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adding rating to a player for killing a civilian

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I am editing a mission that uses civilian suicide bombers

and a player ranking system

what I want to do is "player addRating 200" when he kills the civilian suicide bomber..

what commands do I need to add in the bombers script to achieve this ?

Currently the player losses rank when killing the bomber

here is the script im using for the bomber (its not mine)


// Function file for Armed Assault 2

// Created by: kylania


// Based on code from SNKMAN

// http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1623731&postcount=4


// Examples:


// Called from a trigger, Civilians - Present - Once to set 1 bomber out of preset Civs, attacking WEST, 70% chance of attack and 50m range.

// nul = [thislist select floor(random count thislist), WEST, 7, 50] execVM "hkRandom.sqf";


// Called from a unit's init, 100% chance to attack EAST units within 100m with a warning and shout.

// nul = [this, EAST, 10, 100, true, true];


// Default, attacking WEST targets 30% of the time within 20m warning the group but not yelling out a shout.

// nul = [this] execVM "hkRandom.sqf";



_unit = _this select 0; // Bomber unit, set randomly by trigger.

_side = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {WEST}; // Side to attack, default West.

_prob = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {3}; // Probilitiy of attack once a target is found, Number 1 - 10, higher = more chance. Default 3 (30% chance or so);

_range = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {20}; // Range to look for targets in, default 20m.

_warn = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {true}; // Option to warn the attacked group, all group members will target the bomber, AI won't shoot civs though. Default true.

_shout = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false}; // Option to make the bomber say a sound (declared below) before attacking. Default false.

//_sound = "allahu"; // Sound file declared in CfgSounds in description.ext for use with _shout option.

// Defaults.

_looking = true;

_target = objNull;

// Set to true to see status messages from the bomber.

_demo = FALSE;

if (isServer) then {

// Init the target array.

if (isNil "TargetArray") then {TargetArray = [];};

// Start hunting.

while {_looking} do {

_targets = _unit nearTargets _range; // Check targets within range.

if (count TargetArray > 0) then {_targets = _targets - TargetArray;};

// We have targets in range...

if (count _targets > 0) then


_count = 0;

while { (_count < count _targets) } do


_selectTarget = (_targets select _count);

// Make sure we know about the target and that they match the side we want to attack.

if ( (_unit knowsAbout (_selectTarget select 4) > 0) && (_selectTarget select 2 == _side) ) then


TargetArray = TargetArray + [_selectTarget select 4]; // Grab the target unit objects


_count = _count + 1;



// If we have valid target objects...

if (count TargetArray > 0) then {

// Lets see if we're ready to die...

_chance = round(random 9) + 1;

// Demo text.

if (_demo) then {_txt = format["Probability: %1, Roll: %2",_prob, _chance]; titleText[_txt, "PLAIN"];};

// If the bomber is ready to die, stop looking and pick one of the random targets found...

if (_chance <= _prob) then {

if (_demo) then {hint format["Found these targets: %1", TargetArray];};

_looking = false;

_target = TargetArray select floor(random count TargetArray);

} else {

// The bomber is NOT ready to die, so do nothing.

if (_demo) then {hintSilent "Sill hunting, not ready to die...";};


} else {

// No targets found so do nothing.

if (_demo) then { hintSilent "Still hunting...";};


// Wait a while and clear any targets previously found.

sleep 5;

TargetArray = [];


// At this point we've found a target (broke out of loop via _looking = false)

// Charge at the target!

_unit SetUnitPos "Up";

_unit SetSpeedMode "Full";

_unit SetCombatMode "Red";

_unit SetBehaviour "Careless";

if (_demo) then {hint format["INCOMING for you %1!", _target];};

// Shout or warn per options

if (_shout) then {_unit setVehicleInit "this say ""allahu""";processInitCommands};

if (_warn) then {units (group _target) commandTarget _unit};

// Make the bomber keep chasing the target till dead or within 3m.

while {alive _unit && (_unit distance _target > 8)} do {

_unit doMove getPos _target;

sleep 3;


// We're in range, make sure we're still alive then pull the pin!

if (alive _unit) then {"R_80mm_HE" createVehicle getPos _unit};


Thanks for any help


Edited by BL1P

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The killer loses -400 each time a civilian is killed.

Check this post out and adjust your values as needed. This example adds 200, so in fact the killer only loses -200. If you want to gain 200, just change the 200 to 600 possibly.

Change rating

This post was from Demonized, so maybe he or anyone else who has messed with this can help you if you still have trouble.

Rating Values

It looks like _unit is the selected bomber, so maybe something added to the script:

_unit addEventHandler ["killed", "(_this select 1) addRating 600"];

Edited by panther42

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Either that, or make the civilian part of an OPFOR group.

making them part of an opfor group seems to break the suicide script

I added a opfor officer with 0 probability of presence grouped to the civi

but then the civi doesnt execute the suicide

Ill take a look at the posts by demonized thanks guys

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Give the bomber a rating of at least -2000, and he should become a legit target.

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doesn't that take away from the whole "civilian" suicide bomber effect...

They'll kill him on contact

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doesn't that take away from the whole "civilian" suicide bomber effect...

They'll kill him on contact

So do it when he starts his attack.

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So do it when he starts his attack.

like this ??

// At this point we've found a target (broke out of loop via _looking = false)

// Charge at the target!

_unit SetUnitPos "Up";

_unit SetSpeedMode "Full";

_unit SetCombatMode "Red";

_unit SetBehaviour "Careless";

_unit addRating -2000;

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this addEventHandler ["killed", "(_this select 1) addRating 600"]

added that to every bomber unit in the editors initialization

seems to work best for me

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