (Cause why the heck not?), would it be possible to make an option to have the players spawn in different prison camps?

If so, how would one go about doing that? I only know the basics of map building, so once we get into all the scripts and what not, it's a little over my head.

Great map though, spent way too much time cursing that damn helicopter:)

That's an interesting idea, but it will be a little tricky.

In the file "InitServer.sqf", there is the following comment line: "// Spawn creation of start position settings". Below that line is a "spawn" command (essentially a function running in its own thread), and that spawn command's first parameter is the spawn position. So to spawn guards on one more spot, duplicate the code and pass another position parameter. In the same file there is also the following line of code that also need to be duplicated, the following code creates the actual prison (fences):

_scriptHandle = [drn_startPos, _fenceRotateDir] execVM "Scripts\Escape\BuildStartPos.sqf";

But also, there is code that checks for different things, like if the players are at a certain distance from the prison, and that code must be updated to handle different starting points, and the different starting points must be associated with the correct players. Search the code for drn_startPos and you will probably find all tings that need to be done.

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Thanks for creating this wonderful mission Engima! Me and a friend have had a blast playing this for 50+ hours during the last weeks trying to complete this seemingly impossible challenge. Even if we died a lot it was always fun and never felt repetitive a single time because of the dynamic spawn points and the random placement of the ammo dumps (it took us a while to even notice that they existed!) and com stations.

We finally completed it last week to great fanfare after playing for about 5 hours. My heart really started pumping when I saw a couple of spetznas paratroopers parachuting in the forest just behind me, and this was about 3-4 hours into the game so I wasn't too keen on dying at that moment, but thankfully we managed to evade that whole search & destroy team :D

One annoying bug (for my friend who hosted the game) was some script error/exception related to the chopper. After playing for 2+ hours (this was the case both of the times that this happened for us) the message "ERROR IN SEARCHCHOPPER.SQL: CASE REFUELING NOT TAKEN CARE OF (2ND SWITCH)!" quickly filled his screen and the chopper wasn't hunting us anymore because of that error, everything else seemed to work.

We haven't encounter any other significant bugs other than the fact that some spawns were really brutal, especially in hills where you are basically sitting ducks from the starts due the enemy being able to shoot right over the barricade or while spawning near the main road in the south near the coast where there seemed to be a really high chance of heavy armor being spawned. Oh and spawning inside an area of densely populated spruces is annoying :)

My feeling is that all the heavy armor spawns may be a bit too much to handle as two players playing on veteran but it might just be that we aren't good enough to handle a BMP and BRDM at the same time :D

On the other hand it gives you an even larger incentive to deploy guerilla tactics, so I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing really, letting the options be more granular here would be good, if it's possible (I'm pretty clueless about Arma 2 scripting, haven't been doing any modding of the arma series since OFP).

Another thing I found a bit lacking was the variety of weapons found in patrols and armament trucks (always the same loadout). Patrols are rather limited to Kobra, AKS, AKM, AK-74, RPK and PKM, that's it. Would be nice if we could have the option to at least rarely have some units spawn with AK-107, Makarov SD or something fancy without having to destroy an APC first, although I do get that the point is to reach an ammo dump to get such stuff in the first place, so it's just a minor suggestion.

The ability to steal some rare parked APC / BMP would great also I think.

It would be awesome to have this map officially ported to some other islands, we haven't tried any of the other unofficial ports yet, but we may do that.

Thanks again for your work!

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After some playing and finally finishing the mission a couple of times, I feel like I'm ready for the same challenge in different scenery.

I was wondering if you might give some insight as to some of the things that are required to port this mission to another island?

So far I've gotten started, however I've noticed immediately upon opening the mission that there were no markers to indicate how towns were populated.

After testing a partial adaptation to another island, I get an error saying "cannot find scripts/DRN/villagemarkers/villagemarkers(island).sqf"

I thought to myself: Okay, so that's how that was done, lol.

However my question is when I open the file itself, I'm given a lot of vague information:

drn_villageMarkers set [0, [[4980.98,12517.1,0], 37.6407, "ELLIPSE", [130,70]]];

drn_villageMarkers set [1, [[5899.65,10175.2,0], 85.6613, "ELLIPSE", [120,75]]];

drn_villageMarkers set [2, [[11217.1,12248.2,0], 34.1384, "RECTANGLE", [120,120]]];

drn_villageMarkers set [3, [[11603.5,12435.3,0], 114.143, "RECTANGLE", [100,60]]];

We have a declaration, coordinates, and some other information I can only speculate about.

If you wouldn't mind, and be so helpful as to explain how these work?

Does each point represent a single village, or do a group of them presumably represent multiple points in larger towns?

As a framework your mission has a lot of replay value, although I think I've pretty much played the Chernarus theater to death for now.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Pd3, have you seen the "Port Mission" part in ReadMe.txt? I don't know if it's perfect, but at least some good hints. The villagemarkers(island).sqf is generated using another mission (TE_VillageMarkers.Chernarus). Create a new TE_VillageMarkers.(island) mission and create the village markers like in TE_VillageMarkers.Chernarus. Then activate the trigger that writes the information in a file (see ReadMe.txt), and use that file in your ported version of "Escape (island)". The same applies to communication center locations.

Each point is the center of a marker (rectangle or ellipse), the next number is the angle and the last numbers is the x and y sizes. But you don't actually need to know this. The important thing is that each marker may be populated by enemy soldiers, and they should not be too large. Over a big city like Chernarus i think I have put 4 such markers. Together the four markers cover the city. There should also always be road segments present in the marker, since enemies are spawned on random road segments within the marker.

Hope that helps some!

---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

Hey Engima I have just discovered your mission even though im a moderator and working on Armaholic every day I am just ashamed that I have noticed your GREAT mission

just now. I LOVE IT! really... I have played it all day and just cant stop, in fact its on pause right now as im writing this, lol.

Anyways, I have some questions - is it possible I can change the militia to Russian or even another faction to be the enemy? Another thing is that I am playing it in Single Player

and im sure it was made for coop right? well when I start it, it says in the corner "Single Player Mode" and then also "Unlimited Lives". But whenever I die I have the screen to be

able to be revived - IF I had team mates and thats it, im dead! cause I cant do anything, lol. I know it my fault but I really wish this could have spawn options for single player too.

Apart from that, I love it. I do hope you can add more and more to it, maybe Demomized flare script so when they are searching for you at night they shoot the flares around where

you are to help find you, that would be awesome. Also maybe adding dogs to the hunters who are trying to find the escapee?

Anyways man, thanks again. :)

Hi DarkXess, I'm glad you like my mission! :)

Yes, you're right, It's intended for multiplayer play (for me and my friends initially) and I have not taken care of any single player cases. I had it on my todo list for a while, but sadly I havn't been able to develop it since the 1.8 release due to lack of time and inspiration (and I'm saving energy for an Arma III release :) ). Thank you for good idéas for future versions!

Changing the militia to Russian is possible, but requires a litte development. Check out the file Scripts\Escape\UnitClasses.sqf and you will we a whole bunch unit and object classes you can change. However, some elements (like the search chopper) will require you to change in some other files to. Right now I'm sure exactly which ones, but the EscapeSurprises.sqf file is one.

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Could somebody explain me, how do i add an playable enemy unit? I would like to hunt my clan mates. I thaugt about a central spawn position with an atv or something. But i don't know how to script this. I tried it with the editor, but i spawned in the jail :D

This would be a nice update for the map!

Sorry for my bad english skills ^^

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OMG this mission is a blast.

Me and 3 other friends took 6 hours to complete it yesterday and it was a hell of a fun.

Thanks to the author.

Just curious if there are any other coop mission with similar settings around?

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@meldorqc: kind of, try the Behind Enemy Lines mission.

But it's very old so I'm not how it'll play with all the improvements in AI offered by the last patches.

@Enigma: still no chance of I44 version?

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Hi, really cool mod but me and my friends are having a problem:

*** SPOILER ***

When picking up the photo in krashnostav about 500 zombies (NOT EVEN KIDDING) spawns and starts hunting us. My FPS goes from steady 70-80 to around 10, that's how many that spawns. Basically we move over to the supermarket, kill all zombies, stabilize, and move up to the house with the photo killing our way there. First time we tried to stay in the house and kill all zombies. I had an RPK with 400 rounds, and I prolly killed about 200 zombies before we got overrun and died, and looking out the window of the house while dying revealed at least 200 more outside spread all over the city trying to get into the house. The second time we made it there we just instantly ran away thinking we could outrun them, we spent about 30 minutes running in circles trying to loose them. Then we run up the mountain for the next objective but all that was there was that jeep with not enough ammo in it to kill the horde of zombies, and not enough fuel to get away. So after another 15 minutes of trying to set up a satchel charge to blow them all up my friend died over in krasnostav with most (90% ie prolly 400 zombies) on him, at which point we thought that if he respawned on me we only would have to deal with the 40 on me, but no, after a couple of minutes the horde that was in krashnostav made it to the hill, even tho we would've been far away out of range for them to agro on us by then.

kinda a TLDR lol but yea does any have any idea what we can do? Is this a bug or is it meant to happen like this? Or are we just missing something? It's a really cool mod and I would love to be able to play it out.

Edited by Max Power

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Can anyone tell me if this guy's post, or this one (which are the same but in different mission threads) make any sense given the mission?

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Thank you for your Mission! Enjoing it very much.


Is it normal that I am not able to save the game when I host this for a LAN with my friends. I have no issues on that with every other map. Further, although I have a Radio in inventory I cannot use it (thought I might be able to save )

Would love to beat this map..:)

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Can anyone tell me if this guy's post, or this one (which are the same but in different mission threads) make any sense given the mission?

No, it doesn't... no photos and no zombies in this mission.

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No, it doesn't... no photos and no zombies in this mission.

He made​a mistake, he says about the mission "Charnarus Apocalypse: Part One"


ENIGMA, at the beginning I want to express my satisfaction with your mission. I play it all the time with friends and always had a great fun.I play configuration: Escape Charnarus TPWC 1.8 + AI + ASR_AI SUPRESS. T

his gives the game a lot of film action, and emotion.

Thank you so much... :)

But I have some questions.


Is it possible to get a helicopter in any way without damaging it?

You can force the pilot to land but then the helicopter is damaged.

When I played with friends today, we arrived at the airport. Helicopter that follows us all the time, sometimes landing at the airport (to refuel?, Or something like that) anyway, You can kill the soldiers serving in the helicopter guns, but the pilot is immortal. Why is the option to acquire a helicopter is locked?

Patrols moving around the map have "Strela" and that it would not be easy to get away with his help, but there was a possibility that some additional option.



Is there a way to force the crew to leave the heavy vehicle it without destroying it. Tanks, armored vehicles, etc.?


Somebody can write ma a list of all OBTAINABLE weapons in this map and all the ways to get a weapons??? [crates in enemy camps, in cars, from soldiers, are there any other ways??? ]

Because, sometime i found FN FAL ammo, but i never find FN FAL weapon etc.

I will be greatful, thanks. :)

Edited by Debosy

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The helicopter at the airfield is some kind of "out of gameplay" (refueling).

In my edited version, one playerslot is an engineer and is able to repair a broken tailrotor. But I have to say: The mission is too easy, if you aquire a heli.


Destroy tires or tracks :D But again: The mission would be way to easy, if you aquire a heavy vehicle.


Just have a look in the missions script files. There is a configurationfile with all used ammoboxes and units.

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Loving this mission...one of the best missions/mods our group has been playing, so first off, thanks a ton for making this!

We have actually run into one issue though and were wondering if anyone else has seen it. On occasion when we start up, one or more of the players will actually spawn somewhere not in the original prison compound. Almost looks like they are spawning underground a few thousand meters away b/c their screens stay black and they die after a few moments, and we can see their diamond icon off a ways and it looks like it's underground. Anyone ran into this before? Sometimes it'll happen with more than one person. We are using the latest (1.8) version.

Edited by Meatball

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Destroy tires or tracks :D But again: The mission would be way to easy, if you aquire a heavy vehicle.

Yes and no.

I always gain a few armored vehicles and try to create a motorized convoy.

You can even get a fully functional BRDM 3, all you have to do is shoot other drivers PKM With RKM front of the vehicle. The vehicle is 100% efficient. one time I managed to get slightly damaged T-72, but you can drive it and shoot. Even with him I died fired by other tanks.

I like this mission, but I'd be delighted if the game was more tasks, I completed mission 3 times and since then, together with my friends, now we go fight, destroy enemy vehicles and stations. It would be nice if there were some additional tasks to spice up the game a person who prefer this type of gameplay.

A few words to Engima...

Engima Thank you again for this great mission.I play virtually your mission, and this is for me and my friends extremely good experience. I can not for some time to find myself any other mission for Arma 2 because having these positive experiences from your mission.

From now on, all the other missions seem to be underdeveloped and boring. Damn, I finished playing Dayz, for your mission. :D

I still hope that one day I will be able to play in any of your works, and I will be happy if in the future you will develop Escape Charnarus with additional functions. :)

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Hey man!

Just created an account for this thread actually and I would just like to thanks for creating a pretty darn awesome map! :)

Have started editing it a bit and played around with adding stuff to the game that we simply consider fun, such as a more varied (albeit lore-friendly) selection of guns (including OA stuff), some more vehicles (including empty helis and stuff at the airfields, that the enemies actually at times use, such as an attack helicopter that completely obliterated us XD), enemies and the like (just hope it all works now XD). I have previously modded quite many games ,mostly used CryEngine 3, but this is completely new to me as of yesterday :p;

so I have a couple of questions (which I sincerely hope you don't mind :)) :

1. How can I add to/view the classes of civilians on the map?

2. Is it possible to somewhere view the loadouts of the individual classes of enemies, or is this done through similar scripts as the one you have implemented for the prison guards?

3. Is there any possibility to make certain preferred groups of enemies that go together, because an AT and sniper combo isn't really the most common choice? Or can I somehow make it more probable that certain classes spawn (but I guess I can do this by simply adding more of that in the array)?

4. Any chance you could add more searchlights and such to the camp layouts? (I have added some as fixed emplacement thingies, but it doesn't really cover what I had in mind).

5. How come the AI instantly attacks me when driving around, is there any way one can implement a detection range or something, or is that just me not having figured it out yet? :rolleyes:

6. And finally wouldn't it be awesome if you implemented a bounty system a la "warfare" with money that you can then spend on say weapons and vehicles from shady merchants/resistance/whatnot? This way you could roleplay that you have a mission to destabilize and suck the lifeblood and morale out of the Chedaki before the invasion, simply put; wreck havoc :)

Edited by Hulahuga

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