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I'm trying to give a helicopter addon the repair/rearm/refuel feature of ACE (With ACE Interaction Key).

Since the WAGN ACE Documents are outdated (still refers to the UserAction repair/refuel/rearm), some help would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Best regards Mag

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Anyone else having an issue with the BRDM-2 is indestructible. I just started messing with Arma again recently, and I can not destroy the BRDM-2 (empty or occupied, all factions), with the exception of a hellfire shot from a Cobra. Satchel charges, SMAW rounds, and even 7 rds from an M1 Abrams tank will not destroy it. After pumping a few rounds into it, I get out and run to the BRDM, and all systems are green....like it was never even touched.

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Try putting people inside it. They'll probably all die.

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ACE Vehicle Radio Sounds are driving me INSANE.

I do not have the module placed.

From my init.sqf:

    ace_sys_aitalk_enabled = false;                          publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_enabled";
   ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled = false;                    publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled";
   ace_sys_aitalk_talkforplayer = false;                    publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_talkforplayer";

Yet we can still hear them, and they are loud and annoying and not conducive to a good time.

Those guys have been moving through that gully for a long time now, time to clear them out. Halp!

*edit* - Apparently, if ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled is anything other than nil, vehicle radio sounds are enabled. Fixed by commenting (or deleting) the above three lines. This DH ticket was confusing in that the final update, a comment by Alderman, refutes the solution.

I have been complaining about this for a while. Some vars need to be set to true/false to enable/disable while others either nil or defined to anything. Very confusing. This has caught so many people it isn't funny.

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hi so my ace interaction key doesn't work or wont come up.. i don't know why if i try to resign it it still wont come up.. im running ArmA 2 CO 1.62 and ACE Clippi but i still cant fix it do i have to uninstall ace and reinstall it ?? please help :)



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did you guys change anything regarding the gps? For some reason i don't have grid coordinates anymore...Neither on pmc iphone, nor on the default gps.. Or is it one of the latest beta patches..? anyways, it's totally stupid and i wanna fix it.. Any clue?

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Since I had installed the latest OA patch to the game, in-game I get all sorts of scripting-codes displayed in a black field. Like for example when entering or exiting vehicles. Functions aren't lost and work normally though.. And indeed, that Self-Interaction key doesn't work for me either.. Can anyone explain to me what is going wrong here? Is it ACE's latest patch that did it, or is it incompatable with the latest OA patch BIS had issued? It's an immersion-game breaker for me, and a little annoying for it temporarily blocks visibility. Anyways, thanks for the response if anyone does care to do so.

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Any chance of fixing "Unknown" instead of unit name in left lower corner of spectator?

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did you guys change anything regarding the gps? For some reason i don't have grid coordinates anymore...Neither on pmc iphone, nor on the default gps.. Or is it one of the latest beta patches..? anyways, it's totally stupid and i wanna fix it.. Any clue?

reference this: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/72169 from patch 594.


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I am a noobie and trying to learn the game which thus far I have thoroughly enjoyed. I have done the training missions and have ventured into missions proper currently BAF Ad Lib Dems. It is a good mission and I have learnt a great deal. However you have to place a number of satchel charges and the only way I have been able to do it is by placing each one myself using the interaction and self interaction keys. I am unable to get any of the units to place and detonate them at all though I am sure that on one occasion I got an action for a unit to trigger a detonation I have been unable to replicate it in any way. All I get in the action (6 key) menu is a list of 16 different actions but none to do with the satchel charges. I have tried pointing at the unit and at various locations, pressing various keys and combinations, but no luck. I have searched the forums and only found that it is possible, but most discussions deal with editing problems and the interaction keys, none relating to my particular issue. Grateful if someone could help as its proving frustrating. I am sure it must be something simple I am omitting or a sub mod I may be missing.

I have ArmA2 Combined Ops with the ACE 1.13 mods (only) installed and used 6 updater and ArmA Launcher.



Did this question ever get answered, I also have this prob?

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How does the SOFLAM laser designator work in ArmA2 with ACE installed? We've got an A-10 flying over some target tanks, a guy on the hill lasing the target (we've tried laser codes 1001 and 1688), but the bombs don't land on the laser.

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How does the SOFLAM laser designator work in ArmA2 with ACE installed? We've got an A-10 flying over some target tanks, a guy on the hill lasing the target (we've tried laser codes 1001 and 1688), but the bombs don't land on the laser.

pretty much like in real life AFAICT, the laser reflects off of your target in an arc, so the pilot has to be inside a certain area to be able to lock on. the easiest way to do it is to fly in on your target from behind the guy on the hill lasing the tanks.

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Sorry guys, Im having a problem. ACE Menus don't open, I use left Windows key and Menu key. How can I do?

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Very interesting nouber, how do you control the missile?

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The WASD keys, haha.

Any chance to move this to the arrow keys? Lets say you play SP and you have an AI driver, WASD are the keys you absolutely wouldn't want to touch while controling a missile

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Any chance to move this to the arrow keys? Lets say you play SP and you have an AI driver, WASD are the keys you absolutely wouldn't want to touch while controling a missile

You can't move a vehicle while guiding even a Tow.

For this case it might be better to use an analogue of that Paladin movement lock system to freeze the vehicle in place.

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Any idea where to get ACE2 for OA 1.14, r590 or older (up to 1.14 RC1 from 26-10-12)? The link on ACE site doesn't work, it says:

"Page not found

The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed."


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Having problems with ACE for one or two weeks now (have newest update through Six - r595):

- can't enter crew served weapon menus or even interact with items or other equipment

- sometimes can't heal myself (no option in self-interaction) even though I'm a medic

- when using LEA the primary weapon that should be put on back is not there

- can't hear gunshots from other players in mp even though they use vanilla or ace weapons

After deleting my version and reinstalling 1.13 I confirmed it is indeed the problem with the latest update, thus looking for some older version of ACE, but not as old as 1.13. r590 would be ideal.


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