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Having game-breaking problems, bugs and issues with latest ACE2 r595 for OA to the extent it sometimes makes it impossible to play. Can't enter or even see CSW menus upon ace-interaction, can't heal myself, can't hear other players' gunshots and the list goes on.

Would be truly appreciative if someone could point me in the direction of a download of an older release of ACE2 for OA (but not as old as 1.13), even 594, preferrably 593-590 or even the first 1.14 version from 26th October 2012.

Thank you!

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Hey, I'm having a problem with the T-72 where I am unable to see the gun sights. The problem occurs with all T-72 variants, across all factions. When I am in the gunners seat, and not turned out, I am just shown the tanks gun with no way to see where my projectile is going to land at all.(The usual drivers window is how you see this) I have checked through every other base game and added ACE2 tank (I have all the expansions) and no other tank has this issue. The issue is not present in vanilla ARMA 2 CO. I noticed another topic on the Armaholic forums where someone else seemed to be having the issue (but with the M1A1 also), someone replied saying that you need to press the optics key to access the sights. I have tried this and unfortunately it didn't work. I may just be being stupid, but I find it difficult to believe the T-72 does not have gun sights and the T-34 does :). Does anyone have any idea how to fix this issue? (Or whether it is an issue at all:))

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You have to zoom in. That will give you the optics view. Another zoom level is the nightvision.

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I haven't found anything related to this subject, so I am opening this topic before ArmA 3 is released in September. What are the plans for ACE Development, I've heard rumors of them being unmotivated to release a large content pack. Does anyone miss playing with popular equipment???

I've been wondering about this since the Alpha, but never asked. It would seem that if people just randomly released contents in different mods, that it would never be used online. This tells me that someone is going to have to put together a large project or an overhaul for this matter. If there is anyone wanting to do this, let me know... I might be able to assist you. I just sort of miss everything the old ArmA games had, but of course I love ArmA 3 too. If there is anything in store for advanced simulation, don't be shy and share with us

My steam is SW33TF34R, add me if you're interested in this topic.

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The 'unofficial' word is that ACE3 is in development and will be released after the full game release (probably months after.. if not longer). I'm not sure what that entails exactly... I'm sure there will be some content and more likely some mechanics changes... but what exactly no one knows except the ACE devs

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A huge portion of ACE involves us translating models into A3. They haven't released the new tool chain yet, so we need that to really get into a lot of the "big" things.

Also we are going to need lots of help either producing new content or translating that older content.

If people want ACE3 they can harp on BIS to release the A2 MLODs. I know a lot of people involved with ACE are not exactly excited about pretending what the future is, so we'd like to see A2 content, or at least comparable good community content to match the vehicle and unit make up of A2 to some degree (at least the major cold war factions).

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Hey guys, I want to ask, was something changed in vehicles (mainly tanks) animations for main armament recoil? After the update to the latest version via playwithsix I noticed that tanks do not have recoil when firing main guns.

I will try to find out if this can be caused by other mods/addons.


Yup, it seems that the main problem even playing ACE2 without any other mods/addons is that US vehicles, this is M1 tanks, M2 IFV's do not have main weapon recoil.

Edited by Damian90

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A huge portion of ACE involves us translating models into A3. They haven't released the new tool chain yet, so we need that to really get into a lot of the "big" things.

Also we are going to need lots of help either producing new content or translating that older content.

If people want ACE3 they can harp on BIS to release the A2 MLODs. I know a lot of people involved with ACE are not exactly excited about pretending what the future is, so we'd like to see A2 content, or at least comparable good community content to match the vehicle and unit make up of A2 to some degree (at least the major cold war factions).

I know I refuse to live in a world without the SPG-9.

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A huge portion of ACE involves us translating models into A3. They haven't released the new tool chain yet, so we need that to really get into a lot of the "big" things.

Also we are going to need lots of help either producing new content or translating that older content.

If people want ACE3 they can harp on BIS to release the A2 MLODs. I know a lot of people involved with ACE are not exactly excited about pretending what the future is, so we'd like to see A2 content, or at least comparable good community content to match the vehicle and unit make up of A2 to some degree (at least the major cold war factions).

I really wish you guys the best of luck. I too would like to see Arma 2 Units in A3.

I really would like to help you in some way but my coding abilities are limited. But you know that you can rely on me as a tester for the closed Beta again, just like with ACE 2 ;)

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A huge portion of ACE involves us translating models into A3. They haven't released the new tool chain yet, so we need that to really get into a lot of the "big" things.

Also we are going to need lots of help either producing new content or translating that older content.

If people want ACE3 they can harp on BIS to release the A2 MLODs. I know a lot of people involved with ACE are not exactly excited about pretending what the future is, so we'd like to see A2 content, or at least comparable good community content to match the vehicle and unit make up of A2 to some degree (at least the major cold war factions).

Great!!! Thanks for the response Nouber.

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Which board is the most suitable for requesting BIS to release Arma 2's MLODs?

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Is it possible for ACE team to negotiate with RHS about including their models in ACE3? Because their russian models are definitely high quality and on par with NATO models of ArmA3 (if not better)

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I like that idea. Some sort of collaboration between those two teams would be nice!

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1, While checking a tutorial mission I had made for my friends I came across a strange thing:

If I use [this, 0.7] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage in the init field of an AI, he falls to the ground but when I examine him I get the hint "... needs epinephrine. He is not bleeding.", how can I make an AI player bleed? This used to work properly but now it doesn't.

2, If I play as a medic (with the ACE wounding system enabled), I can select "Heal John Doe" action again with the mouse scroll button. Didn't this disappear in one of the ACE updates???

3, I see some explanation about ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage, but I haven't found any about ace_w_setunitdam (only here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?107387-Ace-wounding-system-amp-setdamage) but it doesnt seem to be accurate as setting the damage value to 0.7 does not always make the unit unconscious. What is the difference between the two functions? How can they be used properly?


Edited by b1944

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Is it possible for ACE team to negotiate with RHS about including their models in ACE3? Because their russian models are definitely high quality and on par with NATO models of ArmA3 (if not better)

I thought they already did this for some of the ACE models in A2?

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I think metalcraze is refering to the infantry units. They are much better than the vanilla arma 2 ones

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I think metalcraze is refering to the infantry units. They are much better than the vanilla arma 2 ones

I am unfamiliar with RHS' models. Care to route me to them? :P

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I am unfamiliar with RHS' models. Care to route me to them? :P


http://redhammer.su/ (There is a replacement addon at the bottom of the download page. I like to replaceVanilla Infantry with these units but keep the original Weapons because of ACE)



The Infantry Units are simply awesome

Edited by Tonci87

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Seeing RHS in ACE will be great. Their units and vehicles are first class.

Bug: since last ACE update, sometimes when double clicking a task the map, instead of center on the objective (if setup right by the maker) goes one step towards it instead of all the way to it.

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Is it possible for ACE team to negotiate with RHS about including their models in ACE3? Because their russian models are definitely high quality and on par with NATO models of ArmA3 (if not better)

Doubt it will happen this time.

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Did something go wrong?

What is the current progress on ACE 3? Are you in contact with BIS regarding the Arma 2 MLODs?

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A huge portion of ACE involves us translating models into A3. They haven't released the new tool chain yet, so we need that to really get into a lot of the "big" things.

Also we are going to need lots of help either producing new content or translating that older content.

If people want ACE3 they can harp on BIS to release the A2 MLODs. I know a lot of people involved with ACE are not exactly excited about pretending what the future is, so we'd like to see A2 content, or at least comparable good community content to match the vehicle and unit make up of A2 to some degree (at least the major cold war factions).

Will you release a lite version without new assets but with improved realism and medical?

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hi there.

i would like to say big thnx to the dev team. ace is the best mod!

hope we can get ace3 in near future.

ive some question, maybe its an error with the actual version.

arma 2 co with actual ace beta

editor: 2 pilots, one is player, one is playable, an empty ah64d

both pilots get in the chopper

if player sit in the chopper as pilot and ai sit in as gunner, then player switch to the gunner and activate tads view:

there are problems with the hud of the tads system. the laser range, the time of flight info and some other input are not visible

(laser marker cross for example).

if do it the opposite way: user controlled pilot sit in as gunner, ai as pilot. the gunner hud works as it should (no switch)

switching to pilot, doesnt brake any pilot-hud.

theres something broken in the switching function from the first example. i think both examples should bring back the same results. maybe its a bug, or engine limitations or whatever. please dev team try to fix this!

/ / /

whats planned with the sniping stuff?

the old window for setting up the sight adjustments (input for windage, distance to target, ....) was much better than what

we have now.

actual you dont know whats going on, if you are a ace newbie. the old system had a better handling and design.

is it planned to integrate some ballistic computers for the calculations?

watch this out


i would like to see this app fully usable direct in ace itself.

side by side with a better designed (compareable with the old one) sight adjustment

cant await the release date of ace3

thnx dev team for all youve done so far.



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Hi, I have quick question. I am using ACE + COWARMODACE.

I have tried using the ACE separate firemode/grenade throw keys.

They all seem to work fine, EXCEPT the F firemode select key?

I even changed the default F to Z using the clippi tool to see if there was a key bind issue. Still nothing.

Another thing I noticed is that in some vehicles I am stuck in a 3d look around view mode when I should be looking through the sight/periscope. For example as driver in the bmp, or in the turret in the main gunner position. Sometimes when I move to different positions or turn in I get to the correct view, but other times I am stuck in the 3d view mode looking at a 3d model of the gunsight or view port, but not able to look through it.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Edited by ddave

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