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Derdoe's How to make an airplane land and take-off

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this is a short tutorial how to make a loop that makes airplanes land and take-off again using waypoints. This example is made for IceBreakr's excellent Isla Duala 1.95.

http://www10.pic-upload.de/05.02.12/v6llgk8ybqg.jpg (166 kB)

First of all, place a plane of your choice, in my example the C-130J. Name the plane and use the name later. In my case the name is C130.

Place Waypoints with the settings mentioned in the Image.

Add to waypoint 0 the script line:

c130 landAt 1;

More information for the landAt command:


This method can also be used with more Airports. So the plane lands, takes off, flies to next airport, lands, takes off, flies to next airport and so on. You can also have one plane on ground and make it use the other planes waypoints with the CopyWaypoint command (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/copyWaypoints).

If an airport is not suitable for a certain plane, it will go around and land at the nearest suitable air field. If a plane does a loop before landing, you need to move the waypoint with the landAt command further away from the airport.

This does not work for helicopters, at least i havent tested it. If you want to use Helicopters, use invisible Helipads and use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/land.

I hope this helps some people out :)

*** Update 16th of July 2012 ***



0 = Airport NorthWest

1 = Airport SouthEast

Planes approach all airports from South West



0 = There is only one airport


0 = Airport NorthWest close to Grishno

1 = Airport NorthEast close to Kranostav

2 = Airport SouthWest close to Balota

3 = Nearest Airport

Planes approach all airports from South East

if (_veh isKindOf "plane") then 
_veh action ["Land", _veh]; 

will make it land at the closest airport

Edited by derdoe

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I guess that Old Bear might be interested in this. It may be quite helpful.

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Hi, i know this post is kinda old but how do you know the airport id?

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0 = Airport NorthWest

1 = Airport SouthEast

Planes approach all airports from South West



0 = There is only one airport


0 = Airport NorthWest close to Grishno

1 = Airport NorthEast close to Kranostav

2 = Airport SouthWest close to Balota

3 = Nearest Airport

Planes approach all airports from South East

if (_veh isKindOf "plane") then 
_veh action ["Land", _veh]; 

will make it land at the closest airport

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Thanks for your input, Zonekiller! Will post your information in the first post!

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anyone have this image. It no longer works.

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Fantastic tutorials here. Learn how to make this. Thank you so much.

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