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ARMA 2: OA beta build 88850 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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Is SMAA support in?

not yet

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Thanks, that was an annoying bug.

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Dwarden, was the AI driving / pathfinding in vehicles improved / given some attention in the last betas? They have become terrible since 1.60... It really is a nightmare to watch them driving.

In 1.59 it wasn't good too, but 1.60 broke it definitely. :)

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Dwarden, was the AI driving / pathfinding in vehicles improved / given some attention in the last betas? They have become terrible since 1.60... It really is a nightmare to watch them driving.

In 1.59 it wasn't good too, but 1.60 broke it definitely. :)

what about a sample-mission and a ticket on CIT ??


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AI driving is definitely better than in old A2/OA times ;) trust me ...

i had dozens of whole chernarus/takistan test cases where AI totally messed up enroute (be it single, duo or convoy)

i do not rule out many new or still unresolved problems (especially with collision avoidance)

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i do not rule out many new or still unresolved problems (especially with collision avoidance)

Collision avoidance is probably the biggest problem with AI driving. They either swerve to avoid obstacles that are miles away (figuratively speaking), or they crash into things and fail to back up properly to move around them.

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AI driving in 1.60 isnt defintely good. AI trucks seem to have much problems to turn in crossroad in cities. Also sometimes they may drive out of the road suddently in open areas and keep colliding on same tree with endless loop. They reverse nicely, but try to go trough the obstacle always in the same way.

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Agree ^^

We need a driving FSM that can handle obstacles. Even rats can make their way out of a maze - I'm not so sure about some of our AI !

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Imo AI on "aware"/"danger"/"stealth" too often use a shortcut through terrain. Sticking to roads would be the better choice in many cases. Perhaps change it so that AI won't drive vehicles offroad unless they really got shot/hit badly?

In certain situation it would be great if the AI would simply be able to breakthrough a small resistance/ambush eg all vehicles drive at max speed of the first vehicle.

AI getting stuck on objects/obstacles:

Perhaps have the AI reverse 1-2m more so they won't crash into the same obstacle/objects over and over again?

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