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So did anyone else notice that BIS fixed the AI-sees through grass issue and didn't bother telling us?

Go try it now, on the Balota runway or something. You can run into the enemy's sights, drop into the grass, and he won't know where you are when you crawl away. Unless he's standing up, of course, in which case you can try crawling behind one of taller tufts of grass that covers the full height of your helmet.

Doesn't everyone remember how much wailing and gnashing of teeth there was over this issue? One of the most-voted tickets on the bugtracker (first place was warping, how's that for service?) Every day you would get someone moaning how the grass issue was the single biggest flaw in the SP and co-op game, preventing them from enjoying a fair fight against the AI. And at long last, they sneak it into a beta patch and I learn about it months later.

So let's hear it for BI, and what this ticket is really about. Because honestly, now the grass works almost too well. It hides prone people from prone people very well on Utes and Chernarus, but sometimes it makes the AI more blind that it should be. In particular, they should be better at seeing standing opponents when they are lying down. Before I realized what was going on, I spent a lot of time cussing out an AI sniper who wouldn't fire.

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Well Suma said about it before - it works pretty good in Chernarus/Utes ,but there is still a issue in forests

The AI can very easy spot you and starts shooting at you (penetrates all trees in the way) and you have no idea where is the AI ,because you are not able to see them ,but AI magically see you in the forest like it has a flir or something

Another issue is with OA fields where AI sees through and easy kill you

Edited by RobertHammer

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your right with that. i tested it on the runway on Utes. AI cant anymore see trough gras if you lay down! also wonder why they didnt mentioned anything. this thread should be better in the beta section i think. thx for informing us with your observation. this as fix would be epic!

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since you're talking about the effects of grass in game, I take the chance to ask a question that was left unanswered in another thread...

No matter my game setting, I can't make the game to draw grass further away than 20 metres from me. Changing the terrain or objects detail only affect small particulars but not the overall rendering of grass. This means the only problem is having a little grass on your mouth, because as you crouch and aim to shoot a prone enemy 100m away, he will be visible in the middle of a nice green field.

I have tried all options and also the nvidia control panel. My question is: is this intentional? Because I am almost sure that with my old PC I ran the game with low details, but grass was rendered far away and to decrease its rendering distance I had to use VFFPS saver

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since you're talking about the effects of grass in game, I take the chance to ask a question that was left unanswered in another thread...

No matter my game setting, I can't make the game to draw grass further away than 20 metres from me. Changing the terrain or objects detail only affect small particulars but not the overall rendering of grass. This means the only problem is having a little grass on your mouth, because as you crouch and aim to shoot a prone enemy 100m away, he will be visible in the middle of a nice green field.

I have tried all options and also the nvidia control panel. My question is: is this intentional? Because I am almost sure that with my old PC I ran the game with low details, but grass was rendered far away and to decrease its rendering distance I had to use VFFPS saver

Yes it is, let's say it's intentional. I am certain your memory is playing your, since it was never any different. There is a thing called grass layer that makes the far away units look like they are sunken in the terrain (trying to portray the effect the grass would have on them)

On topic:

GJ Suma, really need to test this myself

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Set terrain detail to max to get drawn as far as possible.

With config tweaks you could extend it even further.

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Well Suma said about it before - it works pretty good in Chernarus/Utes ,but there is still a issue in forests

The AI can very easy spot you and starts shooting at you (penetrates all trees in the way) and you have no idea where is the AI ,because you are not able to see them ,but AI magically see you in the forest like it has a flir or something

Gee, that's worst than being seen through the grass...

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Gee, that's worst than being seen through the grass...

I've never experienced that. If there's a problem, it's a problem with the viewblock geometry of trees. As far as I can tell, problems only exist in the upper canopy leaves, which lets the AI see through entire forests sometimes but rarely lets them shoot through it.

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What's that, Panthera?

In my experience, the Utes grass is too hard on the AI. It's understandable given the height of the grass, but not the sparseness.

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