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ARMA 2: OA beta build 88918 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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[88918] Improved: AI scanning for the target more when a visual contact is lost.

[88890] Improved: AI vehicles scanning area with their weapons when target position is not known exactly.

[88870] Fixed: AI vehicles sometimes see player outside their field of view (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/28203)

+ EH improvement on serialization

The various eventHandlers in game are implemented with the following BUG.

AddEventHandler adds handler into the array and return its index as a unique handle to be used for possible later removal.

RemoveEventHandler removes the item on the specified index.

Which means, the array is shifted and other "unique handles" does not match the proper index after remove.

Fix implements in the similar way as implemented eventHandlers for UI.

Renamed these to class EventHandler and class EventHandlers.

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Excellent! One of the best set of fixes I have seen in a long time! Great work! :)

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Nice fixes, DL for test!


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note: SMAA still not in , keep waiting

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Very nice AI fixes! Thx :)

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Great fixes!

[88890] Improved: AI vehicles scanning area with their weapons when target position is not known exactly.

that is actually super cool, will increase the immersion when you can see the AI searching for you (with thier weapons)!

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I get kicked by BattleEye again for unknown version.

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Now this is becomming an issue - betas not accepted by battleye. I know at some time $ble will come with a update, but betas getting peps kicked in mp is not good. Cant some sulution be found, either a note that its not accepted by BE, or some way not to release beta before BE is updated ?

I guess the heading "ARMA 2: OA beta build 88918 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release) " is not entierly true before BE-server is updated :)

Edited by [HUD]Dorph

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it's already supported by BE, you need to live with the short delay ... it's beta aferall

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Still seeing enemy armor immediately spotting my armour when directly behind from 200m but seems to depend on whether they can inflict damage on me or not.

From 200m behind on Utes runway I was Commander of M1A1 and always give an imnmediate Hold Fire command. Enemies tended to react the same way whether given waypoint (hold/guard) or none so I gave them none.

Went thru the Opfor list:

Tunguska: Never turned toward me unless I moved or fired.

BMP-3: Always started with slight turn of 30 degrees into immediate full turn and fire.

BTR-90: Never turned toward me unless I moved or fired.

BTR HQ: Never turned toward me unless I moved or fired.

T72: Always started with slight turn of 30 degrees into immediate full turn and fire.

T-90: Always started with slight turn of 30 degrees into immediate full turn and fire.

Vodnik 2xpk & BPPU: Never turned toward me and for some strange reason my gunner would not heed my Hold Fire with these two and continued to fire his MG at them in which they always fled.

Metis AT Soldier: Never turned toward me unless I moved or fired and when detected he did open up on me.

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forggyluv, provide simple repro mission and upload to CIT ticket (either existing one or make new one or w/e)

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I can't start the game with this beta. Crashes to desktop while loading up the game.

It also generates tons of this in the RPT log:

Version 1.60.88918

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/All.***s{š÷é›áµDry’¯ÂÊeí\·åÂý–5|TL;ÔýÂÃTZ]z‘ÂzK{7£***Ú]oŒ›chïê¿Sxº‹äk{ÃŒŠ•Ä»ùêd¾¿9ùŠY.žçS{a«F«'b***^¯³ž½ÎÃÃÒy¡Ûiœí«l³***Ë)t¢Þ\þwß÷ƒ¥¯ñBßx»ß綻۞Þuý<ÆîËÙ×@½ñðR=|***“òêÓ+ÒýòðYK***r¿ûúSÂa}ûºK—•o¸AÄÎþ«7ÜÞïºÑxÃö-YïÛ|ùØêIú㯕7fíã&;½àýkñ

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Warning Message: '/' is not a value

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Have sendt crashdump files to your email dwarden.

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This is not related to this beta, will attempt to make a repro mission if needed, but can anyone confirm that Side: Opfor - Faction: Insurgents - Type: Mechanized Infantry - Name: Mechanized Patrol..

If given a waypoint over kilometre then all units minus one enter the vehicles, the vehicles then crawl to destination as the one who never entered is running behind?

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Just did a quick test and the same happens for me Katipo, seems the group have one guy (7) to many for the passenger slots available in the BRDM's.

Solution is simple tho, at least when putting them down in editor - just delete one of the infantry guys :)


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Helicopter (AI) in mission "E01: Hike in the hills" crashs into the hill. Never happen before, in some early OA version AI touched only the ground and moved on.

AI is not shooting at targets uphill/downhill within 300m range - they are just aiming at it. If target moves they move too but still don't open fire. Tested with different skill settings + waypoint options.

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Helicopter (AI) in mission "E01: Hike in the hills" crashs into the hill. Never happen before, in some early OA version AI touched only the ground and moved on.

I'm not sure if its an unhappy coincidence but last night in community-developed mission, our Wildcat also crashed into the side of hill. It never used to do that...

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would be nice first if someone confirm that happening all the time ... (by multiple users w/o any mods)

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