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How to spawn several vehicles, each on a certain spot

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Hi everyone,

I have started to have a good long look on the editor. So far I can give players the ability to respawn, by creating a Description.ext. I can also respwan vehicles by stating a default respwantime in the Description.ext, adding a marker like 'respawn_vehicle_west' and initialising the vehicle with

this respwanVehicle[-1];

When I want to respawn several vehicles, I create the marker as an area, so they do not appear in themselfs. But now I have 2 helicopters, beloning to the same faction, which I want eacht to spawn on a certain place. How can I assign a specific marker to a vehicle?

Kind regards


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You can use multiple random spawn points:


Sets respawn type.Can be one of:

  • 0 or "NONE" - No respawn
  • 1 or "BIRD" - Respawn as a seagull
  • 2 or "INSTANT" - Respawn just where you died.
  • 3 or "BASE" - Respawn in base.
    • Requires a marker named:
      • respawn_west
      • respawn_east
      • respawn_guerrila
      • respawn_civilian

      [*]Add markers named with the prefix 'respawn_west' with any suffix (eg: respawn_westABC, respawn_west1, respawn_west_2, etc) for multiple random respawn points.

That will respawn them at one of the points randomly.

If you want to pick a specific location for each one you will need to use a script.

Here is a very good easy to use vehicle respawn script: (I haven't tested it in TOH but it should work with out to much trouble.)


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